The Hacked Emails Of Former U.S.
Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Up For Sale On The Black
September 4. 2015

Hillary Clinton
The Judiciary Report stated the emails of former U.S. Secretary of State,
Hillary Clinton, that were illegally sent from a private server could be
recovered by the FBI (August 19, 2015
Hillary Clinton Under Investigation By The FBI As Her Deleted Emails
Are Being Retrieved From Her Personal Server).
Days later, the FBI confirmed this fact, recovering Clinton's emails she
claimed were "wiped." She also had to admit some wrongdoing regarding
negligence, confirming what the Judiciary Report had previously stated (Hillary Clinton Admits She Lied About Emails In FBI
Investigation As Agents Find Examples Of Her Breaking The Law).
The Judiciary Report also stated Clinton's emails were astonishingly
unencrypted and open to hacking, which she denied. However, once again, days
later the Judiciary Report's claims were confirmed in that Clinton's emails were
indeed unencrypted which was very careless of her (Government
Investigators Raise The Tally Of Unprotected Hillary Clinton Classified Emails
From 2 To 150).
In the August 31, 2015 article (Government
Investigators Raise The Tally Of Unprotected Hillary Clinton Classified Emails
From 2 To 150) the Judiciary Report also stated Clinton's conduct in
sending unencrypted emails also opened them up to hacking. Four days later the
website Radar Online is now reporting some of Clinton's improperly sent,
unencrypted emails were indeed hacked and are now available on the black market
for $500,000 (see September 3, 2015 "STORY SOURCE" posted below).
This means U.S. state secrets were compromised due to Clinton's careless
conduct, confirming what the Judiciary Report stated days prior on August 31,
2015 (Government
Investigators Raise The Tally Of Unprotected Hillary Clinton Classified Emails
From 2 To 150). This was a big no no on Clinton's part. You can't be a
woman running for head of state, then do something like this, making women look
temperamental, fickle, weak and unqualified (and that's exactly how something
like this is viewed among certain males in the establishment).
In short, Clinton should have followed established security protocols set in
place by the government. To assume that because she is Clinton and no one would
dare engage in computer intrusion against her was quite naive. In her mind, the
very reason she was Secretary of State should have been reason to automatically
assume she would be targeted by hackers and spies and to take every necessary
security precaution to protect national secrets.
While the Judiciary Report does not believe Clinton was selling state secrets
in acts of espionage, the site firmly believes she simply did not care about
established computer security protocols, retaining an attitude of who would dare
hack into my computers or emails.
As a person who was interviewed twice by the FBI in 2005 and gave them
written and verbal testimony and evidence about the illegal activity of
Hollywood private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, whom they imprisoned 4-months
after and used some of what I told them verbatim in the indictment, I can attest
to what many had already stated in that Clinton was one of his clients.
Pellicano had four hackers working from his Los Angeles office, illegally
hacking people's computers and emails, whilst engaging in other felonies, such
as illegal wiretapping and racketeering to destroy the lives of his
client's victims he was paid $100,000 per person to criminally target in
vicious, invasive ways.
I also know for a fact that Clinton was forwarded illegally hacked emails and
wiretapped telephone conversations Pellicano illegally obtained when she was a
client, prior to her time as U.S. Secretary of State. Therefore, Clinton knew it
was possible to have someone's emails hacked. Clinton simply didn't assume it
could happen to her. However, in America there is a phrase that is a verbal play
on words which roughly goes, "Don't assume, because it will make an
as* out of you and me."
FBI starting probe of Hillary server to check
for espionage
Posted at 10:01 AM on September 3, 2015 - Hillary Clinton insists that her
unsecured e-mail server never got penetrated by foreign intelligence services,
but the FBI isn’t convinced. Bloomberg’s Eli Lake and Josh Rogin hear from
intelligence and Congressional sources that their investigators have begun to
“scour” the server for traces of espionage. After all, no one thought to even
encrypt the server’s communications for the first few months of its operation,
and could every hostile (or even friendly) intelligence service have missed that
The FBI has begun a probe into whether foreign intelligence services
compromised Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server during and after her tenure as
secretary of state, according to U.S. intelligence and Congressional officials.
The damage assessment, which is part of the bureau’s investigation into
whether the former secretary and her staff mishandled classified information,
will hunt for digital traces of cyber-espionage by foreign governments. Even
mundane and unclassified Clinton e-mails could provide important insights into
the inner workings of the U.S. government and the actions of its top officials.
Clinton herself has dismissed the prospect that her e-mails were hacked.
Speaking in March, she said the system used for the private e-mail “was set up
for President Clinton’s office. And it had numerous safeguards. It was on
property guarded by the Secret Service. And there were no security breaches.”
U.S. officials familiar with the probe tell us the FBI is not so sure. These
sources say the damage assessment will be conducted by the FBI’s own spy hunters
and cyber security experts. The FBI will not hand off the task to the National
Counterintelligence & Security Center, the office inside the intelligence
community that coordinates counter-intelligence activities. It is conducting the
damage assessment of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s 2013 leak to
This suggests that the FBI has successfully restored at least some of the
data off of the server’s hard drives. Hillary Clinton and her team acknowledged
months ago that the server had been wiped after they sorted through the e-mails
and produced less than half for the State Department to review. That was before
Hillary tried to play dumb at a press conference and claim not to know what
“wipe” meant.
Perhaps it wasn’t that much of an act. If the FBI can reconstruct the server
records to determine access to the machine from the hard drive, the e-mail
records should be easier to restore. They expressed optimism about the ability
to recover that data two weeks ago, so perhaps they’ve already done that and
moved on to analyzing the records. It would not surprise anyone to find out that
Hillary’s team turned out to be just as inept at server wiping as they proved to
be with securing records in the first place.
The Daily Beast’s John Schindler hears from his sources in intelligence that
the FBI’s aggressive investigation should have the White House worried as well:
Hillary Clinton was far from the only senior Obama appointee to play fast and
loose with classified materials, according to Intelligence Community insiders.
While most counterspies agree that Hillary’s practices—especially using her own
server and having her staffers place classified information into unclassified
emails, in violation of Federal law—were especially egregious, any broad-brush
investigation into security matters are likely to turn up other suspects, they
“The whole administration is filled with people who can’t shoot straight when
it comes to classified,” an Intelligence Community official explained to me this
week. Three U.S. officials suggested that Susan Rice, the National Security
Adviser, might be at particular risk if a classified information probe goes
wide. But it should be noted that Rice has made all sorts of enemies on the
security establishment for her prickly demeanor, use of coarse language, and
strategic missteps.
As Schindler has noted before, the intelligence community is especially incensed
over this scandal:
Although it will be months before intelligence agencies have reviewed all
Clinton emails, counterintelligence officials expect that the true number of
classified emails on Hillary’s servers is at least many hundreds and perhaps
thousands, based on the samplings seen to date.
Excuses that most of the classified emails examined to date are considered
Confidential, which is the lowest level, cut no ice with many insiders. Although
the compromise of information at that level is less damaging than the loss of
Secret—or worse Top Secret—information, it is still a crime that’s taken
seriously by counterintelligence professionals. Most of the classified that
Hillary and her staff seem to have compromised dealt with diplomatic
discussions, which is a grave indiscretion as far as diplomats worldwide are
“Of course they knew what they were doing, it’s a clear as day from the
emails,” opined one senior official who is close to the investigation. “I’m a
Democrat and this makes me sick. They were fully aware of what they were up to,
and the Bureau knows it.” That Hillary and her staff at Foggy Bottom were
wittingly involved in a scheme to place classified information into ostensibly
unclassified emails to reside on Clinton’s personal, private server is the
belief of every investigator and counterintelligence official I’ve spoken with
recently, and all were at pains to maintain that this misconduct was felonious.
Lake and Rogin note that high-ranking officials are not often prosecuted for
these crimes. The issuance of a subpoena to a Clinton aide might mean that the
FBI and Congress are not likely to just let this go this time, though.
Update: If this Radar item is legit — and with Radar, that’s a dice roll —
then the FBI may not need to look far to find evidence of a hack:
Just as email-gate looked to be winding down, has exclusively
learned a person claiming to be a computer specialist has come forward with the
stunning news that 32,000 emails from HillaryClinton‘s private email account are
up for sale. The price tag — a whopping $500,000! …
Radar has learned that some of the topics discussed in the email appear to
include everything from Benghazi to the Algerian hostage crisis — with subject
lines such as:
“H Libya security latest. Sid” (with attachment)
“H FYI, best analysis so far of hearing Sid,’ about the latest security
in Libya”
“H Algeria latest French Intel on Algeria hostage Sid”
“H Latest French Intel in Algeria hostage Sid” (with attachment)
“H Latest Libya intel internal govt discussions high level” (with
“H HIGHLY IMPORTANT! Comprehensive Intel Report on (with attachment)”
I’d take this one with a Lot’s Wife-sized grain of salt. But I’d guess the
FBI will be looking into this, along with the Scouring of the Server.
Update: Commenter Mike Honcho asks, “if the server were truly wiped clean
wouldn’t it be impossible to determine if espionage (or more specifically an
intrusion) occurred?” That was what I meant when I said this suggests that the
wipe didn’t succeed. Investigators could be looking at ISP records for this
data, too … but they wouldn’t need the server for that. If they’re scouring the
server for this data, it means they restored at least part of the hard drive.
Government Investigators Raise The Tally Of Unprotected Hillary Clinton
Classified Emails From 2 To 150
Hillary Clinton Admits She Lied About Emails In FBI
Investigation As Agents Find Examples Of Her Breaking The Law
Hillary Clinton Under Investigation By The FBI As Her Deleted Emails
Are Being Retrieved From Her Personal Server