Congressional Senator Confirms The IRS
Politically Targeted Conservatives Just As The Site Stated
May 10. 2013

Barack Obama
This is a follow up to the Judiciary Report exclusive
articles The
IRS Is Woefully Late With Income Tax Returns Under The Obama
Administration and The
Obama Administration Is Getting The IRS Sued For Using The Agency To
Target And Terrorize Political Opponents and
Information On The Obama Administration Using The IRS To Harass And
Intimidate Politically Outspoken People. I was being targeted for being
a politically outspoken conservative with a string of websites reaching
As you my readers know, I’ve been very outspoken regarding
Obama’s FBI and their corrupt refusal to release the Freedom of
Information files they are illegally withholding regarding me, the
phone hacking case (Rupert Murdoch) and Madonna’s criminal copyright
infringement (Kabbalah/The illuminati). Just release the files. What
are you hiding? I have nothing to hide…but clearly you do (and it’s
going in the movie).

Robert S. Mueller
Using the IRS to target outspoken journalists or political rivals is
actually a well-known old political trick that gained prominence during
the time former President Richard Nixon, who was subsequently
impeached, was in office. Nixon got the ball rolling targeting
journalists and political rivals in this manner. The FBI is known for
this as well, regarding the I.R.S., as court documents recently
Today, U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell confirmed the I.R.S. was heavily
scrutinizing conservatives, especially those with online presence and
non-profit status for political activist sites (I’ve never had
non-profit status or applied for it).

Mitch McConnell
As stated in previous columns, the IRS owed my mom and I what ended
up being $30,000 in tax refunds. The I.R.S. made certain claims in
writing regarding us that were wholly inaccurate and requested a
mountain of documents from us. I sent them every single paper they
request on both my mom and I via fax and certified mail (cost me $100).
I wasn’t going to give up (I never do). Things got to the point that
I had to state in writing that I will file a lawsuit to gain clarity
and a resolution to the matter.
A few months ago, the I.R.S. went over the documents I sent, stated
they’ve updated their files and sent a letter stating we are to
inform our lawyer they are retracting their previous claims. A few
months ago, the I.R.S. also began releasing the money and everything is
now squared and up to date. The I.R.S. stated we should not have a problem in the
future. I’m glad things were amicably resolved.
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