The FBI Rigged Another
Terrorism Case Inducing And Setting Up A Mentally
Incapacitated Cuban Immigrant
September 8. 2017

Left to right: former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI
Director Robert S. Mueller and former President Barack Obama
This is a follow up to the August 22, 2017 Judiciary Report
article "The FBI
Caught Rigging Terror Cases Again In An Ongoing Pattern Of
Criminal Behavior (Video)." The article was in reference
to an exposé on the award winning television show "60 Minutes" which exposed the
fact the FBI rigged a terrorism case in leading along and prompting two men into
committing an act of Jihadi terrorism, but it was intercepted by police in
Texas, who saved many lives. The undercover FBI agent who was at the scene
waiting for their stooges to commit the act of terror, was arrested by local
police as he tried to flee.
The FBI has been caught red-handed rigging another terror case.
The FBI did their best to pressure Cuban immigrant Harlem Suarez into committing
a Jihadi terrorist act, but he backed out at the last minute and was arrested by
the corrupt law enforcement agency. Suarez was deprived of oxygen at birth,
leading to him being born with blue skin. He has cognitive issues the FBI
exploited in leading him along in a terror plot they concocted through their
undercover agent and informant, Mohammed Skaik.
After Suarez posted IS videos on Facebook, the FBI used Mohammed
Skaik to send him a message on the social networking website. The Intercept
website reported, "The FBI assisted Harlem Suarez in making a jihadi video."
Skaik "prodded" and urged Suarez to make a bomb and commit a terror attack. Then
they arrested him.
There is a difference between finding a terrorist and actually
creating one as the FBI has been doing to get more congressional funding and
keep the deranged agency open. This treachery is also present in the FBI's
sister agency, the murderous CIA, who are so evil they will do anything for
money and power, such as selling crack cocaine to poor blacks and Hispanics in
Los Angeles during the 1980s.
It spread and led to the crack cocaine epidemic in
America that killed many people. For more information on the subject read:
Bernie Sanders Expresses Concern About The CIA's Illegal
International Conduct (CIA Accused Of Torturing Innocent
Children To Get Information From Their Parents).
Previously, the Judiciary Report wrote about the FBI rigging
cases via inducing and setting up stooges to commit acts of violence and terror,
to enable the agency to go into Congress and demand more taxpayer money in
funding. The FBI is insanely creating terrorists in psychotic attempts at
proving they are needed and their work warrants billions of dollars more in
taxpayer money.
This scam, as initiated by former FBI Director Robert S.
Mueller, who embezzled a fortune in taxpayer money that went missing during
their technology upgrade, is to blame. The Inspector General found millions of
taxpayer dollars the FBI demanded and received from Congress was misappropriated
and stolen under Mueller.
The FBI has even allowed terrorists attacks to happen in
America. As published in respected publications the British government, Russian
government and concerned private citizens gave the FBI credible tips in advance
on the September 11th terrorists, the Detroit Underwear bomber, the Boston
Marathon bombers and the San Bernardino terrorists, among others and the FBI
deliberately ignored the warnings, which caused thousands of people to die
gruesome deaths.
This is not helped by the fact that many government officials,
agents and military experts are openly stating in the international community
that Al Qaeda and ISIS are terrorist organizations started, trained and funded
by the CIA:
Obama Administration Loses $500 Million Dollars In Taxpayer Money As
Rebels They Trained Give U.S. Weapons And Equipment To Al Qaeda In
Obama Administration Policy Led To Homeland Security Not Checking
Social Networking Pages Of Terrorists Coming Into America
Obama Tried To Topple Bashir Assad And Install ISIS As Head Of
Syrian Government But Was Overruled By A U.S. Army General
Obama Administration Being Slammed By Americans For Refusing To
Label San Bernardino Killings Terrorism
Donald Trump States Obama Is Not Trying To Fight ISIS Which Is
The General Global Consensus
Russia: Obama Is Protecting ISIS
The Unlikely Jihadi
The FBI Pressured a Lonely Young Man Into a Bomb Plot.
He Tried to Back Out. Now He’s Serving Life in Prison. Harlem Suarez was an
unlikely jihadi.
When he was born in Cuba, Suarez had blue skin. His fragile
brain had been deprived of oxygen, a tragedy his family points to in explaining
his lifelong social and intellectual challenges. As a child, Suarez also
suffered several significant head injuries, including being struck by a brick
and falling off motorcycles without a helmet on.
His parents brought him to Key
West, Florida, in 2004, when he was 12 years old. He struggled in the public
education system and dropped out of high school. He then took odd jobs in Key
West — stocking store shelves, cleaning up restaurants, working in kitchens.
Even after more than a decade in the United States, he spoke English without
In 2015, seeing reports about the Islamic State on cable news,
Suarez became intrigued by the terrorist group, he explained to an FBI
informant. He was 23 years old at the time and still living in Key West. He was
slender and fit, with tattoos covering his chest, stomach, and arms. He wore his
brown hair cropped close to his scalp, and a goatee covered the bottom of his
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