Young Nurse With No Underlying Medical Conditions
Contracts Coronavirus (Covid-19)March 24. 2020

Areema Nasreen
36-year-old nurse, Areema Nasreen, has tested
positive for coronavirus in England. She has worked for the NHS for
the past 16-years. She has no underlying medical conditions and is
fairly young, making her an anomaly in contracting the virus.
However, as I stated over a week before her diagnosis was made and
announced, stress plays a factor in weakening and compromising the
immune system.
The immune system is the body's key line of defense
against viruses. When it is impaired by stress, a poor diet, large
amounts of free radicals and carcinogens not properly cleansed from
the body, an inadequate amount of rest and lack of proper nutrients
such as vitamin C, illness can take hold of the body.
As stated previously on the site, I issued warnings
about pestilence breaking out, but they went unheeded (Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)).
An NHS nurse voicing her frustration at long work hours and
the inability to get food from the supermarket due to stockpiling:
The NHS being under-funded by the Tory party's
management for the past 10-years, means they did not have enough
money to purchase the necessary amount of protective gear,
ventilators or beds, nor did they have the funds to construct
additional hospitals/rooms to house the sick.
This combined with the fact NHS staff were already
overworked due to the Tory under-funding and Brexit xenophobia
(leading to 10,000 doctors and nurses leaving to return to the
European Union), many nurses struggling to pay their bills and
people stockpiling food (during the current coronavirus outbreak),
means staff members immune system is also under strain.
For the health and safety of NHS staff, and for the
general health of the British public who need them for medical
treatment, these matters need to be properly addressed as a matter
of law. The NHS needs proper funding and safeguards to protect their
My tweets on Twitter on the aforementioned subject:

'Fit and healthy' 36-year-old UK nurse in
intensive care with coronavirus
Mon 23 Mar 2020 05.09 EDT - A
36-year-old nurse described as “normally fit and
healthy” is critically ill in intensive care after
contracting coronavirus. Areema Nasreen is on a
ventilator at Walsall Manor hospital in the West
Midlands where she has worked for 16 years.
Her family say Nasreen, who has three
children, and lives in Walsall, has no underlying health
issues and first developed symptoms including body
aches, a fever and a cough 10 days ago. She tested
positive for the virus on Friday.
Speaking to BirminghamLive, her sister
Kazeema Nasreen, 22, who works as a healthcare assistant
at the same hospital, said: “My sister who is an amazing
nurse on the front line and who always helps so many has
now caught this virus. She is critically ill in ICU, on
a ventilator and fighting for her life...
Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Boris Johnson
Slammed By The World Health Organization For Defying Global Health
Guidelines On The Coronavirus
Coronavirus Cases Surface In China,
Japan, Italy, Britain And America With Questions About It's True Source
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