China And New York Hospitals Using Vitamin C To
Aid In Treating Coronavirus Patients (Confirming Previous Claims)April 25. 2020

Coronavirus (image credit:
The New York Post and many other publications are
reporting doctors in hospitals in China and New York in America are
using high doses of Vitamin C to aid in treating coronavirus
patients. Tests have revealed patients who receive the vitamin C
treatments via intravenous administration have faired significantly
better than those who did not receive it. Doctors are using it to
treat the cytokine storm phase of the coronavirus that has killed
many people worldwide.
The report was published in the New York Post on
March 24, 2020. Prior to that, on March 13, 2020, I posted on about the benefits of vitamin C in relation to fighting
coronavirus (Covid-19). 2-weeks later I was proven right.
4-YEARS AGO on this site in the February 27, 2016
article "Congress Finally Comes To An Agreement To Give Financial
Assistance To Local Flint Government Regarding The Lead
Pollution Water Crisis" I wrote about the
benefits of vitamin C (which I referred to as "oranges"). I stated,
"Consuming foods rich in anti-oxidants, such as green tea and
oranges, helps to keep people healthy." It aids in eliminating
free radicals from the body and boosting the immune system. As the
people of Flint, Michigan are not getting proper medical care while
consuming lead contaminated water, I could only suggest a food based
approach to eliminating free radicals while boosting the
immune system.

People with compromised immune systems are dying in large
numbers from coronavirus. Vitamin C can be used to boost or reboot
the immune system, enabling it to better fight off viruses and
disease in general. The stronger your immune system, the higher your
chances of surviving accidental exposure to the virus. A strong
immune system can far better withstand a coronavirus onslaught and
survive it.
During the course of years of scientific research
and development regarding forthcoming pharma patents, I discovered
early that vitamin C has its benefits in boosting or rebooting the immune system,
enabling the body to fight for itself. It's not a cure-all, but it
can be curative and preventative in some medical conditions.
However, this does not mean the public is to go out and
take excessive amounts of vitamin C tablets. Follow the
manufacturer's instructions regarding dosages for daily use. And
remember, the methods used regarding coronavirus (Covid-19) patients in hospitals
was done in a clinical setting by medical professionals who used
higher dosages. The public should not try that at home.
Keep your immune system up by having fruits and
vegetables rich in
vitamin C everyday. As stated above, you can also take vitamin C
tablets according to the manufacturer's instructions. Eat foods rich
in fiber to help keep your digestive system functioning properly, as
chronic constipation and lack of bowel health can breed disease and
weaken your immune system. Engage in stress management, as stress is a
silent killer (it damages the immune system, can cause cancer,
trigger strokes and heart attacks). Avoid illegal drug use. And once
again, practice proper personal hygiene, and sanitize your home and
Additional time stamped items I stated regarding coronavirus
were later proven true and correct, such as correctly predicting
pestilence (plague) was coming. I predicted it from 2018 and now it's
happened with coronavirus (Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)).
I also accurately made scientific statements about
the virus that later proved true (Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe (Covid-19) and
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site).
Side Bar: one of my sites
from over 2-years ago, Medicine and Science Times, which
had great, free public health information I authored,
including items on vitamin C, was illegally injected
with malware and hacked offline by Madonna's hackers,
who broke into Go Daddy's servers where it was hosted (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
The site had valuable health information
on it that would have saved lives had Madonna not
engaged in said commissioned, criminal conduct. I am
working on getting that site fixed and back online.
I wrote to Congress about Madonna's sick
behavior and received responses. However, in times like
these you see the danger and destructiveness of
Madonna's vile behavior, as I could have rendered far
more public help regarding coronavirus had Madonna not
been repeatedly attacking me and my companies.
Even in the face of that, I still issued
relevant warnings (in 2018 predicting plague was coming)
and made scientific statements on coronavirus that later
proved true, as seen in the site links above.
Madonna has been threatening my life via
third parties, over pharma patents I've been working on,
when my only objective is saving sick people's lives.
She even went so far as to have my health site damaged
and hacked offline, which speaks volumes about her evil
intentions. However, Madonna is one of those psychotics
who believes there are too many people on earth and it
needs to be depopulated. She doesn't want lives saved.
I have repeatedly shown in prescience,
time stamped articles that I know what I'm doing. Yet
this ugly, lecherous madwoman and complete nuisance,
Madonna, has outrageously been attacking me, and trying
to thwart and destroy said patent work, at sick people's
expense. Madonna's criminal conduct in this regard is
costing people their lives everyday and as such, has
very far reaching implications. It's going to turn into
a massive scandal.
New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients
with vitamin C
March 24, 2020 | 5:04pm - Seriously sick
coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest
hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin
C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people
in hard-hit China, The Post has learned.
Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and
critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell
Health facilities on Long Island, said his
intensive-care patients with the coronavirus immediately
receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C.
Identical amounts of the powerful antioxidant are then
readministered three or four times a day, he said.
Each dose is more than 16 times the
National Institutes of Health’s daily recommended
dietary allowance of vitamin C, which is just 90
milligrams for adult men and 75 milligrams for adult
women. The regimen is based on experimental treatments
administered to people with the coronavirus in Shanghai,
China, Weber said.
“The patients who received vitamin C did
significantly better than those who did not get vitamin
C,” he said. “It helps a tremendous amount, but it is
not highlighted because it’s not a sexy drug.”
A spokesman for Northwell — which
operates 23 hospitals, including Lenox Hill Hospital on
Manhattan’s Upper East Side — said vitamin C was being
“widely used” as a coronavirus treatment throughout the
system, but noted that medication protocols varied from
patient to patient.
“As the clinician decides,” spokesman
Jason Molinet said... Weber, 34, said vitamin C levels
in coronavirus patients drop dramatically when they
suffer sepsis, an inflammatory response that occurs when
their bodies overreact to the infection. “It makes all
the sense in the world to try and maintain this level of
vitamin C,” he said.
IV vitamin C being used to fight COVID-19
March 27th 2020 - CINCINNATI (WKRC) -
The National Institutes of Health just launched a new
trial of a common vitamin being used in some hospitals
to treat the coronavirus. One of the potentially deadly
complications of the coronavirus is what's called a
severe acute respiratory infection - better known as
The National Institute of Health has
just launched a new trial to find out if IV vitamin C
may play a significant role in fighting it.
Doctor Eldred Taylor showed he's been using IV vitamin C
in his practice through Facetime.
He is careful to say it won't prevent
COVID-19. He treats patients with it who appear to have
a need for it after he takes a full medical history. It
is being used in several hospitals around the country
right now to help the lungs fight back
"It suppresses this thing called the
cytokine storm and these cytokines go to the small
little air sacs in the lungs, and inflame them, where
it's very hard to transfer oxygen into the blood,"
explained Dr. Taylor. "And that's why these people are
on ventilators under pressure to force oxygen across
those membranes. So if you can decrease that
inflammation then that's going to allow these patients
to breathe easier." The dosage that is needed is still
being determined and does vary by hospital protocol.
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