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Madonna Escalates Criminal Conduct Assault, Threatening Emails And Radio Station Harassment July 25. 2008
NOTE 6-26-08: Madonna's hackers from this case who works at Digilink which is the company that hosted her site Madonna.com for years have been hacking the site and deleting photos from this article. I am working to fix the problem. Do you recall in my April 2, 2008 Hollywood Wiretap And Harassment Trial Reveals Pattern Of Abusing Innocent People article, where I wrote about how someone tried to run me over with a car last summer, and it later being revealed as an Anthony Pellicano tactic in his trial several weeks ago (Anthony Pellicano was Madonna's private investigator, and that of her lawyer and manager as well). Well, it happened again and this time my mother was with me. Two days ago, on July 23, 2008 at approximately 12:40 PM, someone tried to run over my mother and I in a Walgreens parking lot. My mother is an elderly woman that walks with a cane due to Guillain Barre Syndrome. The man saw me walking with my mother in the parking lot, yet he swiftly hopped into his van, and without pause, quickly started it with the keys he had in his hands, accelerated backwards and tried to back over us. I started yelling at the top of my lungs when I realized what he was doing. That's when my mother, who was squarely behind
the van and was going to get crushed by it looked up, and tried to move quicker,
but not quick enough, so I started yanking her out of the way and that's when he
stopped, right before he would have mowed us down. People heard me yelling and
started looking and that's what made him stop. He got out as calm and as apathetic as Threatening Emails
I've noticed a pattern, that right before Madonna and co. are about to commission an act of mischief against me, I receive an email to my site with a veiled threat, that traces back to Madonna's hosting company at Digilink. Digilink is the company who for years hosted Madonna.com and has been caught hacking into my business computers, copying the contents, which included my Copyrighted Catalog of over 10,000 songs, 300 movie scripts and short stories and other items click here to read about it. Days before this latest incident happened, I received an email with a veiled threat. Then another one again before it happened, containing a made up item, about a dog mauling someone so badly they end up in a coma. The email once again traces back to Madonna's web site's hosting company.
Madonna out walking with fellow Kabbalah cult member Gwen Paltrow After that man tried to run us over in the parking lot, an hour later, as we were about to enter our home, walking along the side of our neighbor's vacant house we use to lease (it's a shortcut), my mother noticed a menacing, well groomed German Shepherd in the backyard. He looked like a guard dog and exhibited the signs of a canine that was about to pounce. It terrified my mother. So we walked around the other way before the dog could get near us. Those dogs are not exactly harmless, as there are court cases of German Shepherds mauling smaller dogs and humans. I called my neighbor who previously leased the now vacant home to us and she told me she did not get a dog. So, I telephoned 311 and they said they would come remove the dog. Then I remembered the email sent to my site from Madonna's hosting company/hacker, with the made up story about a person ending up in a coma after being mauled by a dog, and again I thought about the pattern of the emails I've been receiving with veiled threats and taunts of things that later happened to me in the case, that once again traced back to people working for Madonna. You know what the most recent email I received from Madonna's hosting company/hacker two days ago is about - a made up item about a gunman killing people in a shooting. Radio Station Harassment
Nova 919's morning show djs (they look high) Right after I wrote on the site about Madonna's
hosting company Digilink being the entity that's been
hacking into my business computers, copying
my Copyrighted Catalog and docs, forwarding it to her and she illegally using it
without permission, I received a seemingly normal email consisting of an
"interview request" from someone named "Matt Gilbertson" in Adelaide, Australia.
He requested an interview about the Madonna case.
Hans' email He emailed me back stating "audio" is better for them. I emailed him back saying okay, so long as he understood the seriousness of the case (the criminal side of it) and kept the interview above board. I wrote that because I Googled his name and he came up as "Hans" apart of an outrageous morning show on a Top 40 radio station in Adelaide called Nova 919 (when I think Nova, I think science, but that's not the case here). He's on the morning show with 3 other people. I'm not into gossip and really wasn't in the mood for any foolishness regarding the case. He wrote back and stated the interview would be respectable, which turned out to be a lie.
Matt Gilbertson also known as "Hans." He looks like Peter Pan. He looks like he belongs on a peanut butter jar:
I found a feature on their website for a Warner Bros. sponsored contest of him searching for Madonna. The day before the interview I decided to check their radio station site to see what he was saying in advance about the interview, and wouldn’t you know it, this two faced, duplicitous, spineless snake is claiming he's “getting calls from America” about the case regarding me suing Madonna getting to boiling point. He is talking on the air like I was the one who called him from America wanting an interview, when until he emailed me asking for an interview, I'd never even heard of the station. I've never been stitched up before by a dude, and I use the term loosely, wearing fishnets. I'm not disparaging the station as obscure,
because due to their format (mainstream pop), they probably are not unknown in
Adelaide, but pointing out the fact that most people only know their local
stations. I don't believe everyday Americans were calling all the way to Australia to tell him anything. I do believe Madonna and co. who are running a promotion at that station, put him up to it - just like she had her producer Timbaland contact my MySpace page via his, right before they were about to criminally steal more music from my Copyrighted Catalog again as mentioned here.
I got set up by a dude wearing a feathered boa. He sets up the case on the air as some petit, minor civil infraction, where Madonna is being sued for stealing the song "American Life" - when the case is so much worse than that and has a terrible criminal angle. Then one of his fellow on air personalities tries to be funny and chimes in that "American Life" is her worst performing single. Well, that's what happens when a trashy, lip syncing pop star rips off and tries to sing soulful music written for a voice with several octaves. They neglected to mention on air that she's
stolen several songs from my Copyrighted Catalog and
Tell the truth, doesn't Darren Hayes from Savage Garden look scared. They announced on air that they'd be interviewing me on their next show. However, after hearing that crass, stitched up lead up to it, I emailed him back and told him I would not be doing the interview and do not call me. I stated I'm "not desperate for publicity" and "don't need the harassment." I also wrote that the case is very serious, as the Civil Rights Act and U.N. Human Rights laws have been broken, and there's nothing humorous about that. The whole thing was nothing more than crazy Madonna and her little staff calling them in attempts to publicly discredit the case, because I posted concrete evidence that many have read, detailing how the hosting company for her web site Madonna.com repeatedly hacked into my computers and copied my Copyrighted Catalog that she illegally began to use without permission, which constitutes serious felonies. Why does she persist in this misconduct, like no
one can tell what she's doing.
Think about that while you go back to your next session of trying to brainwash A-Rod, because if the trance broke, he would realize the wicked witch of the west (that's you) is trying to steal him from his princess that gave birth to his kids.
Photo titled "A Rod In A Kabbalah Trance" at a Madonna concert courtesy of Don Chavez. Just look at his face. He doesn't look his usual self. He looks brainwashed and bizarre. |
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