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FBI Raids Former President Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago Home In Florida (Video)

August 8. 2022

The administration of President Joe Biden is ramping up its biased, self-serving efforts to block former Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump, from running for the White House in the 2024 election. Biden and his puppetmaster, former President Barack Obama, engaged U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to dispatch the FBI to raid Trump's massive Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida.

Last year, the Biden Administration raided the home of Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and recently returned the items they seized in the raid, giving the impression they found nothing (FBI Raid On Rudy Giuliani Is Politically Motivated In Cover Up Of Hunter Biden Pedophilia And Bribery Case Relating To His Laptop The Former Mayor Acquired).

The Biden administration are desperately searching for anything they can find to bring down Trump and as such engaged in this highly political, unprecedented, desperate move of raiding the home of a former President. They didn't even raid the home of former President Richard Nixon, who engaged in illegal wiretapping (you know, like Obama and Biden have for years).

They didn't even raid the home of former President, Bill Clinton, who was impeached for perjury and was later exposed for repeatedly flying to "Pedophile Island" which is the home of the late, convicted pedophile and child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein. Many underage girls, some as young as age 12, were sex trafficked to rich and famous men and women on "Pedophile Island." Some of the victims stated Clinton was on "Pedophile Island" (Little Saint James island in the Caribbean which was owned by Epstein).

They didn't even raid the home of President Biden's son, Hunter Biden, who is a crack cocaine smoking pedophile and one that has grotesquely enriched himself to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in selling access to his dad and the White House (President Joe Biden And Son Hunter Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging They Are Pedophiles). Russia and China have so much dirt on Hunter due to his own foolish criminal actions that the Biden White House is compromised.

They didn't even raid the home of U.S. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, who has ties to the Italian mafia and has engaged in criminal insider trading for over 20-years, illegal reaping in excess of $100,000,000 in ill-gotten gains.

Former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has criminally engaged in illegal, commissioned wiretapping, computer hacking, charity fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud and criminal harassment, among other crimes, and has not faced a single day behind bars. She is the most corrupt former First Lady in U.S. history.

The woman is an outright criminal. Yet, the hellion is walking around free. I know for a fact from the Anthony Pellicano scandal the FBI interviewed me about twice that they have evidence Hillary Clinton committed serious crimes in that matter and they never even so much as questioned her about it, opting to cover up her crimes.

Former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, turned the FBI into a Nazi police (he descends from Nazis). Tactics present during Hitler's reign of terror became standard practice at the FBI under Mueller, who is a criminal.

Mueller ordered the murders of innocent people (innocent targets and their children were killed for political and financial reasons). Mueller even order hits abroad on innocent people in the international community (in the West, regarding countries that are allies of America) to the point foreign police were scrambling to protect the innocents in their nation from Mueller's bloodthirsty madness when he sent FBI agents to spy on then kill innocent people.

Mueller misappropriated and stole tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money at the FBI during the multi-billion dollar agency-wide computer system creation and installation. Mueller stole billions in intellectual property. Mueller took bribes at the FBI. Mueller actively engaged in COINTELPRO tactics against many outspoken people in America, some of whom mysteriously turned up dead in weird unsolved cases. COINTELPRO is the widely criticized, hateful initiative the FBI used to murder Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Fred Hampton, among others. Yet, not a single investigation was ever opened into Mueller's sick crimes.

Former President Barack Obama has engaged in commissioned wiretapping, computer hacking, bank fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy, collision and conversion. Obama also outrageously ordered extrajudicial killings of American citizens and foreigners in conduct expressly forbidden under U.S. law.

Obama has engaged in massive intellectual property theft to the tune of billions. Obama and Biden have threatened foreign governments into doing their ILLEGAL bidding or they will withhold U.S. taxpayer money in foreign aid. Even his wife, former First Lady, Michelle Obama, engaged in provable crimes from the White House. Yet, not a single investigation was opened into these disgraceful crimes by any of them.

Even right now Biden is in office engaging in illegal spying in criminal violation of the U.S. Constitution (wiretapping, hacking, phone hacking, GPS tracking, bank account scanning, among other crimes, regarding select innocent people his administration has been unlawfully targeting for political and financial gain). Nixon had to flee office for less. Yet Biden is still in the White House.

I have an extensive track record of breaking stories that prove to be 100% true and correct (site exclusives). Everything I have stated about the aforementioned people is completely true. I have no reason to lie about them. Furthermore, telling the truth about the crimes of such lawless, hypocritical individuals, who deem themselves above the law and have done horrendously evil things to innocent people, poses a risk to me. I don't even get paid for doing this site. Therefore, I gain nothing from stating the truth about their crimes. They are total and complete criminals. Yet, they are roaming free without a single raid on any of them.

If Trump did indeed do something worthy of a raid (he is accused of tax crimes), he should be treated no differently from anyone in the eyes of the law. It should be the same rules for everyone.

I just can't stand the disgusting, dirty double standard that comes out of this corrupt, autocratic government, in what is unquestionably a two-tier justice system, where others have done exponentially worse (like ordered the murders of innocent people) and not even so much as an investigation was opened into the crimes.

People do not respect you for this brazen corruption and two-tier justice system. It is alarming how far you will go in attempts at holding on to so-called power, while destroying the country and its name to the watching world in the process. To use the FBI/DOJ as a means of destroying your competition's chance of running for reelection is underhanded, dirty and un-American. You're pathetic.


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