France Reopens Schools And Sees 70 New
Coronavirus Cases Forcing Re-ClosuresMay 26. 2020

Coronavirus (Covid-19)
In the May 12, 2020 article "Schools Set To Reopen In Select
Regions During Coronavirus Outbreak But Is It Safe" I spoke out
against the reopening of schools in regions such as Britain and
America, set for as early as June 1, 2020 (in the UK). One week
later France reopened schools and suffered flare-ups of the
coronavirus (Covid-19), forcing re-closures.
Considering the death rate from coronavirus is lower
in France than Britain and America, this is an indication there
would be even more flare ups in the latter regions' schools. Britain
and America need not reopen schools until at least September, to
permit the virus to die down at a greater rate.
Coronavirus flare-ups force France to re-close some schools
May 18, 2020 / 9:44 AM / AP - Paris — Just one week
after a third of French schoolchildren went back to school in an
easing of the coronavirus lockdown, there's been a worrying flareup
of about 70 COVID-19 cases linked to schools.
Some schools were opened last week and a further
150,000 junior high students went back to the classroom Monday as
further restrictions were loosened by the government. The move
initially spelled relief: the end of homeschooling for many hundreds
of thousands of exhausted French parents, many whom were also
working from home...
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