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Hollywood Illuminati Cult Have Been Blackmailing Cristiano Ronaldo Over Secret Rape Case October 5. 2018
Cristiano Ronaldo International football star Cristiano is struggling with scandal this week, as allegations of rape emerged against him by, made by Kathryn Mayogra, a former employee of a Las Vegas night club. Mayogra alleges she was raped by Ronaldo in 2009 at the Royal Palms hotel in Las Vegas, after they spent the night dancing in the club. Mayogra went to police, but states they were not cooperative. She then filed a civil lawsuit against Cristiano, which he privately settled in 2010 for $375,000. The settlement included a non-disclosure clause. Damaging depositions were taken in the case, where Ronaldo admitted Mayogra told him to stop several times, but he anally rapped her anyway, despite her protests. Ronaldo has publicly denied the rape allegations over the past few days, as sponsors have been expressing their dismay. However, the deposition used in the German publication Der Spiegel, in conjunction with Mayogra, is working against him, due to his own admissions of guilt.
Cristiano Ronaldo In 2017, well before the rape scandal broke last month, I wrote about the Kabbalah cult, who call themselves the "Illuminati", run by vile, washed up, deranged pop star Madonna, targeting Ronaldo [Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Is A Threat To British National Security (Harvey Weinstein, Rupert Murdoch, Kevin Spacey)]. The cult knew about the secret rape case and settlement. They have been blackmailing Ronaldo with it, in addition to using other items they illegally found out about him, via criminal invasion of privacy (illegal wiretapping, as well as computer and email hacking, among other things). They've demanded he join the cult and promote them online. On the cult's orders, Cristiano even released a video with a Kabbalah ram skull beside his TV. Much to his family's dismay, Ronaldo had to go along with all the cult's demands or risk being publicly exposed by the cult and his career ruined. Some very foul stuff is going on in the background and the FBI should have done their jobs in stopping disgusting, thieving, psychotic singer Madonna years ago, when they were made aware of her criminal behavior.
Cristiano Ronaldo and Kathryn Mayogra at the night club she worked in Las Vegas Remember in a past article where I stated the Kabbalah cult illegally spied on an athlete in his home via hacking his webcam and criminally recorded him having lawful sex in his home. It wasn't Ronaldo. However, it is someone just as famous. The cult used an illegally made sextape that was surreptitiously taken by one of Madonna's hackers, via hacking the athlete's webcam on his computer he had in his bedroom while having sex, using it to blackmail him into joining and promoting the cult's members on social networking and in interviews. There is another case of a very famous international athlete whose home the Kabbalah cult broke into to steal a sextape he made of himself and a lover, who consensually had sex with him, and have been using it to blackmail him regarding promoting the cult and its members such as Jay Z on Twitter and Instagram. The athlete did not deserve such a gross invasion of privacy. No one does. There is also a very famous British athlete the cult is blackmailing, as they invaded his privacy and found out about him cheating on his famous wife, among other things. The couple made the mistake of entertaining the cult's invitations to Hollywood events and they've spooled them into a very sick sect and are making very egregious demands of them.
Cristiano Ronaldo and Kathryn Mayogra dancing at the night club she worked in Las Vegas There is also another matter where the cult discovered a famous celebrity, who is in his late thirties, had sex with a 15-year-old in Britain and they have been using it to blackmail him. They have been harassing this man for several months, making terrible demands of him in exchange for their silence. There is also a British athlete in his twenties the cult has drawn into their madness with promises of fame and money. However, they have illegally invaded his privacy and criminally implicated him in very illegal behavior that is going to have the authorities coming after him with a vengeance when it goes public. RELATED ARTICLES Madwoman Madonna Is Moving To Portugal To Spread Her Kabbalah Cult Madness And Evade The Law Twitter Is Being Hacked By Madonna's Kabbalah Center To Read Private DMs And Adjust Friend Count How Did Delusional Hollywood Illuminati Cult Members Think Good Looking People Wanted Them Is The British Government Doing Enough To Protect Athletes Such As Footballers Football Star Cristiano Ronaldo In Trouble Regarding Rape Allegations Again David Beckham And Victoria Beckham Have Consulted Divorce Lawyers |
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