Unprecedented Hot Temperatures And Rain Hits
August 3. 2017

This is a follow up to the July 18, 2017 "Shark Bites Man In Miami In Unprecedented Attack (Video)"
article where I stated, "Another serious issue regarding Miami and a
number of other cities is costal building. Too many
buildings have been erected far too close to the shores. The
water is going to rise and come in. Rising waters and other
whether phenomenon will prove very problematic for residents
of buildings built too close to the water."
2-weeks later, this past Monday, the water
from heavy rains rose to unprecedented levels on Miami
Beach, causing damage to homes, businesses and cars.
Articles, photos and video online confirm the rain and ocean
rise that occurred had a costly impact on Miami Beach, which
is full of the costal building I stated would prove
problematic. Many businesses were closed this week as repair
crews attempting to address the water damage from the heavy
Another factor I wrote about for months on
Twitter, which was also featured in the July 18, 2017 "Shark Bites Man In Miami In Unprecedented Attack (Video)"
article, regarding global temperatures was confirmed on
August 1, 2017, when meteorologists stated July 2017 was
Miami's hottest month on record. These subsequent events support my
If you thought July felt like the hottest month ever,
you’re right
August 01, 2017 11:44 AM - That time you
whined about July in Miami being the “hottest ever?” Turns
out, you were right. July was Miami’s hottest month on
average since the National Weather Service started tracking
air temperatures in 1895. The average temperature for most
of the month was around 85.7 degrees, just under two degrees
hotter than normal, the service reported. The average broke
the previous record of 85.5 degrees in June 2010...
Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse closed because of flooding
Posted: 12:27 PM, August 02, 2017 Updated:
12:28 PM, August 02, 2017 - MIAMI - Crews have been busy
since Tuesday night drying out and making all of the
necessary repairs to the Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse in
downtown Miami after it sustained serious flooding.
Meanwhile, people who went to the courthouse Wednesday for
their hearings were forced to leave and told that the
courthouse was closed.
More Weather Headlines
"It's unfortunate because I had a family
hearing that took four months to set, and now I'm faced with
this," Jose Borge said. "It is unfortunate because I had to
make arrangements for my children, and I had to take off the
morning in order to get this accomplished," Martha Perez
Attorney Raul Mantaner said his client drove
all the way from Bradenton for his hearing. "He woke up
really early this morning to get here. It's about a
three-hour drive, and (we) just found out this happened,"
Mantaner said. Mantaner said he wishes he was informed
because it would have saved his client a lot of hassle.
"Maybe they do need a robo call or an email system, because
I am on the clerk's email system. Something would have been
nice," he said...
‘We Cannot Fight Nature’: Miami Mayor Talks Future Of
Miami Flooding
August 2, 2017 4:12 PM - MIAMI (CBSMiami) —
Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado clarified how the city dealt and
will deal with massive flooding like Tuesday’s. In about a
two-hour period, parts of South Florida saw up to 6 inches
of rain – especially in the Brickell area. At last check, on
Wednesday, one floor of the Brickell City Centre garage was
closed due to flooding. A courthouse nearby – the Lawson E.
Thomas Courthouse Center – was also damaged and closed down
due to flooding.
In the area of Biscayne Boulevard, around 3
inches of rain fell yesterday afternoon. “We cannot fight
nature but we can do something to remedy the consequences,”
said Mayor Regalado while standing in front of a pump being
built in Brickell meant to control flooding...
The Miami-Dade Office of Emergency
Management is also collecting information from businesses
who were impacted by the flooding. Business owners who
experienced damage due to Tuesday’s flooding can report
their information...
Shark Bites Man In Miami In Unprecedented Attack (Video)
Florida Shark Dragging Video Outrages The Public (Video)