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U.S. Justice Department Has Julian Assange Dragged Out Of Ecuadorian Embassy In London And Arrested To Global Outcry

April 12. 2019

Julian Assange being dragged out of Ecuador's embassy in London

Wikileaks founder and whistle blower, Julian Assange, 47, was hauled out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, England, at the behest of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The incident has provoked global outcry, including in Britain and America, from many people who do not agree with the decision.

In 2010, Australian hacker Assange solicited and received confidential files from soldier, Bradley Manning, 31, who recently became transgender and now goes by the name, Chelsea Manning. Based on reports, Assange asked Manning to hack into the U.S. Pentagon's computer system, to obtain information regarding criminal wrongdoing by the former administration of war criminal, George W. Bush, who has blood on his hands.

Manning completed the hack and obtained shocking video of U.S. troops laughing and killing 18 Iraqi civilians and reporters in an air strike in Baghdad. Worst of all, two children were seriously wounded in the horrible attack. They knew the people being shot and killed were civilians, which is very alarming.

Manning passed the video to Assange, who published it on his Wikileaks website with the title "Collateral Murder." The video caused outrage all over the world. The public was already angry over the illegal war in Iraq. This confirmed everyone's worst fears regarding the illegal invasion.

The unlawful war was ordered and waged by former U.S. president, George W. Bush, under the deceitful, false premise of the nation of Iraq hoarding "weapons of mass destruction." The entire episode was a brazen and ugly lie, meant to serve as pretext to invade Iraq and steal oil.

Bush invaded Iraq and killed its president, Saddam Hussein. Newspapers then confirmed that millions of barrels of oil in Iraq began going missing after Bush illegally took over the Middle Eastern country. The video Assange released of Iraqi civilians being shot to death by a U.S. aircraft was the final straw for many members of the public, who had grown tired of the war.

Julian Assange in the police van

Manning was arrested last month for refusing to testify before a grand jury. One would think he could plead the Fifth (right to remain silent). However, that was not permitted. Assange was arrested yesterday. However, he was the subject of an unsealed indictment for sometime. The U.S. Department of Justice filed criminal charges against him years ago that were under seal. The Department of Justice and State Department put pressure on the Ecuadorian government to expel Assange from the embassy, in a move that is not being well received in the international community. In fact, it has been a public relations disaster for the Feds.

Assange, who took refuge in London, is facing charges in Britain of skipping bail, which has a penalty of up to 1-year in prison. The U.S. charges relate to "computer intrusion" in reference to the aforementioned computer hack. It is ironic and hypocritical that the Justice Department is accusing someone of hacking, when its agencies the FBI, CIA and NSA hack all day, everyday, to steal foreign government documents, as well as copyrights they pass on to others in the corporate sector, in criminal violation of the law.

In total Bush killed over 1,000,000 Iraqis via the illegal Iraq war, which is inexcusable. Bush is walking around free after ordering mass murder of over one million people, yet Assange and Manning are behind bars. That's the real injustice. Bush belongs in the Hague.

I do not agree with hacking, but I am of the opinion Assange and Manning should be freed (and Bush thrown in prison for mass murder). Assange and Manning exposed horrible war crimes that left men, women, children and babies dead at the hands of a greedy, oil hungry devil. Assange and Manning should be commended, not imprisoned.

People in Britian are demanding Assange not be extradited to America, as the CIA and FBI are deadly. I fear for Assange's life, as I don't trust the aforementioned agencies or the DOJ, who have been exposed as corrupt in scandal after scandal.

Furthermore, former U.S. President Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Manning. The government knew about this 2010 hack for years, yet now all of a sudden the DOJ is bringing charges. It looks deceitful and like they are playing sick mind games. They've just degraded, stripped away and brought to nothing, the ability of U.S. presidents to issue pardons and commutations. No one will ever believe the government again in this regard.

Tweet on Twitter.com by British government Shadow Home Secretary and Member of Parliament, Diane Abbott:


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