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Summer 2024 Was The Hottest On Record Spelling Bad News For The Climate (Videos)

Global Temperatures Keep Getting Hotter

September 24. 2024

This past summer was the hottest on record. Two years in a row the world has set new records regarding temperatures. Yet some do not believe a climate issue is occurring and one that poses a threat to humanity. Higher global temperatures results in warmer waters and stronger hurricanes, which in turn creates more loss of life and property.

This year we saw the monstrous Hurricane Beryl, which claimed many lives in multiple nations and caused billions in property loss. Hurricane Beryl hit Category 5 status and wreaked havoc in the Caribbean and America, killing 70 people and costing $7 billion in damage. Once again, warmer temperatures also means the same for the ocean. Warmer waters intensify hurricanes, making them more potent and dangerous.

Last month in America massive flooding occurred in the northeast again, confirming my previous site claims from 2022 about subsidence (Yellowstone Floods In Unprecedented Climate Event Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)" and "Hollywood And The FBI Are Criminally Engaging In Slavery").

Greenhouse gases are only a part of the problem. There is a breach in the earth that is causing more heat to get inside, leading to warmer temperatures. Until that breach is repaired and emissions brought under control, the climate on earth will get exponentially worse. The world is also in danger of terrible solar flares that could knock out power worldwide, due to said breach. More on this in a future article.

Side Bar: Stupid, greedy, corrupt people like the FBI are criminally impeding solutions to the climate problem for sick reasons they should be locked up for, because their primary concern is the rich, who are greatly causing these problems.


Heat killed a record number of Americans last year

Updated Mon, August 26, 2024 at 4:45 PM EDT - As the planet warms, heat-related deaths are increasing in the U.S., according to a new study that looked at federally reported data since 1999. More Americans died from heat in 2023 than any year in over two decades of records, according to the findings published Monday. Last year was also the globe's hottest year on record, the latest grim milestone in a warming trend fueled by climate change. The study, published in the American Medical Association journal JAMA, found that 2,325 people died from heat in 2023. Researchers admit that number is likely an undercount.

The research adjusted for a growing and aging U.S. population, and found the death toll was still staggering. “The current trajectory that we’re on, in terms of warming and the change in the climate, is starting to actually show up in increased deaths,” lead author Jeffrey Howard, an associate professor of public health at the University of Texas at San Antonio, told USA TODAY. “That’s something that we hadn’t had measured before.”

This past July was among the hottest months on record. Howard – along with researchers from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, in Maryland, and Pennsylvania State University – examined death certificate data between 1999 and 2023. Deaths were counted if heat was listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death. Reported deaths remained relatively flat until around 2016, when the number of people dying began increasing, in what Howard, who studies health effects from extreme weather, calls a “hockey stick.” The hockey stick analogy has been used to describe warming global temperatures caused by climate change, where temperatures have swooped upward at alarming rates in recent years.



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