Three Movies Released Denouncing The Federal
Bureau Of Investigation As Criminals Abusing And Killing Black
People (FBI)
March 16. 2021

FBI Director Christopher Wray
Three films have been released recently denouncing
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The films are "Judas and
the Black Messiah" "The United States vs. Billie Holiday" and "MLK/FBI."
Each film shows the same sick pattern of terrible human rights
abuses by the FBI against innocent black people.
"Judas and the Black Messiah" is about the FBI
engaging in criminal behavior to infiltrate the Black Panther Party,
and illegal kill one of its key members, Fred Hampton. Then FBI
director, J. Edgar Hoover, who was nothing but a dirty, abnormal,
butt ugly, mass murdering criminal, ordered Hampton killed (in
violation of U.S. law and the Constitution). Hoover had ordered the
murders of many black Americans and is lauded to this day by the
corrupt FBI for these sick actions. They still revere the scumbag
Hoover as a hero (whilst he looks up at us from the bowels of hell).
"The United States vs. Billie Holiday" details how
the insane, racist FBI targeted and terrorized famous jazz singer,
Billie Holiday, over her song "Strange Fruit" whose lyrics
peacefully brought up the issue of racism and brutality against
black people in America. I've found there's something very cowardly,
unmanly and pathetic about a man or group of men who spy on,
terrorize and abuse a woman. Only misogynistic trash and punks do
things like that. Real men don't do that. What kind of losers gang
up on a woman. Yet, the FBI did that to a woman, Billie Holiday. I
know because
I speak from experience.
"MLK/FBI" is about the FBI's vile and vicious
hounding and terrorization of civil rights hero Martin Luther King
jr. In fact, the foul FBI brutally killed
Martin Luther King and
Malcolm X (the latter was just confirmed but I suspected it
for years, as the FBI went around killing off key black figures).
The FBI shamed America in the world regarding the
agency's well-documented, appalling and sick treatment of Martin
Luther King. The world appreciated him, even giving King the Nobel
Peace Prize. However, the FBI hated him (still does) for being a
black man, who gained prominence and spoke out against injustice.
The FBI also repeatedly framed innocent black people
for crimes they did not commit (The FBI's Framing Of Black Panther Geronimo Pratt For A Murder They Knew
He Did Not Commit Cost Him 27-Years Of His Life In Prison and
New Evidence Reveals The FBI Sent People To Death Row Who Were
Innocent Of Crimes They Were Convicted Of
FBI Analysts Lied To Convict Innocent People). There is
something very wrong with that agency. They are criminals.
The FBI likes to state it has changed since the
civil rights era, but this is a lie. The agency is still targeting
and terrorizing black people on a daily basis. They've been pushing
Black Lives Matter members to suicide (as they tried to do to Martin
Luther King via the infamous suicide letter). They never gave up
that evil behavior. The demonic COINTELPRO program they swore in
Congress was closed, is still alive and fully operations, targeting
outspoken blacks and other minorities in America.
The fact of the matter is the FBI has actual KKK
members and Nazis in its ranks. The agency has always hated
minorities and continues to do so to this very day. Congress is very
aware of the agency sick past and present, but is too corrupt to do
anything about it. This is ironic, as I predict the FBI will be a
big part of America's fall in the world in upcoming events
orchestrated by the agency, but shall spectacularly backfire,
leading to untold loss and catastrophic financial damage.
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Director Andrew McCabe Spent $70,000 In Taxpayer Money On A Table For
The FBI Exposed In The Mainstream
Press Over The Sexual Assault And Harassment Of Women At The Corrupt Law
Enforcement Agency
The FBI Caught Lying By The
Mainstream Press About The Capitol Building Riots Confirming Previous
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Gets A Slap On The Wrist In Avoiding Prison Time
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Wrongful Termination
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An FBI Agent Orchestrated The
January 6 Riots On The Capitol Building In Washington Confirming
Previous Site Claims
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases
Wives Of Men Framed
For Murder By The FBI Speak
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