Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Loses
British Election To Boris Johnson
December 14. 2019

Boris Johnson is going to damage Britain with poor political
choices. Between Brexit, poorly negotiated international trade deals
and Conservative party austerity, poverty and a weakening of their
global position in the world, is going to take ahold of Britain.
Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn lost
the December 12, 2019 general election to appointed
incumbent, Boris Johnson. It is the biggest defeat the
Labour party has sustained in 80-years. Polls conducted
by the Independent newspaper in London stated Corbyn's
unpopularity and not Brexit cost the Labour party the
While I do not share the same political
views as Corbyn, I did not want Johnson to be elected.
However, I kept hinting on Twitter it would happen, due
to Corbyn's political stance. Corbyn is too far left. I
wrote many time stamped items on Twitter urging him to
become more centrist and abandon certain socialist ideas
he was promoting, as it was making him unelectable in
I kept trying to convey this point
online, as I don't want the poor and middle class in
Britain suffering anymore under Conservative party
austerity and Corbyn was the candidate who would help
them. Snobby, snooty Johnson is not going to help the
poor and middle class in Britain.
What I was trying to get across
regarding Corbyn is that as a politician, if you want to
be elected, you have to choose a platform that is
palpable to the public. What's the sense of sticking to
extreme ideas and platforms that go against the grain of
the country (socialism and over taxation) if in the end
it doesn't get you elected and you can't help the poor
and middle class, who truly need the assistance.
I am mortified by what Johnson and his
conservative party politicians have done to the poor and
middle class in Britain. They have been heartless to
them. The mortality rate in Britain saw over 100,000
more people than usual die this year, due to
Conservative party austerity that bred lack and poverty.
Conservative politicians Johnson and his
predecessor, Theresa May, have also been trying to sell
the National Health Service (NHS) (Labour Party Releases Unredacted
Documents Illustrating Plot By Boris Johnson And His Tory Politicians To
Sell The NHS In Trade Deal). How are you going to sell something
you don't even own. The NHS is owned by the people, not
the politicians in the Tory (Conservative) party. The
NHS is a great public trust paid for by the taxpayers.
How dare you try to sell it out from under them. Of all
the arrogance.

Jeremy Corbyn
As a kid in Jamaica, one heard the name
of former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher,
bantered about in very bad terms, much like in the rest
of the Caribbean, which is a part of the British
Commonwealth. Thatcher is a byword in the Caribbean, who
is held in very low regard. Thatcher did cruel things to
the British people and the Caribbean as well.
In my homeland of Jamaica, Thatcher did
cruel things in the way of financially exploiting the
nation and bullying our politicians. Our family friend,
Michael Manley, was Prime Minister at the time and
Thatcher did highly questionable things regarding him
and Jamaica. Some of it is public knowledge. Some of it
is not...yet.
However, as bad as Thatcher was to the
Caribbean and to many Britons in her own nation who
hated her, May and Johnson's cruelty and racism has far
surpassed anything Thatcher did in her lifetime.
Thatcher is rolling in hell, um I mean her grave, at the
things May and Johnson, among other Tory politicians,
have been doing to the British people and the Caribbean
(Windrush, among other things).
Do you know how evil you have to be in
life to surpass Margaret Thatcher's cruelty and
heartlessness. However, Johnson and May wear it as a
badge of honor, when it is a mark of shame. They mock
the poor British people in Britain in offensive ways
that I find awful. At the end of the day, Brits deserve
better representation.
However, Johnson, who is a lying,
adulterous, racist man, is now their duly elected Prime
Minister, because Corbyn's far left ideas and manifesto
scared the British public. The British security services
did not want Corbyn elected either, due to his comments
and connections regarding Hamas and Hezbollah, among
other controversial figures.
Corbyn's tax plans also scared people.
Corbyn stating things such as there "should not be any
billionaires" (he wanted to tax all of Britain's
billionaires very heavily, which would have taken much
of their wealth) worked against him being elected.
Britain is a democracy. It is not a socialist nation.
Therefore, such ideas would not translate.
People are stating Corbyn should step
down and he should do so for the sake of his party. He
has stated he won't stand for Prime Minister in the next
election. He tried twice and was not elected. He should
step down as soon as possible, as the Labour party will
need time to regroup and come up with a new strategy to
get elected, in order to help the poor and middle class
in Britain. A new Labour party leader is needed to do
I want the best for Britain and Johnson
is not it, as time will show. Britons cannot afford
another decade of Tory party austerity and the NHS
cannot take anymore financial cuts, privatization and
secret sale attempts. Added to the mix is the fact
Scotland wants to leave the United Kingdom and there
exists a Welsh referendum movement as well (which I
don't think is best for Britain, but it's not my choice,
it's theirs).
Not to mention, there is a reunification
movement regarding Northern Ireland and Ireland (which
I'm not opposed to, as culturally it could work in
strengthening Ireland without damaging Britain in a
terrible way). Britain is in for many challenges and
changes. Johnson at the helm will not help Britain
navigate said waters well.
My Tweets on about Corbyn

Boris Johnson And His Mistress
Refuse To Deny Sexual Relationship Which Resulted In Him Illegally
Giving Her £126,000 In Taxpayer Money And A £700,000 Loan
Labour Party Releases Unredacted
Documents Illustrating Plot By Boris Johnson And His Tory Politicians To
Sell The NHS In Trade Deal