FBI And NSA Outed Again In New Court Ruling For Illegally
Spying On People In America Confirming Previous Site Claims
September 21. 2020

Former U.S. President Barack Obama (front), former Attorney General
Eric Holder (back left) and former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller (right)
This is a follow up to original items I
wrote and published to my sites beginning in
December 2006
February 2007
(Sound Off
Column) and on the Judiciary Report on
December 3, 2009
September 28, 2010
among many other
exclusive articles,
exposing the fact the NSA and FBI have been illegally spying
on Americans, in criminal violation of the Constitution and
U.S. Code. In 2012 I was proven correct when the Inspector
General's report stated the same.
the NSA admitted their employees illegally spied on others in
America. The NSA also admitted that it's
workers were illegally reading the emails and listenting to the
calls. In 2013, years after I broke the story first on my
sites, due to my own experiences with the corrupt FBI, who
criminally exploited me in violation of the law, a U.S. judge ruled
the NSA illegally spied on Americans.
They exploited, harassed and abused me
in terrible ways in criminal misconduct that has not
desisted (Netflix Employees Barack Obama And
Susan Rice Refuse To Comment On The Sick Pedophile Film 'Cuties' That Is
Enraging Social Media and
Netflix Stock Drops In The Fall Out
Of The Social Networking Boycott Regarding The Pedophile Film ‘Cuties’).

Barack Obama and Madonna
Over a decade ago I began warning the public about the FBI and NSA's
misconduct in illegally spying on people in America, a violation of
congressional law on their part, after witnessing them criminally violate my privacy in
every way for undue financial and social gain
[The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)].
As a consequence of their criminal actions and greed
in aiding Hollywood commit financial crimes (theft of my
entertainment industry copyrights and other assets), medical
patents/treatments for deadly diseases I have been working on has been delayed, costing
many lives worldwide.
They are squarely responsible for these
delays, via their thefts of my intellectual property and
other assets, to aide Hollywood in having an undue
advantage. These people have literally tried to destroy
me for authoring copyrights and have been trying to
cover it up in demanding I stop working on
science/medical patents, threatening me they, "Don't
want anything cured."
They don't give a damn about your health
or that of your loved ones to do this sick, abominable
thing. For further reference, see my exclusive
articles that proved prophetic, true and correct regarding what I
stated online FIRST in TIME STAMPED items from my
research work about cancer, HIV/AIDS and coronavirus (I
know what I'm doing via the research work and
forthcoming patents):
China And New York Hospitals Using
Vitamin C To Aid In Treating Coronavirus Patients (Confirming Previous
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site
Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe As Previously Stated On The Site (Covid-19)
New Scientific Study Confirms Coronavirus
Sufferers Having Difficulty Expelling CO2 As Previously Stated On The
Coronavirus Infection Rate Skyrockets Among American Kids
With The Reopening Of Schools As Previously Predicted On The Site
Britain Death Toll From Coronavirus
Becomes The Highest In Europe Due To Prime Minister Boris Johnson's
Failed Herd Immunity Strategy
Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Man In Hong Kong Contracts
Coronavirus For A Second Time Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)
The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Sent The U.S. Economy
To Historically High Unemployment Levels (Video)
Coronavirus Vaccine
Makes Patient Seriously Ill With Transverse Myelitis Confirming Previous
Site Claims About Safety Issues
Coronavirus Vaccines In Trouble As Participant In
Research Trial Becomes Seriously Ill Confirming Previous Site Claims
Official Medical Studies State
Coronavirus Damages The Heart Confirming Previous Site Claims
Medical Associations And Researchers
Confirm Conjunctivitis Is A Symptom Of Coronavirus Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Overweight Teachers Have Been Dying
From Coronavirus Since School Reopening In America Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Boris Johnson And
Theresa May Failures In British Government Resulted In 25% Of Medical
Staff Contracting Coronavirus And Many Dying
Man Contracts HIV While On PrEP Drug Truvada Confirming
Site's Previous Claims
The U.S. Food And Drug Administration Confirms Breast
Implants Can Cause Breast Cancer As Stated Previously On
This Site
Swine Flu Reboot Being Attributed To Human Error
Off Label Use -
Part 2
New Controversy Erupts As
It Is Revealed Select Scientists Have Been Playing
Around With Flu Virus To Create Super Strain
Scientists Agree To Halt Super Swine Flu Trials After
Government Outcry
Study Claims People With Vitiligo Have Skin Cancer
Concerns Regarding Airport Scanning
TSA Airport Radiation Doses Are Inaccurate
Is Advancing
Scientists Call For Drug Database
Congress Rips The CDC For Lax Safety Procedures That Led To Anthrax
Exposure Confirming This Site's Previous Claims (Video)
Meningitis And The Immune System
This month the FISA Court ruled the FBI and NSA have
been criminally violating American privacy laws and warned them to
desist in said illegal conduct. The ruling was issued when the
agencies reapplied to continue surveillance programs. I have no
faith in the FBI or NSA to follow the law. They great lack ethics
and have caused a catastrophe with their criminal misconduct.
Emblem on the side of the FBI Building showing FISA Court
ruling on warrantless surveillance and warning on privacy rules
FISA Court Approves Warrantless Surveillance but With
Warning to FBI About Following Privacy Rules
September 15, 2020 - The controversial warrantless
surveillance program enacted under Section 702 of the FISA
Amendments Act will go on for at least the remainder of this year,
according to a recently-declassified Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA) court ruling from December 2019. A judge
signed off on another year of the program but did so while
admonishing the FBI over numerous violations of privacy rules.
The secretive and controversial intelligence act
allows federal law enforcement agencies to harvest the phone calls
and emails of non-citizens not currently located in the United
States, even when these communications are with a US citizen.
Certain privacy rules do govern this eavesdropping, but the
declassified report makes clear that the FBI and other agencies have
a tendency to disregard them while applying their queries in an
overbroad manner and have potentially accessed the communications of
tens of thousands of Americans who are not under investigation...
The secretive FISA Court is not subject to public
scrutiny, but redacted declassified rulings are sometimes made
available to the general public months or years after they have been
issued. Such was the case here, as an 83-page ruling regarding two
controversial warrantless surveillance programs was made available
via the US Intelligence Community website last week.
Both programs have their roots in a 2001 action
called Stellarwind that was initiated by the George W. Bush
administration after the 9/11 attacks took place. This project was
largely unknown to the public until details were leaked to the New
York Times in 2004, with knowledge of it fleshed out by further
investigative reporting in 2012 and the Edward Snowden leaks in
From the beginning, the project was meant to apply
only to communications in which one party was a foreign non-US
citizen and there was an established link to terrorist activity.
A declassified 2015 report revealed that the National Security
Agency (NSA) was using it much more broadly to include purely
domestic communications, however, and was ignoring privacy rules
established by court rulings in doing so...