Texas And Mississippi Rebel From Dr. Fauci And
The CDC In Completely Reopening Their States And Abandoning Mask
March 3. 2021

Joe Biden
The U.S. states of Texas and Mississippi have
announced they will fully reopen their states now, in defiance of
the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) and pandemic specialist,
Dr. Anthony Fauci. Texas and Mississippi have announced all
businesses and schools will reopen, and mask mandates abandoned.
U.S. President Joe Biden has slammed the decision,
labeling it "Neanderthal thinking." Even with America being
vaccinated at a rapid speed, the CDC and Dr. Fauci have publicly
expressed Americans should continue to social distance, wash hands
frequently and wear masks to impede the spread of the coronavirus
Former President Donald Trump Slams
President Joe Biden As Senile Over His Claim He Started Vaccinations In
Former President Donald Trump Was
Far Sicker With The Coronavirus Than The Public Knew Confirming Previous
Site Claims