North Korea Suffers
Earthquake After Kim Jong-un Missile As Previously Predicted
By The Site
September 5. 2017

Kim Jong-un
This is a follow up to the June 22, 2017
article "Otto Warmbier Was
Murdered." In the article I stated "Instead, Kim Jong-un is repeatedly launching
missiles, needlessly damaging the earth/environment in the
process. He is polluting the earth and seas, which will
create adverse weather effects. These things go hand in
hand. His behavior is disrupting active fault lines,
creating additional friction on tectonic plates."

Kim Jong-un inspecting nuclear weaponry
Since the time of the article, Jong-un has
launched more missiles. Just last week, he launched another
missile and within hours North Korea had an
earthquake. There have also been other
terrible weather developments in the world on an
unprecedented scale. 1,300 people died in Asia from monsoon
flooding. Houston, Texas suffered historic flooding that
cost 70 people their lives and created 180 billion dollars
in damages via hurricane Harvey. Currently, hurricane Irma
is churning in the Caribbean near America and is a massive
category 5 hurricane.

My tweet back in APril on the subject of Kim Jong-un's
behavior and the environmental and weather consequences
It is also having other adverse weather
effects, as written about in the August 3, 2017 "Unprecedented Hot Temperatures And Rain Hits Miami"
article and
the July 18, 2017 "Shark Bites Man In Miami In Unprecedented Attack (Video)"
item. Rather than productively spending taxpayer
money to feed the many poor in North Korea, which has a
significant poverty rate, Jong-un is stockpiling nuclear
weapons. The world is being polluted, damaged and imperiled
by these arrogant military maneuvers and it needs to stop.
Jong-un needs to be reined in.
Report: Earthquake Suggests North Korea Carried Out
Sixth Nuclear Test
09/03/2017 12:22 am ET - SEOUL, Sept 3
(Reuters) - A shallow, 6.3 magnitude earthquake shook North
Korea on Sunday, suggesting it had detonated a sixth nuclear
device, hours after it said it had developed an advanced
hydrogen bomb that possesses “great destructive power.” The
earthquake struck 75 km (45 miles) north northwest of
Kimchaek. Previous recent tremors in the region have been
caused by nuclear tests, which if the case this time round,
is bound to increase the tension hours after U.S. President
Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe talked
by phone about the “escalating” nuclear crisis...