Some Patients Have Been Living With Coronavirus
For 3-MonthsJuly 1. 2020

This is a follow up to the April 10, 2020 article "Nurse Contracted Coronavirus In
Hawaii That Has Remained In Her System For 32-Days." In the
article I stated, "Considering international guidelines state one is
to self-isolate for 2-weeks, the virus remaining with people for
over a month poses a serious problem regarding its spread."
There are new reports that have surfaced over the
past few days regarding people living with coronavirus for over 93
days, which indicates it is doing prolonged damage to their
collective systems. It also again means they are still infectious
past the 2-week self-isolation mark.
The World Health Organization has stated they are of
the belief the coronavirus (Covid-19) incubation period is 2-weeks.
However, the incubation period has shown itself to be far longer, as
stated in the aforementioned April 10, 2020 article.
The recommended social distancing spacing is 6-feet.
However, some scientists have done tests illustrating the virus can
travel as far as 9-feet. One study even revealed particle spray
going as far as 13-feet.
‘Today is day 93’: People report experiencing COVID-19
symptoms that last for months
Published 2 days ago - LOS ANGELES - Since the first
reported cases of the novel coronavirus, several support groups have
emerged on Facebook consisting of thousands of members calling
themselves “long haul survivors,” reporting COVID-19 symptoms that
they say have lasted for months.
“Today is day 93,” said Amy Watson, a preschool
teacher who lives in Portland, Oregon as she shared a photograph of
her thermometer that read 100.3 on June 18. She first tested
positive for COVID-19 on April 11, after falling ill with flu-like
symptoms in mid-March.
Watson said she has had a persistent fever for
nearly three months now, along with a handful of other disconcerting
Watson said she first came down with the flu-like symptoms on March
15, when she developed a cough and fever. She felt some of the worst
of the illness for about a week, until, she said, she started to
feel better, only to have the illness return like “a ton of
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Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
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New Scientific Study Confirms Coronavirus
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