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Britney Spears Had Another Public Meltdown And Was Kicked Out Of A Hotel By Security After A Fight With Her Boyfriend

May 3. 2024


Britney Spears being escorted out of the Chateau Marmont topless, barefoot and in her underwear after physically attacking her boyfriend who dumped her.

Bipolar and schizophrenic Kabbalah cult member, Britney Spears, 42, continues on a downward spiral, after unwisely being freed from a longstanding conservatorship. Spears was under a conservatorship from 2009 to 2021, until an ill-advised "Free Britney" movement bullied and racially harassed a Los Angeles Superior Court judge into releasing her from the court ordered, legal mechanism. Spears began a downward spiral not long after. She has been releasing demonic, embarrassing videos online, wildly spending money and engaging in promiscuous sex.

Yesterday, Spears was thrown out of the famed Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles after the recent divorcee had a violent argument with her boyfriend, convicted felon Paul Richard Soliz. Spears is still very much mentally unwell. Spears was the aggressor in the incident. Previously Spears beat up her husband, Sam Asghari, and tried to stab him. Spears has a penchant for playing with knives, as some schizophrenics do, and this behavior should be discouraged. Spears also beat up her housekeeper and a former bodyguard among others.

Spears was kicked out of the Chateau Marmont topless and in her underwear, with bruises on her knees and a swollen ankle. Spears had a crazed look on her face. Spears attacked Soliz in a schizophrenic mania. She was trying to convince him to stay with her. Spears also began "harassing and threatening employees and guests" of the hotel, according to the Daily Mail.

Authorities and paramedics were called to the hotel. A stretcher was wheeled out, reminiscent of Britney's massive 2008 meltdown seen all over the world, where she was institutionalized in a Los Angeles psychiatric ward...twice. However, to avoid bad publicity, this time the paramedics used the stretcher to wheel Britney's belongings out of the hotel instead of her, while walking her to a waiting vehicle, looking dazed and deranged.

Spears later lied on social networking about the incident, falsely claiming her mother, Lynne Spears, set her up to have a fight with her boyfriend and be kicked out of the hotel. That is paranoid schizophrenia. Spears also wrote on social networking about the fight with her boyfriend, "Most of the pics are body doubles and I think most know that !!! I would like respect at this time for people to understand I am getting stronger everyday !!! Truth sucks so can someone teach me how to lie???"

Spears also bizarrely issued occult items in stating, "Goddesses out there, I'm reaching my higher power and furthermore, I hope you guys are too !!! I need a new toothbrush right now!!! PS... I need an espresso. !!! PSSS ... Not sure why I feel the need to share this ... I guess I'm just a girl and I'm on my period so I'm bit*hy ... s**t !!! They never came in my room but I feel completely harassed. I'm moving to Boston !!! Peace."

Spears writes like someone with schizophrenia. Spears's thought patterns are scattered and it comes through in her writing that is oddly repetitive, erratic, compulsive and disordered. Spears needs to be back in psychotherapy and on her meds.

I've written many articles about Spears that later proved true. I have seen very bizarre and troubling behaviors from Britney behind the scenes. Therefore, when I write items concerning her it is with insight and certainty, as I know what's going on.

I warned on this site that the conservatorship should not be terminated. Then, it was terminated under peer pressure. Not long after everything began deteriorating in her life. As a psychology major I saw disaster coming, as she exhibited (and still does) all the medical signs of someone who is not well and careening towards self-destruction. If a proper intervention is not staged she is going to end up dead. Additionally, Spears parents are not well, suffering from different health conditions. The family is having significant problems.


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