The FBI Continues To Engage In
Warrantless Spying For Political And Financial
Reasons That Criminally Violate U.S. Law
May 1. 2021

FBI Director Christopher Wray
This week I wrote about mainstream
reports regarding the Federal Bureau of
Investigation's warrantless spying on Americans,
which is being conducted in criminal violation of
the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code (FBI Caught Criminally Spying On
Americans Without A Warrant Again Whom They Have
Labeled Racial Terrorists For Being In Black Lives
Matter, MAGA Or Antifa).
Prior to the aforementioned,
external mainstream press articles, I was the first
to publicly warn that the FBI was spying on groups
such as Black Lives Matter for illegal reasons (FBI
Has Been Spying On Black Lives Matter As I Previously Stated
Online). I was also the first to break the
story regarding the
Patriot Act Abuses.
I would like to delve more into the
issue of the FBI spying on people for financial and
political reasons. I know for a fact the FBI has
been engaging in warrantless spying via illegal
wiretaps and phone hacking, as well as break-ins to
homes, offices, universities, gyms and computer
repair shops, among other places of business.
The FBI has gone into businesses,
fraudulently citing serious law enforcement matters,
telling them the room needs to be cleared of all
people except them. All so FBI agents could secretly
break into desk drawers, safes, filing cabinets,
computers and lockers, among other things, to obtain
files and information they could not receive through
a proper, court issued warrant.
These files and other information
were illegal obtained in different instances by the
FBI for political and or financial gain. Why you
ask? Because the FBI could not go to a federal judge
and ask them to sign a warrant to allow the agency
to invasively spy on public figures, such as
politicians, for political gain (and blackmail). The
politician has to have broken the law, with evidence
presented to the court illustrating this fact, for
the judge to sign a warrant permitting the FBI to
spy on said politicians.
I will cite another example, the FBI
illegally spied on inventors without a warrant,
copying their work and forwarding it to large
American corporations for undue financial gain,
because those losers think that's how you build a
successful economy.
We've seen other examples of the FBI
stealing from the poor and giving to the rich (Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey
Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out
Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And Patents To
Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then
Stonewalled Congress Regarding It).
The FBI has broken into private
offices, small labs and universities in America (and
abroad), among other places, then stolen
intellectual property they later passed on to large
companies in corporate America, for undue financial
The Justice Department knows about
the FBI's criminal behavior in this regard, but
looks the other way to it. The European Union and
others in the international community have also been
victimized by this criminal behavior by the FBI and
CIA, and have publicly complained (Spying
to Steal). When it comes down to it, the FBI
are a corrupt, sociopathic bunch of thieves.
I will cite another example. Years
ago, after a bad computer hack damaged one of my PCs
and an external hard drive (malware surreptitiously
planted on one of my PCs that connected to the
internet, to target my flash drive that was being
used to transfer items from the internet PC to the
offline laptop and PC, which did not connect to the
internet for security reasons).
I took the PC and external hard
drive to a computer repair shop in Miami, Florida.
What should have taken a short amount of time,
turned into something far more time consuming than
it needed to be. After about an hour of waiting, all
of a sudden the computer repair shop owner told me
he needed to close the store for a few hours and I
needed to come back that night.
I thought it odd, but due to the
fact I needed the units repaired, I said okay. I
didn't wander too far though, as it was far from
where I lived. Not long after, the FBI arrived at the
computer repair shop and illegally copied my
external hard drive and PC hard drive at the
computer repair shop. They thought I didn't know
what they did that day.
Was there anything bad on my PC and
external hard drive that they needed to copy for law
enforcement reasons? No! However, for security
reasons, after Madonna's commissioned hacks to copy
and steal Library of Congress registered copyrights
on my computer,
in a matter that later went to Congress, I
had stopped authoring copyrights on computer units
that connect to the internet. Many companies with
valuable intellectual property also do not work on
proprietary items on computers that connect to the
internet, to protect them from hacking, copying and
subsequent infringement.
The FBI, who has been helping
Hollywood and others in corporate America steal from
smaller copyright and patent holders, as seen above
in the
Lockheed Martin case that went to
Congress due to the flagrant FBI's corruption, the
agency wanted to circumvent my security procedures
by copying the hard drives at the computer repair
shop, then criminally infringing them how they see
fit, spreading it around wherever they felt like in
corporate America and the U.S. government. I've seen
my preexisting copyrights end up at the Department
of Energy,
and NASA, without my consent.
The FBI could not go to a federal
judge and state they need a warrant to break into my
computers to copy and criminally infringe
intellectual property I authored, to steal it from
me for undue financial gain in corporate America.
Imagine the eyebrows that judicial warrant would
raise in courts all over America and the world, in
viewing that disgraceful level of corruption,
treachery and common, gutter trash theft by the FBI
and Hollywood.
After that incident, I don't like
leaving my computers at repair shops nor do I leave
laptops or hard drives in lockers of any kind while
in a public place. If a computer breaks, I repair it

Ugly madwoman Madonna
They've become so desperate to steal
my newer, private works, that
Madonna's hackers
have again started engaging in what is known as
"electronic harassment." As stated previously on the
site, one of Madonna's hackers, Randy Vaughn, works
for a U.S. government contractor, Fluor, as an
engineer, where he is responsible for conducting
electricity. Randy Vaughn is also a hacker that sent
me a death threat on Madonna's behalf.
I used court subpoenas to trace it
back to him and obtain his real name, after on
Madonna's orders he sent me an email calling me a
"deranged nigger" while whining about ugly, old
Madonna, and threatening to burn me alive in a house
fire (which he later tried to do, in what began an
electric fire in my home via suspicious power surges
targeting the one computer I had on and plugged in
at the time). It resulted in litigation with the
light company in
Florida over the
damage it caused.
More recently, he sent power surges
in attempts at nuking the power source of my
external hard drives. As many of these drives come
with encryption, they are not supposed to be
accessed without great care. If you try to access an
external hard drive the wrong way, some have a
feature that will erase the files on it for security
and privacy reasons.
The goal of the power surges
targeting the private external hard drives was the
hope I would send it to a repair shop again or the
manufacturer, for repair. I contacted the
manufacturer via email for instructions on how to
retrieve the data from the electricity/power surge
fried drives myself, but they kept insisting I
send them the drives, which contains private,
unreleased intellectual property.
Ironically, the
manufacturer kept insisting they would fix the drives
for free and do a data retrieval (while other people
have been quoted prices of several hundred dollars
to do a repair and data retrieval).
However, remembering what happened
the last time I had an external drive repaired years
prior, I politely declined the manufacturer's free
offer. Because the next thing you know the FBI would
show up and illegally copy the copyrights on the
drive again, then infringe its contents once again
in tandem with Hollywood and others in the corporate
sector, like a bunch of sniveling, dirty
For them to be criminally stealing
from me and exploiting me on a constant basis, like
parasites and leeches, unquestionably sends the
message they think the slavetrade that built the
country 400-years-ago is still in full effect. The
FBI is a white supremacist law enforcement agency,
who has Nazis and KKK members in its ranks. The FBI
has been sued by many people, including some of its
few employees of color, for racist, abusive and
discriminatory acts.
Therefore, rather than send the hard
drives in for repair, I bought an inexpensive hard
drive dock and retrieved all the data myself, after
Madonna's hackers recently fried two external hard
drives containing proprietary intellectual property.
They have sent so many power surges
to my place this month, in the space of three days,
the fluorescent lights in the kitchen had to be
replaced TWICE and the power fixed/reset to the whole
place. The surges are so bad, they are bypassing the
surge protectors and presenting a fire risk. This is
the same criminal misconduct that they've engaged in
at the past three places I have lived. They are
disgusting psychopaths and losers to go to such sick
Madonna's commissioned criminal
behavior has been flaring up against me to vile
extremes this year, despite the fact I have
consistently avoid her and her Hollywood cult. They
keep trying to get me to meet them at places when I
don't want anything to do with them. I don't want to
know them and I don't want to hear from them.
Madonna has gotten crazier and more
desperate than ever. Madonna's commissioned, illegal
wiretapping, phone hacking, computer hacking, cult
members stalking me in public, harassing phone calls
to my private phone number as well as that of my
mother, and interfering in my university education
in criminal violation of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, has reached completely psychotic extremes.
She's spying on all my time stamped
emails, time stamped online purchases, and internet
searches, then publicly using them all verbatim for
articles she and her assistant write and send to
sites such as the Daily Mail UK, among others, to be
illegally published in violation of privacy laws.
She's paying to have these invasive, illegal
articles placed that come from time stamped items I
have saved back ups of, which shows where she stole
them from. She is pathetic and I'm going to release
time stamped evidence I have saved regarding her
insane, invasive misconduct.
Remember, I had originally contacted
the FBI regarding Madonna and her private
investigator, Anthony Pellicano, wiretapping and
terrorizing me and others in the entertainment
industry. They even engaged in attempted murder, in
trying to run me over with vehicles, which the
Justice Department later revealed at his criminal
trial, was a tactic he used to harm people that
stars in Hollywood paid him $100,000 per person to
insanely target.
The FBI arrested Madonna's private
investigator, but let her and others like Tom Cruise
go, among others, as the agency doesn't make a point
of arresting celebrities in Hollywood. However,
Madonna simply switched to other private
investigators to do her criminal conduct, such as
illegal wiretapping, phone hacking, computer
hacking, stalking, harassment and threats, among
other things.
Madonna has many private
investigators on her payroll, as did her fellow
Kabbalah cultist, Harvey Weinstein (Rapist Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance By
Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence His Victims).
She has private investigators breaking the law in
America, Britain and Europe, against innocent people
she is insanely targeting.
Madonna's behavior is so out of
control, she continues to spy on her ex-husband, his
new wife and their young children in sick ways (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Madonna is also criminally spying on
Premier League footballers in England, due to how
rich, famous and influential they are all over the
world. She has been bragging about her sick behavior
in Hollywood and word is getting around once again.
Previously, I broke the UK phone hacking scandal
first, via a police complaint I sent to the
Metropolitan Police in London, England. They need to
put a stop to her illegal spying in Britain. It is
mushrooming into something very bad from her that is
going to turn into a massive global scandal.
Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Is Engaging
In Sexual Assault, Rape And Pedophilia In A Problem That Is Pervasive In
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI
File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case
(Congressional Documents)