FBI Agent Arrested For Raping And Sodomizing An 11-Year-Old
May 10. 2021

Christopher Bauer's mug shot
FBI agent, Christopher Bauer, has
been arrested for the rape of an 11-year-old girl.
Criminal charges were filed in Montgomery, Alabama
regarding Bauer's "sodomy and sexual abuse of a
child under 12." Bauer worked in the FBI's New
Orleans office. He was suspended in 2018 due to a
"string of sexual misconduct allegations."
Sexual misconduct is commonplace at
the FBI, as seen in many cases and scandals
involving the agency (FBI Boss Exposed As A Predator
Sexually Assaulting And Harassing Women) and
FBI Agents Making Sex Tapes, Paying Strippers And Leaking National
Secrets and
Female FBI Agent Accused Of Sexual Harassment
In India and
FBI Agent Indicted For Helping Anthony Pellicano
and FBI Agent Busted
Masturbating At Work and
FBI Agents And Sex
Bauer became an Alabama state
trooper during his suspension from the FBI, using
documents he falsified. Falsifying evidence is also
commonplace at the FBI, even in serious criminal
cases where people's lives and freedom are at stake
(FBI Lawyer Who Fabricated Evidence
To Fraudulently Obtain Warrant To Spy On Former President Donald Trump
Gets A Slap On The Wrist In Avoiding Prison Time and
Evidence Reveals The FBI Sent People To Death Row Who Were Innocent Of
Crimes They Were Convicted Of).
Alabama trooper charged in child rape hid
checkered FBI past
Wednesday, May 5th 2021 -
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama state trooper
arrested last week on charges he raped an
11-year-old girl had been kicked out of the FBI amid
a string of sexual misconduct allegations but was
hired by the state agency with the apparent help of
a fake bureau letter that scrubbed his record clean.
An Associated Press investigation
found Christopher Bauer was suspended without pay
and stripped of his security clearance in the FBI’s
New Orleans office in late 2018 — effectively fired
— amid allegations that included a co-worker’s claim
that he raped her at knifepoint.
But Alabama authorities either
overlooked or were unaware of that history. The
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, the state police,
told AP that it conducted a “full and thorough”
investigation into Bauer’s background when he
applied to be a trooper in 2019 and that “no
derogatory comments were uncovered by former
Bauer indicated on his application
that he was still employed by the FBI and had never
been dismissed or forced to resign because of
disciplinary action. And the state’s law enforcement
credentialing commission provided AP a copy of a
letter — purportedly from FBI headquarters — that
makes no mention of Bauer’s ouster, confirms his
decade of “creditable service” and deems him
“eligible for rehire.”...