The Government Slams Monoclonal
Antibody Treatments For Coronavirus Prompting The
Closure Of Its Centers Touted By Governor Ron
DeSantis (Confirming Previous Site Claims Regarding
Their Ineffectiveness)
2,000 Monoclonal Antibodies Appointments
January 26. 2022

Ron DeSantis has been derisively dubbed "Regeneron
Ron" on Twitter
This is a follow up to the August
17, 2021 article “Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Mask
Free Policies Being Blamed For The Worst Coronavirus Surge Of The
Pandemic“ where I stated "A box of 50 surgical masks cost $10
per month. Proper mask wearing has proven healthy,
effective and cheap in the fight against
coronavirus. Monoclonal antibodies and Remdesivir
treatments can run between $5,000 to $7,000, and
there are no guarantees, as they are not cures. The
treatments must also be dispensed early enough in
the course of the virus to have a chance to preserve
human life."
In the September 29, 2021 article "Florida Governor
Ron DeDantis Is Sinister And Heartless I also wrote about the
topic again, calling Regeneron into question:
"Mr. DeSantis, why are you pushing
Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatments and centers
that cost thousands per patient for treatment,
placing an undue burden on Medicare and Medicaid
(also known as the taxpayers) when a simple, monthly
$10 box of 50 surgical masks can prevent COVID.
However, you are so virulently anti-mask, you're
will to risk the health and lives of kids and their
teachers in the State of Florida. Teachers are
barely getting paid anything and DeSantis is willing
to risk their lives on top of that.
Is it because the biggest investor
in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc., a company known
as Citadel, owns $15.9 million in shares therein,
and its CEO, Ken Griffin, is one of your biggest
donors, as was exposed by the Associated Press and
other well-established media outlets.
The Associated Press reported GRIFFIN GAVE
DESANTIS $10,500,000.
Furthermore, you really think it's a
good look flying around the State of Florida in
luxury on taxpayer money to promote a so-so medical
treatment that isn't the answer to COVID, otherwise
the deaths would have stopped many months ago by
simply receiving Regeneron treatments.
Isn't it an established medical fact
that some people who received Regeneron treatments
died of COVID anyway.
Stop lying to the people on the
political right about Regeneron. It has helped some
people, but many died anyway after the treatments.
Stop pushing it as a cure-all and doing so on
taxpayer money and time. It is corrupt and a
conflict of interest that calls your ethics, or
should I state lack thereof, into question. The
State of Florida is not paying you to be a
pharmaceutical salesman (watch, he's gonna be
selling Avon and Mary Kay on people's doorsteps
next, rather than doing his job as governor)."
6-months later the CDC has made a
pronouncement against monoclonal antibodies in
reference to the coronavirus, prompting the closure
of all its centers this week. Over 2,000
appointments have been cancelled.
Florida shuts down all monoclonal antibody
treatment sites after FDA decision to limit use of
certain treatments not proven effective against
Tue, January 25, 2022, 3:25 AM·-
Florida is closing its monoclonal antibody treatment
sites, health officials announced late Monday,
citing the US Food and Drug Administration’s
decision to limit the use of certain versions of the
treatments that were found less effective against
the now-dominant Omicron variant of coronavirus.
“Unfortunately, as a result of this
abrupt decision made by the federal government, all
monoclonal antibody state sites will be closed until
further notice,” the Florida Department of Health
said in a statement. More than 2,000 appointments
for the treatment were canceled in the state on
Tuesday alone, according to a statement from Gov.
Ron DeSantis.
Earlier Monday, the FDA said it was
revising the authorizations for monoclonal antibody
treatments made by Eli Lilly (bamlanivimab and
etesevimab, administered together) and Regeneron (REGEN-COV,
or casirivimab and imdevimab), because data showed
they are “highly unlikely to be active against the
omicron variant.”
Omicron accounted for more than 99%
of Covid-19 cases in the US as of January 15, the
FDA said, noting restricting the authorization for
treatments that aren’t effective against the variant
“avoids exposing patients to side effects … which
can be potentially serious.”
Some people who’ve received
monoclonal antibody treatment reported rashes,
diarrhea, nausea and dizziness after treatment,
according to the National Institutes of Health. A
small percentage of patients had severe allergic
The FDA’s announcement came after
senior health officials in the Biden administration
called the offices of governors and state health
officials earlier this month, urging them against
using these treatments with Omicron, a source
familiar with the calls said.
DeSantis has made monoclonal
antibodies a cornerstone of his response to surges
of coronavirus cases, often pushing the treatment
more vigorously than vaccines...
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A Fully Vaccinated Person In Texas
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