The Daily Mail Is Actively Engaging In
Hacking, Phone Hacking And Wiretapping
Their Sales Have Fallen 15% This Year
November 30. 2011
The Daily Mail newspaper in Britain is not owned by Rupert Murdoch’s
News Corp, which is currently embroiled in a terrible phone hacking scandal
that I broke first via filing a police complaint, but they are committing
the same crimes as well, which I will illustrate in this article, as I am
sick of that newspaper and their privacy intrusions that continue to this
Once again, the common denominator in all of this, with emphasis on the
word common, is Madonna. Her unlawful behavior is what alerted me to the
criminal misconduct of her fellow Kabbalah member, Rupert Murdoch and his
News Corp company, which triggered the aforementioned 2005 Metropolitan Police
complaint I filed,
blowing the whistle on their perverse conduct spying on people, via illegal
practices, such as phone hacking.
I’ve been writing online for several months that the Daily Mail is also
involved in criminal phone hacking, among other things (as is the BBC). Shortly after I wrote said articles on
the Judiciary Report, regarding the Daily Mail, lawmakers and legal
authorities in London, England publicly stated the criminal practice of
phone hacking has been occurring at other newspapers as well and is not
solely confined to those belonging to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.
I noticed the criminal phone hacking regarding the Daily Mail more
recently and their behavior, in tandem with ringleader and pervert Madonna,
has become very arrogant, intrusive and downright disgusting. It began
happening after I would lawfully and publicly quote or link to items from
the Daily Mail UK on the Judiciary Report, a practice most journalists and
bloggers do regarding a number of sites, as allowed by law.
However, Madonna and the Kabbalah
Center, who are under criminal
investigation by two federal agencies in America (the IRS and supposedly the
FBI), read my websites everyday,
as attested by site statistics. I have noticed, when I write about certain
people or topics or link to a website, Madonna and Kabbalah publicly hire
for a project or try to
rope the person into their religious cult or begin placing paid items on
that site/publication about themselves, along with copyright infringing
items contained in the pieces.
Next it turned into arrogantly printing items in the Daily Mail attributing
them to Madonna and or the newspaper, that were criminally lifted from my
previous business and personal phone calls and text messages VERBATIM (word
for word). In short, they began turning my emails, text messages and phone
calls they wiretapped into Madonna articles in the Daily Mail. They've done
this dozens of times.
It is being done utilizing the dirty practice of phone hacking
and illegal wiretapping, crimes Madonna and Kabbalah's private investigator
in America, Anthony Pellicano went to prison
for, prompting them to hire new
snoops, such as Gavin De Becker, who is actively breaking the law in several
For example, I copyrighted an item for a forthcoming patent called the
"Seeing Eye Phone" with the Library of Congress, which is a device
whose goal is to help blind people, see via a specialized ray of vision from
the phone's camera and an additional apparatus. The name I chose "Seeing Eye
Phone" comes from the term "seeing eye dog" which blind
people use as a guide to walk around town. I also did what experts refer to
as a "poor man’s copyright" where you can text, email or mail an
item to yourself, which serves as an instant copyright that is good in
international courts of law, as recognized by the United Nations and its
I sent myself a private text messages to my private email box for my
website as a
reminder about the "Seeing Eye Phone." I get so many ideas all
the time, so some of them I text or email to my main email box when I have
no paper handy to jot them down or text a reminder to my main email
box I am in off, regarding a previous item (a
reminder to work on the previously copyrighted item some more).
I sent a text from my phone to my email box regarding the "Seeing Eye Phone" as a
reminder, as it is an item that I copyrighted and had previously placed a
time stamp on via a third method of proving authorship and the date thereof. The date on
my text message
to my email box is June 4, 2011:

ONE MONTH LATER on July 5, 2011, the Daily Mail in conjunction with
Madonna, after engaging in phone hacking and hacking, passed on my previous,
private text
message I'd sent to my email box about the "Seeing Eye Phone" to someone at
Oxford University in England, who is dishonestly and fraudulently taking credit for it in conduct that
constitutes a string of criminal felonies in three nations.
Here is a screen cap of the the Daily Mail
article dated July 5, 2011, announcing the rip-off of my "Seeing Eye
Phone" they have begun working on at Oxford University, via a
questionable device that ALSO uses a "camera" and "phone" to
help "blind people see" month after CRIMINALLY stealing it from my
text message/email box via phone hacking:

A screen cap of the July 5, 2011 Daily Mail article one
month after they stole the device from my text message/email box via phone
hacking in conjunction with Madonna.
As mentioned previous, chronic
thief Madonna and her criminal conduct regarding copyright theft,
among other things,
has interfered with the release of my forthcoming cancer and AIDS patents,
regarding improving human health and prolonging life (click
here for more information).
It's a very dangerous thing they are doing, regarding a
fool like
Madonna, with the IQ of a piece of plywood, attempting to play around with
health and science items she and her fellow fools do not understand. When one steals a copyrighted piece of entertainment, such as a song,
as Madonna so frequently does then illegally takes credit for, the work is devalued and damaged and the true owner defrauded, via the
Hollywood practice of changing a line or two in a vain bid to camouflage
the theft. However, when one attempts to steal a health and science
product and plays around with it, in bids at concealing the theft, innocent
sick people could die when idiots start trying to alter elements
Knowing the arrogant fool Madonna is, she will try to bribe someone,
as she has been outed for doing in the past, while thinking nothing will
come of her criminal conduct, but mark my words, everything is going to
come of it where the law is concerned, especially regarding this latest incident.
Side Bar: Another item of note. I've observed items from me and
my family's preexisting emails, medical records on my computer and phone
calls to doctors and nurses, in relation to our physical health, later
criminally excerpted word for word in the Daily Mail on several occasions,
for medical articles in their newspaper, which is
abominable. It also constitutes gross and egregious criminal violations of
I've saved all the offending medical articles and infringing articles
about Madonna from the Daily
Mail (and Murdoch's newspapers) and will make them public along with my
private, preexisting emails, texts and other time stamped items for
comparison, to show you the public, how much these animals have violated me and my
family in their greed and quest for money. The evidence is irrefutable and
Ladies and gentlemen, this is what you get when you buy papers like the
Daily Mail and those belonging to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp - criminal
invasion of privacy violating innocent people for profit.
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