Rupert Murdoch's Lawyer And
Another Of His Journalists Arrested In The News Corp Phone Hacking Scandal
September 3. 2012

Rupert Murdoch
[Article background: this is another in the series of phone
hacking articles the Judiciary Report has published, regarding a scandal I
broke first in October 2005, via a police
complaint I filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England.
70 people have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police since the time I
filed the complaint. However, the Murdochs and other key conspirators
remain free and the FBI has not arrested anyone, though the crimes began
and continue in News Corp's New York headquarters]
Tom Crone, one of Rupert Murdoch’s lawyers at News Corp, who adamantly
insisted he informed the CEO of widespread illegal phone hacking being
undertaken at the company for scoops to print in their newspapers and
broadcast on television, has been arrested by the Metropolitan Police.
Murdoch made Crone a scapegoat this year, blaming him for covering up
the illegal phone hacking. However, the Murdoch family is the one that
ordered the phone hacking and continue to engage in said illegality in
several nations. Another of Murdoch’s journalists has been arrested in
the phone hacking and computer hacking scandal as well. London Times
writer, Patrick Foster, was arrested by the Metropolitan Police in relation
to the case.
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