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Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Twitter Case Regarding The FBI Using The Social Networking Site To Secretly Spy On People And Silence Dissent

March 21. 2024

FBI Director Christopher Wray

Previously, I broke the story regarding the FBI illegally spying on people on social networking, which was later proven true (Elon Musk And Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt Expose FBI Corruption Regarding The Law Enforcement Agency Meddling In And Controlling Twitter Which Confirms Previous Site Claims). 4-years later the case made its way to the Supreme Court, who declined to hear the matter in January 2024, in favor of the corrupt, clandestine FBI, who have no accountability in America anymore.

The FBI is again fraudulently citing national to cover up their criminal violations of the Constitution and U.S. Code. This has become a common practice at the lawless law enforcement agency and an embarrassment to the U.S. government, as the nation and world can see the FBI is a law unto themselves. The FBI is breaking every law on the books and with impunity.


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