FBI Director Christopher Wray Admits The FBI
Has Failed To Recruit Minorities In The Face Of The Agency's Bad
Image As Hateful Racists
August 3. 2018

Christopher Wray
Former FBI Director James Comey failed in his bid to recruit
more FBI agents of color, after years of his predecessor, Robert
S. Mueller, engaging in racism at the agency (New FBI Director James Comey Laments The Lack Of Minority Agents But
There's A Reason For That).
The FBI was repeatedly sued over Mueller's racist policies that
made life horrible for black and Hispanic agents, who quit after
being racially harassed, insulted and threatened. Mueller was
also vehemently opposed to Asians working at the FBI, labeling
them all spies for China. Mueller is a white supremacist who
went to terrible lengths to discriminate against people of color
at the FBI and those who are victims of crime.
Comey's successor, Christopher Wray, is also acutely aware of
the FBI's nasty image regarding minorities and he too is now
trying to recruit more FBI agents of color. According to press
reports, Wray recently attended the National Organization of
Black Law Enforcement Executives conference in Hollywood,
Florida, which is a city just outside of Miami.
The Sun Sentinel reports, "With regard to
diversity, Wray admitted the FBI has not done enough. 'Our
employment statistics, to put it bluntly, don’t paint the
rosiest picture,' he told the mostly minority audience.
'Fewer than five percent of our agents are African-American
and that number has remained basically flat or constant for
the past few years.'"
As a black woman, who is a victim of crime that has had terrible
experiences regarding the FBI, I do not recommend any person of
color join the agency. The sick racist ideology in the FBI is a
massive insult and danger to people of color everywhere. They
routinely deny people of color justice, especially when the
perpetrators are white. I've seen them do this with my own eyes.
FBI employees slur black people calling us "niggers." FBI
employees slur Arabs as "sand niggers." FBI agents have slurred
black people from the Caribbean as "voodoo people" and referred
to individual islands as "nigger nation." The FBI behaves like
the Caribbean is still a part of the slave trade, regarding
criminally exploitative acts they've engaged in. Hispanics and
Asians are also slurred by FBI agents. It's not an agency for
people of color.
The FBI does not value the lives of people of color. They hate
minorities and to the point they couldn't even contain it around
black and Hispanic agents who worked for the FBI during
Mueller's tenure and were subjected to horrible racism that
Mueller knew about and condone (as mentioned above).
The FBI has a heinous history of hatred and contempt for black
people that resulted in murders and assaults against blacks. The
FBI killed
Martin Luther King jr, framed
Geronimo Pratt, invaded the privacy of many civil rights activists
and tried to destroy them, and covered up evidence in the murder
of 15-year-old Emmett Till, to allow his racist killers go free, among other
The FBI has also been criminally targeting Black Lives Matter as
I warned on the site before the group and public found out about
it (FBI
Has Been Spying On Black Lives Matter As I Previously Stated
Online). People have the Constitutional right to
peacefully speak out, whether or not you agree with what they
have to say. The FBI is breaking the law in targeting
people for racist reasons.
The FBI hasn't changed one bit since the days J. Edgar Hoover
had Martin Luther King Jr murdered. The FBI still hates black
people and are engaging in unprovoked, unlawful, adverse actions
against people of color. The FBI is not a safe or place for
minorities. People of color who seek to go into law
enforcement are better off becoming police officers rather than
working for the FBI. There are good cops out there doing their
job to the best of their ability and in accordance with the law.
However, I can't say that about FBI employees.
FBI director meets with Parkland parent after addressing
black officers at Hollywood conference
FBI Director Christopher Wray talked about
teamwork, technology and diversity at the NOBLE conference
in Hollywood. The FBI may seem like it’s under siege
politically, but that is not diverting agents’ attention
from fighting crime and making schools safer, according to
Director Christopher Wray. Teamwork, technology and
diversity were among the topics he addressed at Saturday’s
luncheon for the National Organization of Black Law
Enforcement Executives conference at the Diplomat Beach
Resort in Hollywood...
With regard to diversity, Wray admitted the
FBI has not done enough. “Our employment statistics, to put
it bluntly, don’t paint the rosiest picture,” he told the
mostly minority audience. “Fewer than five percent of our
agents are African-American and that number has remained
basically flat or constant for the past few years.”...
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