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 The FBI Is Violating The Constitution In Going Door To Door Harassing And Intimidating People Over Free Speech On Social Networking

April 3. 2024

FBI Director Christopher Wray

The FBI is being slammed on social networking for behaving like Nazi police, in going door to door in America, harassing and bullying people over lawful free speech. The insane Biden administration has been using the FBI as its personal Gestapo police to abuse political rivals and attempt to squash dissent. However, many people are going public with the story on social networking, drawing condemnation of the lawless law enforcement agency.

One woman lawfully called for her cousin's alleged rapist to be incarcerated. The FBI took offense and showed up on her doorstep. Another lady posted anti-Israel comments, in favor of Palestine, and the FBI showed up on her doorstep. Last year, a pro-black vlogger made comments lawfully criticizing the FBI, and they showed up on his doorstep. Each incident comes across as a bully tactic to intimidate and silence people. Not a good look in a democracy. It is also a waste of taxpayer money, as death threats or threats of violence were not made.

It's quite telling that Nikolas Cruz threatened to shoot up a high school, then went on to do just that at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, even though the FBI were given credible, detailed tips, but failed to stop him (it is illegal to issue terroristic threats in America, as Cruz did prior to the Parkland mass shooting). However, if you go on Twitter and state you want a rapist to be locked up, express the view you don't agree with Israel killing Palestinians and dislike them for it, or slam President Biden's stupid political policies that are destroying America, you can get a nasty visit from the FBI if they see the item online. That's censoring free speech.


Agent says FBI interrogates Americans about social media posts ‘every day, all day long

The Washington Times - Saturday, March 30, 2024 - FBI agents recently told an Oklahoma woman, confronted at her door, that the bureau sends agents to question Americans about their social media posts “all day long” in an “effort to keep everybody safe.” Stillwater resident Rolla Abdeljawad took a video of her conversation, later posted on X by her attorney Hassan Shibly, with the agents, who arrived at her home last week.

The video shows them telling her that Facebook submitted screenshots of her posts to the agency. Ms. Abdeljawad told them she didn’t want to speak to them without her lawyer and demanded they show their FBI credentials, but they refused. She later wrote on Facebook that she confirmed with local police that the men who appeared at her home were indeed FBI agents, reported Fox News. “Facebook gave us a couple of screenshots of your account,” one agent said in the video...




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