The Coronavirus Is Posing A Massive Threat To The
American EconomyMarch 28. 2020

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the head of Congress
The deadly coronavirus (Covid-19) that
seemingly came out of nowhere and turned the U.S.
economy upside down in a matter of a mere few weeks, is
poised to do even more damage to corporate America (The Coronavirus Has Sent America
Into A Financial Crisis). The virus poses the biggest threat to
the American economy since the Great Depression, which
changed the American way of life.
If handled incorrectly, the coronavirus
outbreak has the potential to strip away America's
position as the top economy in the world and cause it to
fall by the wayside. Yes, the outbreak is that serious
of a crisis for America. Not only has the virus killed
people, it's killing the economy as well.
The most important thing is the
preservation of human life. Proper quarantines are
necessary, along with new medical guidelines and
stronger national protocols. Plainly put, the choice is
between saving lives or the economy. Congress is facing
some very hard political conundrums, the likes of which
they have never seen before.
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Boris Johnson
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