Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC
In Britain Has Nasty Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony
Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)
September 8. 2017

The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On
Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
As many of you know who read this website and
unaffiliated pop culture blogs on a regular basis,
Madonna is a very sick and
evil human being. She has a disturbing, detailed
legal history of targeting,
harassing, threatening,
copyrights from and spying on people in criminal
violation of the law (she even choke and beat an 11-year-old
boy, Keith Sorrentino). In doing so, she has criminally broken
the law in America and in several nations
of the world. Madonna runs the Kabbalah Center, which the
publications the
New York Post and Newsweek, have described as a lawless cult
violating existing laws for undue financial profit.
I sued Madonna (click
here) over the sick conduct she has been illegally
engaging in against me, such as unlawfully wiretapping me
through private investigators and hackers, and criminally
stealing via hacking preexisting items from my valuable
copyrighted catalog, registered in Washington, DC with the
Library of Congress, years before she infringed them. Under U.S.
federal law, I was required to go to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) about the matter.
4-months after I was interviewed by the FBI twice, the law
enforcement agency arrested Madonna's private
investigator, Anthony Pellicano, his 4 hackers, a telephone
company employee and thugs he paid to threaten and beat people, using evidence and spoken
testimony I and others gave them. He is currently serving a
15-year prison sentence. However, no celebrities were arrested
in the case, though there is ample evidence Hollywood stars
such as Madonna, Tom Cruise and others, hired Pellicano, who is a murderer and
Mafioso that is a part of the Colombo crime family in
the Italian-American mafia. Select Hollywood stars and
executives knowingly hired Pellicano for no other reason than to break the law
against innocent people, as they knew he unlawfully
wiretapped, phone hacked, computer and email hacked, stalked, threatened and
assaulted people for pay ($100,000 per person targeted).
The FBI, under Robert S. Mueller, who failed in their legal duty, are
a white supremacist law enforcement agency who hates
blacks, Hispanics, Asians and foreigners. In fact,
the FBI
has repeatedly been sued by Americans and foreigners who are
people of color (minorities), over the agency's racist conduct that
damaged or killed innocent people. Former FBI agents also
came forward stating the hateful, racist agency killed civil rights hero
Martin Luther King jr.
I also filed a complaint with the
Metropolitan Police in London, England (Britain) regarding
Madonna and fellow cultist, Rupert Murdoch, whom she has
business ties to, for engaging in illegal wiretapping/phone
hacking, computer hacking and burglary to steal corporate
and personal files on British shores. They also sent private
investigators to illegally install unlawful surveillance
equipment in people's homes and businesses, to secretly spy
on them in violation of British and United Nations laws.
Famous and non-famous people were spied on, harassed,
threatened and blackmailed by Madonna and her Kabbalah cult.
After I filed the formal complaint, the
Metropolitan Police made many arrests of Murdoch's employees and several people
were sent to prison over the case.
Shortly after the arrests began, Madonna had Rupert
Murdoch's son instructed a staff member of a radio station he owned, Nova 919 in
contact me
in Miami, under a deceitful premise. At the time, I
did not know the radio station Nova 919 is owned by
Murdoch's son, Lachlan Murdoch, who was also implicated in
the phone hacking scandal, which was precipitated by my
complaint to the Metropolitan Police. Lachlan's 10 Network
owns Nova 919 and did at the time this incident transpired.
10 Network is now going under and is in bankruptcy.
The Nova 919 disc jockey "Hans" stated in an email that they wanted to interview me
on air about
the Madonna case. However, what they were actually told to do
by Madonna and company is criminally harass
me, because my police complaints in America and Britain led
to arrests and massive scandals. In contacting me under false pretenses and to
engage in acts of harassment, they broke the law in committing what is known as "witness tampering."
The crime was made all the worse as it
crossed international lines (making it even more illegal
under existing laws).
Madonna had paid for a week long promotion on the Nova 919 radio station
to celebrate her crappy career.
They had her family and friends call in for the show and I
am neither. Therefore, Nova should not have contacted me.
Anyone with half a brain can tell I don't like the witch. Wretched, obsessed
Madonna had no business trying to get me on that show. It was a creepy and
insane thing to do, as I am a victim of crime she has repeatedly targeted like
an insane madwoman exploiting and trying to destroy an innocent person she has a
fixation on.
I had done other radio shows about the case
and without incident. Therefore, I was willing to talk about
the case on the Nova 919 radio show as well, as it relates
to the victims in a serious legal matter. Some people
were criminally assaulted by Madonna's private investigator
Anthony Pellicano and ended up in the hospital. Another
writer who wrote critical items about those lunatics in
Kabbalah, suffered broken bones when Pellicano sent thugs to
run him over with
a vehicle. This is something they tried to do to me as well
but I got out of the way in time (Madonna Commissions Another Criminal Attack
Hollywood Wiretap And Harassment Trial Reveals Pattern Of Abusing Innocent
People). Pellicano also threatened in
writing to murder some of the victims' children he targeted on
behalf of stars such as Madonna.
When I heard the crap being spewed on air in the lead up to
that pathetic, unprofessional, self-congratulatory mess Madonna paid for on
the Nova 919 radio station, I responded to their email informing
them I would not be participating in the show. I don't want
anything to do with that madwoman Madonna. I think she is
vile, disgusting and repulsive. She even had her brother
Christopher Ciccone, send an email invitation to my website
to come to his book launch in Miami, when I have repeatedly
and clearly shown by my words online that I don't want
anything to do with them. There's something very wrong with
that family. Their parents completely failed.
It should be noted, Madonna's cult Kabbalah, with her knowledge,
was engaging in large scale drug dealing in Australia, netting them millions of
dollars. After a tip off, Australian police investigated and arrested members of
the Kabbalah cult in 2006. At the time of their arrest, they had $2,000,000 in
drugs in their possession at the cult, waiting to be sold. Once again, Kabbalah
is greedy and lawless.

As stated in previous articles, Madonna had
moved to Britain years ago and insulted and defamed Britons as "lazy"
when they're not, but she is very much so. Madonna engaged
in a slew of criminal behavior while she was in Britain and
after she left as well, when her fake marriage to Guy
Ritchie imploded and ended in divorce (he married her because in exchange for
doing so she promised him a big movie deal with Warner
Madonna's commissioned criminal conduct in
Britain continues to this day and has grown progressively
worse and more evil in nature. Madonna has no fear of
being held accountable for her criminal actions by the U.S.
or British governments and as a result of that has indulged
in very deplorable, abhorrent, insidious criminal conduct
which harmed innocent people. Madonna's conduct in spreading
her insane cult to foreign shores left
three dead in Britain. Madonna's criminal conduct in
Kabbalah has also resulted in the deaths of people in
America and other nations as well (more on that shortly).
Madonna was signed to Warner Bros Music for
approximately 30-years and currently has a deal with Warner
Bros Pictures. Through Warner Bros, Madonna has repeatedly
released criminal copyright infringing material, resulting
in a slew of lawsuits against her and the company (Sony is a
partner involved in the thefts as well, connected to Warner
via a joint music publishing deal). Guy Ritchie, under
Madonna's influence, did
the same and has been sued for copyright infringement
regarding every film he has ever put out.
Warner Bros is
also the worldwide distributor of DVDs released by the BBC
(British Broadcasting Corporation), which is a government
owned network in Britain, funded by taxpayer money. Madonna
also has ties to the BBC, which gave her a foothold at the network in which to
break a number of existing laws.
Prior to Madonna's deranged madness, my aunt
(an awarding winning author and professor) and my dad (an
award winning musicologist) did interviews with the BBC (and
many other outlets) about their work. I am Jamaican. Jamaica
is a
nation that was under British rule. Jamaica is also in the
Commonwealth of nations, headed up by Britain. Half of my family has
lived in Britain since before I was born. I also have
two English ancestors, one of whom is prominent in
British history. The English lines of my ancestry go back
hundreds of years in British history. I also have a British last
name (Goodison). My point is I grew up with Britain in my
life from day one. It is a part of me.

I have been watching the BBC for as long
as I can remember. BBC shows were broadcast in Jamaica when
I was a child (still are) and on PBS in Miami, Florida where I later grew up
beginning at age 9. The BBC has produced some fantastic, top
notch, highly entertaining shows over the decades. This
makes it all the more sad that Madonna and her sick
Hollywood cult Kabbalah, with the support of the FBI, have
turned the network into something very objectionable in recent
When nasty, hideous Madonna found out I was
a fan of the BBC show "Doctor Who" using her
business ties at their distributor Warner Bros, she began illegally
selling them items from my preexisting copyrighted catalog,
which was already registered in the Library of Congress in
Washington, DC years prior. I also have what is known as "poor man's
copyrights" where you email and or mail a copy of your copyrights to
yourself to establish the date of authorship. It is a method
recognized by lawyers and the United Nations' World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
The "Doctor Who" infringements began in
approximately 2005, during the reboot of the program that
the BBC created and first broadcast in 1963, which is well
before I was born. I'm not
alleging the show "Doctor Who" is mine. It is not. However,
in 2005 Madonna began illegally selling them items from my
preexisting, unrelated copyrights that are fictional movie
scripts, among other things, to use as new storylines for the reboot
of "Doctor Who" (meaning the topic/subject of a number of
weekly show episodes).
They stole very valuable copyrights in doing
so, some that were meant to be motion pictures (films) for
wide release in theatres and foolishly devalued them for a
weekly television show ("Doctor Who"), in what is a massive,
criminal waste. For example, the criminal copyright
infringing episode of "Doctor Who" that is titled "Waters of Mars"
aired November 15, 2009, but was stolen from my preexisting
copyrights in the Library of Congress, registered by me
years prior. It was supposed to be
a big budget movie about a water incident on mars causing
strange changes in people. It was not meant for a television episode.
A wide release film brings in far more money than a
television episode. They greatly
devalued my copyright and repeatedly did so in other
incidents as well.

Doctor Who
I had begun watching "Doctor Who" in 2005,
as talented British entertainer Billie Piper had joined the
She brought in many new viewers who knew of her from the pop
charts. I was familiar with her work, as I'd bought her CDs
years prior. Madonna then began recruiting Billie for the Kabbalah Center
cult and engaged in crazy acts in trying to
control her. Madonna has spied on Billie no end. It's really
Not only did Madonna illegally
sell items from my copyrights at deeply discounted prices to people
at the BBC (and other places), who in turn collected big
taxpayer funded checks for the stolen works they did not
author (Russell Davies and Steven Moffat, among others)
they began including items from my personal life on the
show, in acts of arrogance and nastiness. Some of the items
were gained via Madonna's criminally commissioned
wiretapping and computer hacking as seen in the criminal
trial of her private investigator Pellicano, as well as
through stalking done by violent, insane, brainwashed
Kabbalah Center members they refer to as "chevre" which
means servants or slaves.
I outed
them on it in a previous article on the Judiciary
Report, the BBC staff of "Doctor Who"
cockily admitted in a mainstream press article that they do
take items from people's personal lives, image and likeness and use it on the
show without permission.
Here's the problem with that - IT'S ILLEGAL (not to mention
sick and creepy). It is unlawful
in America, Britain and Jamaica, among other nations, to
use people's image, likeness and invasive items
from their private lives without their written permission.

Russell Davies is a very sick, insane man who is in the
Kabbalah cult run by Madonna. He left/was forced out of "Doctor Who" years
ago after I publicly slammed him for stealing from and spying on me in tandem
with insane Madonna and her sick Kabbalah cult. Davies is a very
depraved man, who is responsible for gross acts of criminal copyright
infringement and invasion of privacy that occurred at the show, which continue
to this day via people who he had hired to work on "Doctor Who."
For example, my younger sister who lives in
Jamaica had visited me in Miami. Using her digital camera, I took
some pictures of her at the airport before she left. She
emailed me digital copies of the photos. During one of
Madonna's commissioned hacks into my emails, computer and
mobile phones, they illegally downloaded my emails and all
the photo attachments (they continue to do so). While there's nothing inappropriate in my
emails, it's none of their
business what's in my email box. Not to mention, it is a criminal offense illegally
accessing others emails and I gave no one permission to do

The "Lois Habiba" character on "Doctor Who" (pictured above) looks a lot like my
sister. People who know my sister will immediately see the resemblance. I
will not post her photo on the site, as I want to protect her privacy, as
neither she, my family or friends asked for any of this sick, deranged
madness Madonna has been doing.
During the "Daleks In Manhattan" episode of
"Doctor Who" which aired on April 16, 2005, as stated above, they hired an
actress that looks like my sister. They also styled her hair
exactly like my sister's in the photo attachments contained
in one of the emails Madonna's hackers copied (in the
emailed photos that predate the "Doctor Who" episode, my sister
had the front portion of her hair braided in twists, which later
appeared as the hairstyle of the character "Lois Habiba" as well).
My sister and I had also discussed her
getting contact lenses (she wears glasses to read). The
episode of the "Doctor Who" show was about the character who
looks just like my sister wearing contact lenses and it
giving her special capabilities. It was a sick and invasive
thing to write it into the show, while using someone that looks
a lot
like my sister. Russell Davies and Madonna are extremely
sick to have done this.
Another example is, during the "Turn Left" episode of
Who" which aired June 21, 2008, they cast a woman who looks
a lot like my aunt, award winning author and poet laureate,
Lorna Goodison. They used my aunt's image and likeness for a racist,
demeaning role. In one of my aunt's award winning books
published years before the "Doctor Who" episode in question,
she briefly wrote about people who believe in fortune
telling/tealeaf reading.
During the "Turn Left" episode, the woman
they cast that looks a lot like my aunt, played a weird,
wild eyed, dimwitted fortune teller, when my aunt is nothing of the
sort. It is the racist, xenophobic, demeaning characterization Hollywood
and now the BBC has of Jamaicans (see:
Miss Cleo, who wasn't
even Jamaican, but was portrayed as an uneducated Jamaican
simpleton in psychic network ads, in what was an insult
to Jamaica).
Imagine that, my brilliant, highly educated
aunt, who is an award winning author and professor that
taught at two distinguished universities, reduced to a wild eyed fortune teller in
a racist portrayal of black Caribbean
women, by idiotic, moronic, unoriginal, thieving Madonna, Russell Davies and
Steven Moffat. The minute my mother
saw the episode she exclaimed in shock, "That woman looks
like your aunt." My mother is creeped out by what they did
(as am I).
The invasion of privacy is bad enough. However, my aunt is a
highly intelligent black woman and to see the racist
characterization on the show via the fortune teller character, makes their
illegal actions all the worse. But that's a part of it, they
are illegally using British taxpayer money for deceitful purposes, to be as
nasty, mean spirited and racist as possible, to innocent people they are
criminally harassing and ripping off.
Then, there is female character "Bill Plots"
played by Pearle Mackie on the 2016-2017 season of "Doctor
Who" who looks a lot like my cousin who works in the
entertainment industry. In fact, in the opening episode of
the current season, the character not only overwhelmingly
looked like my cousin, but wore her hair the exact same way.
They also had an unflattering character on
Russell Davies' "Doctor Who" spin-off show "Torchwood" ("Children of Earth”
which aired in July 2009) named "Clement
which sounds like the name of my late godmother's late
husband, music producer
Clement Dodd, the renown founder of reggae
music, who was a close family friend for life. Dodd signed
Bob Marley to his first record deal and was instrumental in
developing his talent and that of many other Jamaican music
stars. Bob Marley, who went on to global fame and is now a
music legend, was a good
friend of my dad's while the reggae singer was alive.
I'd spoken to Dodd over the telephone and saw
him in Jamaica at my dad's house. He gave me advice on music
(I'm a songwriter and singer who started an independent
label). As my phone has been repeatedly wiretapped by
deranged Madonna, which is what I went to the FBI about as
mentioned above,
resulting in her private investigator's arrest (Pellicano),
it is clear
this is where they got the idea to name the character "Clement
McDonald" after
Clement Dodd. Davies has also insanely named a character on
his BBC show "Torchwood" after my mother
and one with a variation of my name
Aisha cast as "Misha."
All the characters were unflattering in an insult to us,
including Dodd.
My dad, who is a disc jockey, had also interviewed reggae music legend Desmond
on his radio show (broadcast on the air and online) and
shortly after Russell Davies put an unflattering character on
the "Torchwood" show "Children of Earth” named "Mr.
Dekker." It's the same name. None of the
characters were flattering. It was all meant to be a
massive, racist insult to Jamaicans.
Why are Davies, Moffat and Madonna criminally using British
taxpayer money at the BBC to steal from me in acts of criminal copyright
infringement and to hatefully slur, defame, insult and malign Jamaicans
(including Jamaican national heroes Dodd and Dekker) on
the publicly televised show, via racist characterizations of black people,
using people's real names, images, likeness and personal
lives as illegal content/material.
to mention, they are insidiously violating the public
in broadcasting this invasive garbage into homes around the world,
containing items stolen from copyrights, personal emails and
files that were hacked, as well as wiretapped telephone
conversations and acts of criminal stalking. They are making the public a party to
criminal acts of voyeurism, which is nasty and disgusting.

Madonna's Kabbalah cult rabbi Yehuda
Berg following me on Twitter
The 2016/2017 series of "Doctor Who"
contains more infringements from my preexisting copyrights
as well.
In a weird twist, the current "Doctor Who" season also contains
infringements in the form of items they took from this
website (Judiciary Report). The "Doctor Who" staff, as instructed by insane
Madonna also used items from my Twitter page.
Madonna instructed her rapist rabbi,
Yehuda Berg,
who helps her run the Kabbalah cult, to follow me on Twitter. Madonna is also
constantly stealing items from my Twitter page
and attributing them to herself on Twitter and Instagram.
They also keep taking items from my tweets and using it for
weird things regarding "Doctor Who." For example, if you read this website, my
affiliated site or
my Twitter page, you
will know I am a fan of the "Back To The Future"
film trilogy. I even went to
see the Delorean when it was in London in 2015 at an
advertised movie theatre event. I took
pictures of it.
During series 10 of "Doctor Who" episode 12
titled "The Doctor
Falls" which aired on July 1, 2017, the show completely rips off the scene
from 1989's "Back To The Future 2" where movie
characters Marty and Doc Brown
hover in the Delorean time machine as it slowly rises at
the side of a building, in order to confront villain Biff, after Marty
jumped off the ledge.
There is also a scene with a board house and
a woman using a shot gun in "The Doctor Falls"
episode which is just
like what occurred in 1990's "Back To The Future 3." Another scene in "The
Doctor Falls" has a barn that looks just like the one in
1985's "Back To The Future." There is also a scene in "The Doctor Falls" of a woman
slowly holding up her hand and
staring at it in shock, just like Marty did in the dance
scene as his hand began to disappear in 1985's "Back To The
In another weird twist, the scene of the Cybermen flying upwards in the
end of "The Doctor Falls" resembles the scene at the end of the 2016
"Doctor Strange" which I rented and played on my computer
that is being hacked by Madonna's hackers on a regular
basis. It is a part of my movie rental history and easily
On March 3, 2017, I wrote on
my Twitter page,
an item mentioning one of my favorite classical music pieces "Fur Elise."
Months later, on May 6, 2017, the old classical music piece
"Fur Elise" was included as a pivotal part of the
"Doctor Who"
episode "Knock, Knock." Madonna and company
are obsessively watching on my Twitter page and websites,
taking and using whatever they feel like, which is creepy
and pathetic. They are completely brainless and devoid
of any original thought.

My tweet about "Fur Elise"
Series 10, Episode 7 of "Doctor Who" titled
"The Pyramid at the End of the World" aired on May 27, 2017.
Months prior, I had ordered the old MGM movie "Stargate"
released in 1994, which Madonna's hackers saw me do during
one of their pathetic computer hacks (they illegally hack
and copy all the contents of my computers and track
everything I do, including purchases). The May 27, 2017 "Doctor Who" episode
"The Pyramid at the End of the World" is a straight up
copyright infringing rip off of "Stargate" which was
released 23-years prior.

Daniel Kaluuya
In 2012, while traveling to the Charing Cross
tube station in
London from Hampstead (North London), I saw "Doctor Who"
actor Daniel Kaluuya on a public bus. Kaluuya had appeared
on the "Doctor
Who" episode "Planet of the Dead" which aired on April 11, 2009. Kaluuya kept staring at me. He was jumpy, sweaty and
nervous. He was sweating profusely and kept staring at me.
I kept wondering "what's wrong with him" as he was
nervous. However, I'd recognized him from "Doctor Who" but due to the
mess that's been going on with said show regarding me and my
family, as listed above in this article, I avoided him. In 2017, Kaluuya
went on to star in the movie
"Get Out" which is a rip off of the preexisting 2005 film
"The Skeleton Key."

"Orphan Black"
The BBC recently ended a sick show it
broadcasted called "Orphan Black." The show had sick imagery
that must have disturbed people, especially children. For
example, recently on "Orphan Black" the show featured a sick
scene of a woman insanely plucking
her eye out in a bloody, gory, gruesome mess. Why broadcast
something like that. It certainly is not good for the
public's mental health.
Not only did
"Orphan Black" begin stealing preexisting copyrights from my
copyrighted catalog
registered in the Library of Congress, to illegally use on
the BBC' show, they engaged in some nasty, racist acts of
criminal invasion of privacy again, as they'd done with
"Doctor Who" and "Torchwood." What transpired recently with "Orphan
Black" was a new low regarding Madonna and the BBC's
criminal behavior. As the phrase goes, "It takes the cake." It also prompted this article
I have written about my forthcoming
patents in previous articles on the Judiciary Report. I have also broken science
stories on this website that later proved to be true and
correct, as confirmed by mainstream articles and science
organizations. Among my site
exclusives are "Man Contracts HIV While On PrEP Drug Truvada Confirming
Site's Previous Claims" and "The U.S. Food And Drug Administration Confirms Breast
Implants Can Cause Breast Cancer As Stated Previously On This Site." Therefore,
I humbly state, I know what I'm doing.
I have written on this site about my forthcoming,
life extending science patents regarding cancer and HIV, and
the FBI aiding Hollywood in delaying them so degenerate,
thieving stars such as Madonna can continue to criminally steal
copyrights from my preexisting catalog for undue financial enrichment and awards. The
cult has openly threatened me in Miami barking such things
at me like "we
don't want anything cured" and attached death threats to
their deranged warnings. Make no mistake, they and the FBI know exactly how evil
and awful their actions are in every way. They don't give a damn about the
public's health.
In the Series 5, Episode 5 of BBC's "Orphan
Black" entitled "Ease For Idle Millionaires" the show
focuses on a cancer cure and a character named "Aisha" on an
island (Aisha is my real name and I am from an island,
Jamaica). The
character on the show named "Aisha" is a young girl. In
the episode they mock the cancer cure and kill off the girl named
"Aisha." There is also a character named "Kira"
which is also the real name of one of my dearest friends of the
past 20-years, "Kirah." I don't talk about my
family or friends publicly in great detail, due to the
insane stalker conduct of Madonna and her Kabbalah cult. The
only way they could have known Kirah's name is from
illegally wiretapping my phone calls. Not to mention,
Madonna's hackers are emailing me pretending to be my
sister's mom and my godbrother. The whole thing is sick,
disgusting, stalker type behavior.
It gets even nastier. The show "Orphan
Black" has all sorts
of racist references to "slaves" and "slavery" in
episode 9 titled "One Fettered Slave" and episode 7
entitled "Gag or Throttle." This is right up Madonna's
alley. The Kabbalah cult on Madonna's orders has been nastily calling
me a "slave" and "nigger" among other slurs.
Madonna even released an infringing song called "Voices" that contained
items from my preexisting copyrighted catalog registered in
the Library of Congress. In the infringing song "Voices" Madonna added the line "But who is
the master and who is the slave." I
thought it was nasty, vile and disgusting that she
stole a song from a black person and added that contemptible
line to it. However, it should let you know where her evil,
racist, nasty mind is to do something like that.
The show "Orphan Black" also mocks people
with sun allergies in episode 5 entitled "Ease For Idle
Millionaires." There's a scene in "Ease For Idle
Millionaires" where the character "Aisha" is shown with her
hands with red blisters on them, which is commonly
associated with sun allergies. I've had a sun allergy for years
(since I was a kid). It's in my medical records.
I mentioned on the site
that I have a type of skin allergy regarding going into the
sun during peak hours. However, I never publicly mentioned
it can cause blisters on my hands. With some people their face and arms blister. It afflicts children and adults alike
and mostly people of English or Romanian descent. I don't
have it as bad as some people who can't go out into the sun at
all without screaming out in pain, which is known as
Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (EPP).
I don't have EPP. I have a milder version
of a sun allergy where there's
a risk of serious sunburn and painful blisters, which first
appear on the hands/fingers (as with EPP) and sometimes the feet. It can
sometimes spread to the
face and other parts of the body (it only spread one time in
my life, other than that it is usually an occasional matter of my hands
appearing red and irritated when it happens, then peeling like a sunburn).
I'm a black woman, but I was born with
auburn hair, due to European and British ancestors. People
born with red hair tend to have sun sensitivity issues and
easily bruised skin (my skin bruises easily). There's no medicine available to stop
it. You just have to adjust your lifestyle to it and limit
prolonged contact with the sun during peak hours.
I first went to the University of
Miami when I was 10-years-old regarding it. My mom worked
for a dermatologist at the University of Miami. At first it
was thought I was having an allergic reaction to a dead frog I'd dissected
in science class when I was a kid (all the students had to
dissect frogs). However, it was the sun
in PE (physical education) class at 1:00PM in the blazing
hot Miami sun. So, my mom's boss at the University of Miami gave me a note and the school took me out of PE
classes as a result, assigning me to another class. Even as recently as this summer, I went to the
University of Miami about my sun sensitivity issues, as my
hands started blistering in May. I was in the sun during peak hours for about 30
minutes in trying to meet an important deadline on a project. I had no choice.
It causes the skin to be sensitive, fragile
and pale in some spots (but not like vitiligo, which is what
Michael Jackson had). I try to
spend time in the sun for a little when I can tolerate it, when it's not
too blazing hot, in order to get more color, but I feel like I'm getting
burned. It's very uncomfortable. They have pharmaceutical drugs that
can give people with sun sensitivity more pigment (color),
but it has a 5% risk of lymphoma (cancer). A dermatologist (not at
the University of Miami) gave me free samples of said
medicine once years ago, but
I did not use it when I read the label regarding the
lymphoma risk.
This skin issue has been difficult for me at times since I was a
kid and here is "Orphan Black" mocking people with said sun sensitivity issues,
while infringing my copyrights and privacy. It was a vile thing to do,
especially considering even little kids have the aforementioned skin problem,
which can be very painful and restrict their daily lives.
So to recap, the BBC, via Madonna and
company, infringed my copyrights, added a character to
"Orphan Black" with my name "Aisha" who is from and on an
island (I'm from an island, Jamaica, and go there at
different times), she has the sun allergy redness and
blistering on her hands (I do have that occasionally but
never publicly wrote about the allergy on the hands, which
is a part of my private medical records, yet is all now
illegally on television as a form of sick entertainment) and
the show mocks a cancer drug (which I have been successfully
working on and written about online).
Their conduct is completely illegal and sick. I'm doing a
documentary on the Kabbalah cult and will include this "Orphan Black" incident
and a sample from my medical records that predate the aforementioned show, as
proof regarding this matter. I will also include the other items mentioned
above, but in great detail.

The 2017 BBC show "Class" also contains
items stolen from my preexisting copyrighted catalog. The
infringing items were stolen from copyright updates I registered
over 10-years ago with the Library of Congress in Washington,
DC. On another note, after I rented the movie "Fantastic
Beasts" and played it on my computer months ago (albeit
one being
hacked by Madonna's hackers) the 2017 Episode 7 of "Class" entitled "The
Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did" ripped off the 2016 movie "Fantastic Beasts."
Commissioned Computer Hacking
Madonna has three hackers working in shifts
breaking into my computers and emails.
One has been identified
via court subpoena, after he sent me a death threat on
Madonna's behalf calling me a "nigger." Previously, when
Madonna's private
investigator Anthony Pellicano was arrested by the FBI, after
I went to them accusing her and him of hacking and illegal
wiretapping, among other things, the FBI later released
evidence revealing Pellicano had 4 hackers on staff breaking
into people's computers, emails and phones.
The commissioned hacking
into my computers, emails and websites has been confirmed by
computer specialists and I have it in writing from several
credible sources. Nasty, crazy old Madonna is in my computers, emails
and phones 24 hours a day thanks to this sick, nasty hacking
she continues to pay for in looking for copyrights, ideas
and other items to steal. She is constantly mimicking verbatim items in my
private, time stamped emails, which is very disturbing and incriminating on her
part. She has used a number of my private emails and sent them to outlets such
as the Daily Mail to be published as story topics about herself and it's sick.
Nasty, perverted biddy Madonna is
illegally having me spied on in sick ways, which constitutes
serious felonies. They are breaking into my computers using
a backdoor exploit in Windows that Microsoft has not closed,
due to the federal government.
It is available to the FBI, NSA and CIA. Hackers know the
exploit and criminally use it as well. Some of said hackers
also work for the FBI. They are hacking to steal. How pathetic
and ugly.
Jamaica And Britain's Tumultuous History
As stated previously in this article, I'm a black Jamaican with
British blood in me. Britain and Jamaica have a
very difficult history. Britain owned Jamaica as a colony
and the slave trade was horrible. Jamaicans were exploited,
tortured and killed in gruesome acts by Britain, in what is
well documented in history books. Britain
made billions off slavery in Jamaica. The biggest export was
sugar, from sugarcane plants, which grow best in tropical
climates, such as Jamaica.
Jamaica forgave Britain for slavery. There
are documentaries on the subject, where Jamaicans have
spoken about forgiving Britain. We have tried to put the
past behind us. Now here comes this racist, hateful conduct
from the BBC to appease vile Madonna, her sick Hollywood cult,
Warner Bros and the FBI. The law enforcement agency are
criminally supporting Madonna and company in this madness,
in acts of corruption.
Their current behavior says they think Jamaicans are slaves and
to be abused as such. How else can you explain this racist, hateful nastiness.
Their actions arrogantly reveal this, in not only violating, slurring and
maligning prominent Jamaicans in BBC programming, but also dredging up nasty old
slavery wounds, via infringing programming such as the "Orphan Black" episodes "One Fettered Slave"
and "Gag Or Throttle."
The BBC keeps doing this year after year, at
Madonna and Hollywood's behest. It speaks volumes about the hatred
and malice some still
have for black people, which is clearly something the
current offenders in this matter have engrained in them. They still think we're slaves and it is patently
offensive, especially coming from a national network. The
British government is head of the Commonwealth, which
Jamaica and many other black Caribbean nations, who were
also subjected to the slave trade, are a part of today.
The BBC is the face of the British government. The British
government owes the Commonwealth more than this, to permit this vile, invasive,
racist, thieving, malicious hatred streaming out of the BBC on a regular basis
and into people's homes. It's inexcusable, unnecessary and completely uncalled
for in every way. The British people did not ask to be represented in this
reprehensible manner by the BBC. I know they wouldn't approve of this
mean-spiritedness and racism Madonna and company are doing through the BBC.
British Prime Minister Visits Jamaica
In another twist, after I filed the
March 2015 lawsuit and went public with it
in August 2015, regarding a legal action against Madonna, which mentions the BBC
and alleges slavery type behavior from the offending
parties, regarding stealing from and exploiting me, a black
woman, the British Prime Minister went out to Jamaica. In September 2015, then British Prime Minister, David Cameron, whose family
owned 202 Jamaican slaves, went out to Jamaica, which was
Cameron spoke in the Jamaican parliament about
slavery. He stated
Jamaicans must put slavery in the past. We have tried.
However, how can we when you
are still doing it and from a national network, the BBC, who
have stolen billions of British pounds in copyrights from
me, a black Jamaican woman,
in ongoing criminal conduct that largely transpired during
your tenure as British Prime Minister.
I didn't grow up with a chip on my shoulder regarding slavery. I
knew it happened and is abhorrent, but I forgave white people for it a long time
ago. Slavery wasn't something I was thinking about. I don't view white people
negatively. I view white people and all races in a positive way. However, this
nasty, hideous trash Madonna, her sick Hollywood cult Kabbalah and others in
Hollywood, have used the BBC in nasty ways to dredge up those old slavery
wounds. It is disgusting. They are spitting in our faces (actually, they did
that literally as well on
Buckingham Palace grounds).
Harassment Against My Family And Friends
Cameron allowed Madonna, her Hollywood cult
Kabbalah and the FBI to traipse on British shores, engaging
in criminal conduct that the law in
the United Kingdom makes absolutely no provisions for in any
measure. The Kabbalah cult and the FBI even harassed and spied on me
and my family in Britain while I stayed with them in 2012
and 2015.
I stayed with my aunt in London in trying to get some important
work done, away from the insane cult circus that kept occurring in Miami, thanks
to Madonna and company's acts of harassment, copyright theft and commissioned
invasion of privacy. I offered to pay my aunt money for allowing me to stay with
her, but she wouldn't accept it. So, I decided to cook, clean the house, take
out the garbage, do all the laundry and grocery shopping every week.
My aunt is a retired school
teacher in her 80s who had taught thousands of British
school kids over 30-years, while she worked in the school system. Now she is
older, struggling with Parkinsons and trying to have a peaceful, restful
retirement. Yet that scumbag cult and corrupt law enforcement agency, the FBI,
illegally turned up on her doorstep in criminal violation of British law as a
One day during the time I stayed with her, I'd gone into central
London for a few hours. When I returned in the evening to my aunt's house, she
told me an agent had showed up at her door. She was visibly shaken by the
experience and the crap he was saying. That was immoral and inexcusable on their
What kind of human garbage harasses a physically sick old lady.
All of them involved in that are
cowards and trash. And mark my words, I am working on a
documentary on the case, as mentioned above and will immortalize it all in said
film. The world needs to see the kind of evil nastiness that poured from those
useless, racist, degenerate scum-buckets in that cult, the FBI and those they
roped into their deplorable conduct. Your family members will disown and
denounce you in shame and disgrace when I get done broadcasting via film the
evil that you perpetrated.
When you go around harassing and threatening innocent
immigrants, who are naturalized citizens in America and Britain, it sends
immigrants the nasty, ugly message that their citizenship is not worth the paper
it's printed on. It sends immigrants the nasty message that a dirty, deranged,
lawless federal agency, the FBI, can intercede in a country they have no legal
mandate in and threaten innocent immigrants, while demanding help with their
deranged plots that no one wants to be a part of, as it's sick and deranged.
The FBI has been contacting my family and friends in different
countries, in desperate, failed bids at trying to turn them against me over my
copyrights and patents, the dirty federal agency are trying to destroy me over
in support of thieving, lawbreaking, lazy criminals in Hollywood. It's a part of
the COINTELPRO manual the FBI uses against innocent people. What kind of sick,
depraved animals go that far. It is insidious.
Does the FBI really believe going around the world like
psychopathic lunatics, menacingly calling and showing up on the doorstep of
people's family and friends with outrageous, implausible stories, in attempts at
trying to get them to turn on their loved ones, to inflict emotional harm, is a
good reflection on the U.S. government. World governments are marking the FBI by
this deranged behavior, as it is so over the top and psychotic. The FBI are a
damn embarrassment and disgrace.
Under Former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller's direction, the FBI
has threatened and harassed my family and friends in three nations over me, in
criminal violation of U.S., British and Jamaican law, in what is a disgrace and
embarrassment to the U.S. government. The FBI has brought shame on the U.S.
government with this sick behavior.
The FBI are a bunch of deranged, psychopathic liars going around
lying to world governments, in bids at achieving their deranged ends. They've
done this in other cases as well:
The FBI Illegally Went To Iceland To Criminally Frame Wikileaks
Julian Assange But Was Rebuffed By Suspicious Icelandic
Government Minister In Conduct That Has Become Standard Criminal
Behavior From The U.S. Federal Agency.
In 2012 someone from the FBI illegally approached me in an
internet cafe in South Kensington (London) harassing me in a menacing manner
about coming back to America (like I was some runaway slave) and demanding I
tell my readers on the Judiciary Report to vote for Obama in the 2012 election,
whom I do not agree with.
Metropolitan Police
The Metropolitan Police were following me all over London in
2012 and 2015. For example, while I was walking in West Hampstead one night for
exercise in 2015, I saw a side street of pretty historic buildings. I decided to
walk down said street. I wanted to get some pictures of the exteriors of the
buildings and as it was on a public side street it is permissible.
I love architecture. I've written and copyrighted unpublished
books on architecture and copyrighted thousands of architectural photos. Shortly
after I began walking down the street near West End Lane, about 30-seconds later
I look behind me and see two Metropolitan Police officers tearing around the
corner like they are in the Olympics. When they saw me turn around and look at
them, they instantly stopped running in my direction, then began slowly walking
behind me.
In another incident, which occurred in Christmas 2015, I was
walking around Mayfair looking for a specific shop that makes very good, healthy
sandwiches. Then, I was looking for a specific street to take architectural
pictures for one of my forthcoming books. A cop approached me in a polite manner
and I told him I was looking for said street. He pointed me in the direction of
where to go. I went in said direction (I got lost again though). However, about
30 minutes later, there was the same cop, a good distance from where he had
first spoken to me. He asked if I was lost again. He wasn't mean or anything,
but it dawned on me he had followed me that whole time.
Then, there was another incident, where I sat at the bus stop by
my aunt's house waiting for the bus to get to the tube station. A man sat next
to me waiting for the bus as well. Then two cops in a car drove up and parked
right next to bus stop and were staring at me until the bus came and I got on
it. That happened more than once. There were a few other times things like that
happened with cops following me around and staring at me. I'll write about that
at a later date.
FBI's Bad Intentions In Britain

Then FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
I broke a story on the Judiciary Report about then U.S.
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, wanting to kill innocent, outspoken people
via drones. My claim was later confirmed in the mainstream press and via
government files:
Hillary Clinton Wanted To Murder Wikileaks' Julian Assange Via A
The FBI, on Robert S. Mueller's orders, had a very bad plot
running against me in Britain (no, not a drone). They wanted the British
government to take the fall for what they were trying to do. However, the
Metropolitan Police got in their way, as the British government did not want me
killed on their shores. I found out via a very credible, connected source with
knowledge of law enforcement matters, who has given me a few of my
site exclusives in the past that later proved
100% true and correct, that the FBI wanted me killed on British shores.
I was informed the FBI thought it would deflect blame from them,
free up full use of all my copyrights and thwart my forthcoming pharmaceutical
drug patents to help sick people. As a nasty government employee stated to me
during a disturbing incident they arranged last summer "they don't want anything
cured. It's a multi-billion dollar industry" regarding people being very sick.
Hollywood didn't get the entire copyrighted catalog when they
engaged in the aforementioned computer hacking, as I have authored newer works
that I have kept offline and out of the copyright office for years, but secured
the copyright dates/authorship in other legally accepted ways. The FBI also
wants me dead to stop my aforementioned, forthcoming cancer and HIV
pharmaceutical patents from coming out. They don't give a damn about the
public's health
I'm a singer, writer and inventor. I cannot believe these
people's vile reaction to my lawful, benevolent intellectual property. They are
so driven by greed for money and power. They are so wrapped up in racism and
hatred. They operate under the misguided, erroneous belief that black people are
inferior and not to amount to much in society.
I have no criminal record in any nation. I lead a quiet and
productive life. When I go to Britain I peacefully spend my time going for
walks, shopping and visiting local attractions. I spend thousands of British
pounds when I'm in Britain. I've never overstayed the time allotted to visit
Britain (or any other nation) or gotten into trouble. I've never tried to get in
under the wire anywhere. I've written positive things about Britain online and
encouraged many people to visit the nation, which is good for British tourism.
Yet, look what has happened. It's all unprovoked.
I do a lot to help others and for free. I come from a family
known for doing tremendous amounts of charity work. I also come from a famous
Jamaican family of award winning writers and entertainment industry members. I
love to write. This is what I do. Therefore, I find it terrible and outrageous
that my love of writing, which produced a very valuable copyrighted catalog, has
turned into this madness via Madonna, her Hollywood cult and the FBI, who are
intent on spreading their criminal behavior to foreign shores and in complete
violation of the law. They are evil, psychopathic people, who have gotten
carried away doing something very evil and unlawful. The whole thing is sick and
I must ask, when did the American or British public ask to be
represented like this in the world. Show me where they voted for this evil
conduct. Show me where they asked that their taxpayer dollars be wasted to
engage in such heinous, racist criminal mischief, as seen with Madonna, Kabbalah,
the FBI and the BBC. They didn't ask for this nor did I. This is someone's
illegal, dirty, racist agenda that is targeting and abusing black people.
As I watched the evil conduct pour from the aforementioned
people, who have trespassed in Britain, all I could think was this is one of my
ancestral homes, who do they think they are coming here and doing this. It is
the height of ill-will, arrogance and bad manners. I felt like someone was
trying to rob me of my ancestry.
Madonna Targets British Boxer Anthony Joshua
Madonna has been engaging in some very strange, creepy and
terrible behavior concerning British boxer Anthony Joshua

Anthony Joshua wins title defeating Wladimir Klitschko this
I love sports. I get that from my dad, who played football
professionally for Jamaica. He also played cricket. After his professional
sporting career, my dad was a coach for many years and did very well. Then he
became a disc jockey and did very well at that too. He's also been very involved
in Jamaican politics and charity work for decades. I've learned so much from him
over the years about many things, such as sports. I grew up in that environment.
Many of my dad's friends are famous athletes.
My dad was the Puma representative responsible for taking care
of football legend Pele for the two weeks he was in Jamaica for football matches
and to promote the brand. My dad also loves boxing and met the late
Muhammad Ali. My dad's friend, the
late Jamaican Prime Minister, Michael Manley, invited Ali to Jamaica in the
1970s as a guest of honor at the national house. My mom and dad were invited by
Manley to the event.
I grew up watching boxing, especially Evander Holyfield and Mike
Tyson. For over 10-years I've written about sports in a number of articles on my
websites, including the Judiciary Report. My articles have received millions of
views. I also tweet about sports on the social networking website Twitter. I
like to predict who will win sporting events and or who will become the next
stars (before they are famous).
To the people who have been following my Twitter page for a
while, you will remember I tweeted a few items at British boxer Anthony Joshua,
before and after he turned professional. I remembered watching his fight on TV
during the 2012 Olympics, while I was in London. I was praying for him that he'd
win. I was glad for him when he did win. Joshua won the gold medal in what was a
controversial decision boxing pundits still question to this day in articles
published online.
I tweeted at Joshua before he turned professional, stating his
life story would make a good film. He saw it and retweeted it. Joshua had gotten
arrested for selling marijuana and was subsequently removed from the Great
Britain Olympic team. However, Joshua's former coach had sympathy for him. He
got him out of jail and back on the squad. Then he won the gold medal.
I'd started writing encouraging sports tweets to him, with the
hope it would motivate him in his career. Based on his words, money really
wasn't coming in. Winning a gold at the Olympics doesn't instantly translate
into money. Sometimes it doesn't at all. Joshua had taken a year off, then he
turned professional. He signed with Matchroom Sports in Britain for £50,000.
Matchroom is run by Eddie Hearn and his dad Barry Hearn. The money was on par
with what newly professional boxers get. However, if you live in London, that
money can go fast on bills.
Joshua won his first fight in Britain in front of a modest
audience. I was happy for him when he won. I read about it on Twitter. The day
he won his first fight, he followed me on Twitter and I followed him back.
Before and for a while after he turned pro, Joshua would complain on Twitter and
You Tube that he is broke. It was a few years before he became very famous in
I felt sorry for him, because he was stating he was broke. Using
the benefit of what I know about how music and sports deals work, especially in
relation to the best ways for budding stars and established ones to earn
revenues, I began tweeting business ideas at him, regarding what he could do to
make money to help himself and his mother he'd spoken about online. As the phrase
goes, I did it out of "the goodness of my heart."
I looked at what was going on in his career and nothing was
happening at the time in terms of the business side of his career outside of
actual boxing fights. Furthermore, most new boxers don't get much in purse
money. Some fights can net a new boxer $2,000 to $10,000. A boxer has to
consistently win and build up a fanbase to create demand for ticket sales. The
more people attend the fights, the more money the boxer can make in several ways
(ticket sales, pay-per-view, licensing deals, endorsements, ads).
Joshua had no endorsements or sponsors at that point. I thought
it was a wasted opportunity, as reality stars, some of whom have no talent, make
money from appearances and deals. So I encouraged him in tweets to pursue
endorsements and sponsors. I figured it would be a bit tough for a little while
to do so in light of his past arrest record, but if the focus was turned to him
turning his life around via his gold medal win, some sponsors would overlook his
past and sign him.

My tweets to Joshua over 3-years ago regarding business
ideas he could use, as he was complaining on Twitter and You Tube that he's
Shortly after the above posted tweets to him regarding
endorsements and paid appearances, Joshua began doing modest paid appearances
and landed a few small endorsements. I stated in the aforementioned 2014 tweet
that he should get a clothing line. Then, he went to French Connection and got a
clothing line that was released in 2015.

My tweet in 2013 that Joshua retweeted
I'd suggested via a tweet to him on Twitter that they do a story
on Joshua's life, as I thought it would make a good film. Joshua saw the tweet
and retweeted it. 2-years later they did the first of 3 documentary films on
Joshua's life, which aired in Britain. The deal put more money in his pocket as
another source of income and was a good source of promotion. I'd also written on
this site that boxers need to be on TV more, especially in an interview setting,
to get their names out there and advance the sport.

My tweets to Anthony Joshua's promoter Eddie Hearn
suggesting he make him a headliner rather than placing him on the undercard
I tweeted at Joshua's promoter Eddie Hearn on Twitter that he
should make Anthony the headliner of boxing shows/matches, rather than
repeatedly putting him on the undercard and they would make more money in doing
so. A month later, Hearn announced Joshua as a headliner and the tickets sold
In his first few pro fights Joshua looked green. I was worried
about him. Neither Eddie Hearn (his promoter) or his trainer ever produced a
heavyweight champion either. It's a difficult weight class to master.
Heavyweights hit so hard that it is easy to get knocked out. All it takes is one
punch to really damage a heavyweight's career. So, I tweeted Mike Tyson's
extraordinary diet and training regimen. Joshua saw it, retweeted it and
reposted it. He had not seen it before and I thought it would help him, as it
was so unusual.

My tweet about Mike Tyson's diet and training routine
My main concern with Joshua was his footwork and head movement.
To be an elite boxer with longevity, you need great head movement and footwork
to dodge shots from your opponent. I'd pray for Joshua before fights, because
from the time of the Olympics his footwork and head movement needed improvement.
In my humble opinion, Anthony was not moving around the ring fast enough to
evade shots. They can't hit what they can't catch.

My tweet about footwork and head movement
It's not that he's slow. He can run very fast. However, in the
ring he is not evasive enough. He gets distracted a bit at different intervals
as well. So, in 2014 I tweeted rare and motivational boxing videos at him and
kept harping on the fact he needed to improve his footwork and head movement. He
was not going to improve by people lying to him. He needed to know the truth and
that it is his weak point.
3-years later I was proven correct in this regard, as a
41-year-old Wladimir Klitscho was able to catch and knock him down in the ring.
Joshua was on his back and dazed. He almost lost the fight right there. People
thought the fight was over, but after a bit Joshua got back up. If Joshua wasn't
young and strong, that fight would have been over right there. Not to mention,
if it was the Klitscho of 10-years ago, that fight truly would have been over
right there. Therefore, Joshua still has an issue with head movement and his
footwork and I was right to zone in on and harp on that. However, I did
encourage him as well, in stating I do believe he can win the title (he went on
to do so 3-years later) and that he could drop/beat Klitschko and he did:

Tweets where I stated Joshua could win the title, which he
did 2-years later
In 2014, I even talked to my dad asking him for coaching advice
that could help Joshua. From a coaching perspective, my dad's main thought on
the matter was Joshua "strengthening his trapezius muscle" as much as possible
to stop him from getting knocked out. In short, my dad stated, due to the fact
Joshua is a heavyweight, the primary concern is him not getting knocked out,
because they are so big and throw such forceful punches, all it takes is one
massive punch to end a fight. Some boxers have a "weak chin" and strengthening
the trapezius muscle increases the chances of them not getting knocked out. My
dad also stated Joshua needs to go find "a good old boxer" to give him as much
counsel as possible, as they've been through it all before.

My tweet suggesting Joshua save his money and start a gym,
which he did 3-years-later
Anthony had publicly expressed he wanted to start his own
promotions company. However, I tweeted he should start a gym as well. 3-years
later he and Hearn opened their own gym in London's Marylebone district. It's
called BXR.

Madonna did not like the fact I was talking to Joshua on Twitter
and he was talking to me on the social networking site. She became angry and
upset about it. In 2014, I was told Madonna had Jay Z lean on Joshua over
talking to me on Twitter. Madonna was threatening in the industry to ruin his
career and life.
Madonna also sent one of her Kabbalah Center members to harass
me over Joshua. Madonna has some crazy ideas about Anthony. Madonna also has
some crazy ideas about me. Based on what these cult crazies have been saying,
she thinks Anthony is in love with her. Madonna also insanely thinks I'm in love
with her, when I can't even stand the sight of her. I can't stand her. I do not
like that woman at all.
The cult member Madonna sent also made slurs about Africans
(Anthony is African). I thought it offensive, because though I'm Jamaican (not
born in Africa), I'm a black woman (of mixed heritage) and no matter where you
are born in this world, if you are black you are of African descent. Jamaican
historical records and items in museums indicate the African slaves that were
shipped to Jamaica during heinous acts of slavery, were brought from West Africa
(Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon). At the end of the day, I don't like anyone coming up
to me slurring any race or nation. I really dislike it when people do that. Keep
that hate to yourself. That cult are always stalking people and spewing some
toxic crap that no one wants to hear.
As his career had started to pick up speed, Madonna sent
Kabbalah members whom she had illegally sold items from my copyrights to, who
knowingly bought stolen goods and took credit and royalties for them, to start
circling Joshua about joining the cult (Jessie
J and Rita Ora). She also sent cult member Cara Delvigne to try to get
him in the cult. Jay Z, greedily looking for ways to get Joshua from Matchroom
and over to stupid Roc Nation which would not be good for the boxer, also began
trying to get Joshua in the Kabbalah cult. At least Matchroom signed him when he
had no money or real fame. That cult didn't give a darn about him until other
people did the work to get his career to a good place.
Madonna, via Jay Z, also sent Joshua invasive items that
violated my privacy. In light of the cult circling him and that they sent him
and some of the people in his circle invasive items regarding me, I unfollowed Anthony Joshua in 2014. He was upset about it, but
I didn't like how Madonna's cult started circling him, especially Jay Z.
Though he had followed me and I followed him back (then
unfollowed him when Madonna started her crap) I never spoke to him by direct
message (dm). I have followed back 35,000 people on Twitter. Coupled with my
website email and all the paperwork I do 6-days a week, I can't read all my
emails and direct messages. So, there's nothing going on in my DMs. The times I
have responded to direct messages is when people told me to look for a specific
one. It's usually about music, sports or politics and regarding the Judiciary
Report. I've never DM someone first.
What was something fun and a source of entertainment on Twitter
regarding boxing, was turned into a nightmare by vile Madonna, Jay Z and their
despicable cult. I was told Jay Z also started telling Joshua I'm a gold digger,
which is defamatory and slanderous on the part of that camel looking Ninja
Turtle Jay Z. I helped Joshua in giving him ideas for free that helped to put
money in his pocket when he was broke and encouraged him with his boxing, via
coaching tips, never asking for anything in return. Gold diggers don't do that.
Therefore, the defamatory characterization is extremely offensive.
Furthermore, the people who know me
personally, know I'm charitable and always helping people
for free. I've helped my friends for free, in order to save
them thousands of dollars or to make them money. For years,
I've also done a lot to help the homeless. I've been living
like a nun (I'm not Catholic, I'm more Baptist/Anglican, but
it is an expression regarding someone who lives a chaste
life). I almost became a Christian preacher, yet here is
frog face Jay Z, who is in Kabbalah and has stolen copyright
from me with the cult and is also a man who nearly stabbed a music
industry executive to death (Lance Riviera) and beats women,
defaming me as a gold digger.
Joshua couldn't do anything financial for me at the time I
started tweeting at him online in 2013. By his own public admission he was
broke. Furthermore, I don't accept money from men. I have never done so. I don't
think there's anything wrong with it, but I've always been too proud. I don't
even accept money from my friends.
I spend so much of my time working on pharmaceutical drug
patents to prolong and save people's lives, but get labeled "a nigga looking for
a come up" by disgusting Jay Z, a man who sold crack cocaine to adults and teens
alike all up and down the east coast in America. Jay Z, a thief who has been
repeatedly sued for stealing copyrights from so many people and not paying people
he hires, had the gall to defame me. The whole thing became so offensive and
upsetting. I helped someone, Joshua, with ideas that put money in his pocket,
never asked for anything in return, yet became the subject of Madonna and Jay
Z's reprehensible, evil nastiness.
Fights I would write about in advance on the Judiciary Report
received record viewing numbers and sales for various boxers in different weight
classes and I did so for free, because I enjoy the sport. However, after Madonna
and Jay Z leaned on (harassed and gave ultimatums to) Joshua, then two more
British boxers I innocently tweeted about in relation to boxing, who
acknowledged said tweets, I stopped writing about fights in advance.
I gave free promo to fights that benefited from it as numbers
showed, via a substantial audience of millions on the Judiciary Report, the
majority of whom would not normally watch boxing, only for Madonna and Jay Z in
tandem with their sick Kabbalah cult, to engage in conduct that is harmful,
nasty and mean-spirited, spitting and crapping on my acts of kindness. So, I
just stopped writing about boxing due to Madonna and company defaming and harassing
me over boxers. I don't need the stress in my life.
Madonna, Jay Z and their stupid Kabbalah cult have been doing
very questionable things in boxing. They don't know about boxing, but are
meddling in it in a bad way behind the scenes. Mark my words, Madonna, Jay Z and
their cult are going to bring Joshua and boxing crashing down via their madness,
meddling and ignorance. Jay Z also recently got involved in boxing claiming he
is a promoter when he doesn't know squat about the sport, which has already led
to several lawsuits against him, with claims of financial fraud, breach of
contract (breach of promise) and other acts of dishonest businesses dealings
that harmed boxers careers.
In Closing
To the British public, I have nothing
against you. I love you and wish you well. This article
about the BBC isn't about
you. It is about what was allowed to
transpire in Britain at the hands of a Madonna, her sick Hollywood cult
Kabbalah and
the corrupt, racist FBI, who are goose-stepping
on your shores like the SS. I'm not the only one the FBI has
illegally targeted on your shores. They're still doing this to others and in
criminal violation of UK and US laws. There's more to this story and I will
include it all in unvarnished detail in a forthcoming
documentary. I'm not going to pretty it up for anyone.
To the Jamaicans reading this,
be very careful of the aforementioned individuals who are engaging in
sick, unlawful behavior. They are a danger to Jamaicans.
They still think we're slaves and second class citizens subject to arbitrary
acts of abuse, exploitation and racism. Do not
resort to violence or anything unlawful, but be very careful
of them, as they are steeped in and carried away with
something very evil, hateful and heinous.
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of
American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In America, Britain
And Jamaica On Behalf Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center In
Committing Egregious Human Rights Abuses
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce,
Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright
Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal
Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center
Jay Z And Madonna's Floundering Tidal Sued For $5,000,000
Over Copyright Infringement In Not Paying Artists While
Inflating Their Own Sales To Go Number One On Billboard
Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims
Serial Copyright Thieves Beyonce And
Jay Z Sued For Stealing 'Drunk In Love' And Even Including A
Clip Of The Original Artist's Voice On The Track
Jay Z Lied About Loaning Kanye West $20,000,000 And Continues To
Give Artists And Athletes Very Bad Advice That Is Causing
TMZ Changes Story About Beyonce And Jay Z Buying A $40,000,000
House In Los Angeles And Are Now Stating They Have No Home
Jay Z Will Resume Cheating On Beyonce Again When He Goes On New
Tour To Support Failed Album The Billboard Charts Rejected
Madonna's Kabbalah Center Opening Shop In Britain Resulted In
Innocent People Dying And Being Swindled Out Of Their Money
Beyonce Steals Again This
Time Ripping Off Short Film For HBO Lemonade Special Resulting
In Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
Police In Florida Begin Boycotting Beyonce Over 'Formation'
Video And Super Bowl Performance In A Move That Is Spreading
Beyonce Sued Again For Copyright Infringement This Time For
Stealing From Deceased Rapper Messy Mya
Beyonce And Jay Z Keep Trying To Buy Homes They Can't Afford And
Losing Real Estate Bids
Beyonce Steals Again But This Time From Sam Cooke, En Vogue And A
European Artist
Beyonce Slammed For Taking Credit For A Company's Athletic Line
She Did Not Create
Beyonce Following In Her Father Mathew Knowles' Footsteps With
Substance Abuse
Samsung Issues Statement Revealing Rumors About Them Buying
Tidal Are Untrue
Beyonce Slammed By Rapper For Stealing Images From His Album
Telegraph Newspaper Brands New Album By Jay Z A Sign Of
Tidal's Failure
Beyonce Steals "Countdown" Music Video From European Artist's Work
Beyonce Knowles Settles Copyright Infringement Case
Beyonce Keeps Stealing From The Braxton Family
Jay-Z And Mary J. Blige
Sued For Stealing Song
Producer: Beyonce Stole Credit For Bootylicious
Jay-Z and Beyonce Steal Restaurant
Butt Shaking
Beyonce Strikes Again
Beyonce Videotaped High In Public
Beyonce Sued For Racketeering
Jay-Z Robbing
People Again