The FBI Sued For Stealing Hundreds Of
Millions Of Dollars In Civil War Era Gold
A Law Enforcement Agency Of Thieves
June 16. 2022

FBI Director Christopher Wray
Previously on the site I wrote about
the FBI stealing patents worth billions (Former FBI
Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey
Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company
Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed
Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It).
Previously I also wrote about the FBI stealing
copyrights worth billions (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
I additionally wrote about the FBI stealing gold,
cash and jewelry (Judge Issues Restraining Order
Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally
Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business and
FBI Agents Steal
Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant).
The FBI even stole valuable items
from the September 11th terrorist attack site in New
York. One of their own agents outed them on this in
the New York Post newspaper. There was a scandal at
the time of the tragedy, regarding FBI agents
stealing expensive items, including artifacts, from
the rubble. The FBI was supposed to be investigating
the September 11th terrorist attack their agency
allowed to happen, after FBI headquarters was warned
70 times by FBI agent Harry Samit that suspected
terrorist, Zacarias Moussaoui, was training to do
something terrible. Samit was told to stand down
(because September 11th was an inside job, done by
Osama Bin Laden, whom the BBC in London proved is a
CIA employee and asset).
Now comes word the FBI has been sued
this month over another matter regarding stealing hundreds of millions of dollars in gold.
The lawsuit
has brought the matter to light in the press. Two
treasure hunters (Dennis Parada and his son Kem Parada),
with the assistance of a scientist, informed the FBI
of their belief there was Civil War era gold buried
beneath the earth in Pennsylvania.
The statements were based on
scientific data on an enormous mass under the
ground, which indicated it has the properties of
gold. The gold is believed to be, "Lost or stolen
during the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg." The Paradas
were entitled to a finder's fee for bringing it to
the attention of the FBI/U.S. government.
The men took the FBI to the site.
Preparatory work had begun regarding excavation.
They had begun digging. However, the men said the
FBI secretly came back to the site and quickly
excavated the gold. The FBI then stopped returning
their calls and refused to release items on the
matter under the Freedom of Information Act when
requests were made.
The men sued regarding the matter
and now the FBI is being accused of criminally lying
to the federal judge presiding over the case. The
NPR website reported, "The agency has adamantly denied it found anything.
The treasure hunters say the FBI has consistently
stonewalled. 'For the FBI to now say it has no videotapes of the
dig strains credulity and takes this whole affair to
the next level,' Warren Getler, who has worked
closely with Finders Keepers, said Monday. 'We have
incontrovertible photographic evidence of them
videotaping the dig and interviewing their
operational leader at the site. It raises a lot of
serious questions.'"
The FBI are greedy, treacherous,
sinister, evil and wicked people. They steal from
the public, as mentioned in the links above. They
misappropriate and steal taxpayer money from
Congress (many millions of dollars went missing
under former FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, as
noted in Inspector General reports regarding the
FBI's failed, multi-billion dollar computer system).
The FBI are not to be trusted. They
even betray the rights of children (The FBI's Deliberate Criminal
Negligence And Obstruction Of Justice In The USA Gymnastics Case That
Allowed Underage Gymnasts To Be Raped And Sexually Assaulted Exhibits A
Pattern Of Criminal Behavior Present In Other Sex Crime Cases Such As
Those Concerning Madonna And Hollywood (Video)). Any group of
people who have no regard for children and can look
the other way to them being viciously molested, will
have no regard for you or your family. The FBI are
greedy, worthless mercenaries who only care about
money and so-called power.
Sanctions sought against FBI over
gold dig videos
Jun 14, 2022 - The FBI either lied to a federal
judge about having video of its secretive 2018 dig
for Civil War-era gold, or illegally destroyed the
video to prevent a father-son team of treasure
hunters from gaining access to it, an attorney for
the duo asserted in new legal filings that allege a
government cover-up.
The FBI has long insisted its agents recovered
nothing of value when they went looking for the
fabled gold cache. But Finders Keepers, a
treasure-hunting company that led agents to the
remote woodland site in Pennsylvania in hopes of
getting a finder’s fee, suspect the FBI found tons
of gold and made off with it.
After Finders Keepers began pressing the government
for information about the dig, the FBI initially
said it could produce 17 relevant video files. Then,
without explanation, the FBI reduced that number to
four. Last week, under court order, the agency
finally revealed what it said were the contents of
those four videos — and it turns out all had been
provided to the FBI by Finders Keepers co-owner
Dennis Parada himself, weeks before the dig, at a
time when he was offering his evidence for buried
Treasure hunters allege the FBI made off with Civil
War-era gold and covered it up
June 13, 20227:17 PM ET - The FBI either lied to a
federal judge about having video of its secretive
2018 dig for Civil War-era gold, or illegally
destroyed the video to prevent a father-son team of
treasure hunters from gaining access to it, an
attorney for the duo asserted in new legal filings
that allege a government cover-up.
The FBI has long insisted its agents recovered
nothing of value when they went looking for the
fabled gold cache. But Finders Keepers, a
treasure-hunting company that led agents to the
remote woodland site in Pennsylvania in hopes of
getting a finder's fee, suspect the FBI found tons
of gold and made off with it...
FBI accused of "covering up" a secretive dig for
Civil War-era gold in Pennsylvania
June 13, 2022 / 2:03 PM - The FBI either lied to a
federal judge about having video of its secretive
2018 dig for Civil War-era gold in Pennsylvania, or
illegally destroyed the video to prevent a
father-son team of treasure hunters from gaining
access to it, an attorney for the duo asserted in
new legal filings that allege a government cover-up.
According to local lore, the gold was lost or stolen
during the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg.
The FBI has long insisted its agents recovered
nothing of value when they went looking for the
fabled gold cache. But Finders Keepers, a
treasure-hunting company that led agents to the
remote woodland site in Pennsylvania in hopes of
getting a finder's fee, suspect the FBI found tons
of gold and made off with it.
After Finders Keepers began pressing the government
for information about the dig, the FBI initially
said it could produce 17 relevant video files. Then,
without explanation, the FBI reduced that number to
four. Last week, under court order, the agency
finally revealed what it said were the contents of
those four videos - and it turns out all had been
provided to the FBI by Finders Keepers co-owner
Dennis Parada himself, weeks before the dig, at a
time when he was offering his evidence for buried
Former FBI
Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey
Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company
Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed
Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Judge Issues Restraining Order
Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally
Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business
The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
FBI Agents Steal
Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant
Hollywood And The FBI Are Criminally
Engaging In Slavery
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