The Brutal Murder Of Singer Sam
Cooke Highlights The Significant Problems Between
The Black And Jewish Communities In Hollywood
December 28. 2022Please watch the documentary "The
Killing Of Sam Cooke: Who Murdered Soul" to see what we, black people, go
through in the entertainment industry, at the hands of criminals who think
we are slaves on a plantation, as they are hell-bent on controlling and
stealing everything in sight:
Two-months ago I watched the 2021
documentary "The Killing Of Sam Cooke: Who Murdered
Soul." It confirmed what I have written on this site
since 2009, in stating the late music legend, Sam
Cooke, was murdered for his copyrighted catalog of
music worth many millions of dollars.
To his family and friends Sam was
known as a gentle soul. People who knew him for
years said they never even saw him get angry or lose
his temper. They revealed he was laidback and
friendly. In his interviews he was calm, smooth,
well-polished and dignified. Sam made music with
class that bore uplifting messages.

Sam Cooke
As he was good looking and famous,
women would throw themselves at him. He was never
seen chasing women. It was the other way around.
Sadly, he did cheat on his wife, but he wasn't a
rapist, as greedy, evil, racist people in Hollywood
have portrayed him to be in acts of slander, libel
and defamation. The U.S. Constitution states
everyone is entitled to a good name.
However, Hollywood, which includes
the film, TV and music industries, routinely
slander, libel and defame people they criminally
steal from, in sick attempts at justifying their
abominable crimes to the public (which is also a
dirty FBI tactic used by the late, worthless FBI
Director, J. Edgar Hoover, and is still in use to
this day at the corrupt federal law enforcement
The FBI hated Sam Cooke for being
black, a civil rights advocate, and for writing the
hit song, "A Change Is Gonna Come" in response to
their murder of Martin Luther King Jr. Remember,
this is the same evil federal agency who tried to
Billie Holiday over the song "Strange Fruit"
which decried the lynching of black people. The
FBI's dirty attitude is black people were born to be
criminally abused and exploited, better like it, and
need to shut up about it.

Sam Cooke
Hollywood lied, defaming Sam as a
rapist, to cover up the fact they had him beaten,
tortured and killing him execution style, all to
steal his valuable, multi-million dollar copyrighted
catalog of songs. Black ownership in Hollywood is
forbidden. It has cost black people their lives (Sam
Cooke, Michael Jackson, and Prince, among others).
Hollywood (including the music
industry) is Jewish owned. The Italian mafia is also
very active in Hollywood as the muscle and are paid
to engage in brutal acts to enforce the ownership
structure that is in place (beatings, breaking
bones, shootings, murder, burglary, vandalizing
cars, burning down homes and offices, and
threatening, abusing and family members of each
target). It has been this way since the 1950s and
has only gotten worse.

Sam Cooke
Hollywood didn't care for Sam. He
took away that which was their autonomy, in making
his own business decisions and products without them. Certain
Hollywood entities, namely music industry accountant
Allen Klein and his associates (such as RCA, which
is now Sony, and is the same label that decades
later killed Michael Jackson for his copyrights),
set Sam up and had him killed, for being a black man
that started his own label and music publishing
company they could not control or profit from, as it
was independent.
Klein extricated Sam from his deal
with RCA (superficially though), then had him killed
and stole the rights to all his music and record
label. Klein then made deals with RCA, after Sam was
murdered. Once again, black ownership was and is
forbidden in Hollywood. They killed Sam, who was a
businessman, for starting his own record label and
music publishing company.
They paid a prostitute, Elisa Boyer,
to brazenly stalk, seduce, then accuse Sam of rape,
as an excuse for torturing and killing him, because
greedy, disgusting Allen Klein and others in the
music industry had begun the process of stealing his
wholly owned copyrighted catalog and music label
(Tracey LTD, named after his daughter), and needed
something big to distract the public from the evil
they had done to this innocent, popular singer and
What a wicked thing Hollywood did to
him. Not only did they torture and murder him, they
defamed him in death as a rapist of all things, with
a prostitute, Boyer, slandering him as such. Again,
what a wicked thing to do. However, the evil running
through Hollywood rivals that of the ancient Sodom
and Gomorrah. There is no crime or evil Hollywood
will not commit.

Elisa Boyer
As the documentary "The Killing Of
Sam Cooke: Who Murdered Soul" clearly illustrates,
Sam was earning money and could afford a prostitute
if he so wished. Why would he rape a prostitute
(Elisa Boyer) and one might I add that was arrested
2-months after Sam's murder, in a Los Angeles Police
Department prostitution sting, who also went on to
murder her boyfriend in cold blood. Boyer is still
in prison for murdering her boyfriend.
In 1964, 33-year-old Sam was found
dead in the cheap $3 per night Hacienda motel, when
he had stayed in expensive hotels prior to the
incident, and could still afford one. Sam had met
prostitute, Elisa Boyer, after her pimp kept
stalking him in Hollywood and knew he hung out at
Martoni's restaurant and bar on a weekly basis. He
was known for going there a few times per week.
Martoni's was a top hang out for musicians at the
Boyer was a prostitute and con
artist who had five aliases (Lisa Boyer, Lisa Lee,
Crystal Chan Young and Elsie Nakama). It was stated
Sam recognized Boyer, as he had seen her around at
difference places (little did he know she was a
prostitute and was stalking him with her pimp). He
sent Elisa to approach and seduce Sam at his regular
hangout, Martoni's restaurant and bar. Sam left the
bar with Elisa.

Sam crime scene photo shows his right knee was
busted, his head beaten in and his face bloodied
She later claimed Sam forced her
into his sports car (though people saw them
voluntarily leave Martoni's together after she threw
herself at him) and drove around town to find a
cheap motel to rape her in (the Hacienda motel).
Bear in mind, Elisa gets arrested months later as a
After Sam's murder the Los Angeles
Police Department (LAPD) interviewed the other
guests at the Hacienda motel and none of them heard
any gunshots. This is despite the fact the alleged
killer, motel manager Bertha Franklin, stated to
cops that she fired 3 shots at Sam.
No shell casings were recovered from
the scene. Additionally, the alleged killer, Bertha
Franklin, had a registered 32 magnum gun. However,
the coroner later revealed a bullet from a 22 magnum
gun killed Sam. It bolsters the theory that Sam had
been tortured and killed elsewhere, then dumped at
the Hacienda motel, where the manager was paid to
lie about him lunging at her after raping Elisa (who
based on her own shoddy story, had several
opportunities to flee before allegedly being raped).
No evidence of rape was ever retrieved from Elisa.
She had no bruises or vagina evidence of being
Sam, a black pastor's son, was shot
and killed execution style in a tactic popular with
the Italian mafia, who as stated above are the
muscle used by Hollywood companies to brutalize
black people and other minorities, such as Hispanics
(Princess Diana's film director expressed shock and
horror regarding finding out the Italian mafia are
brutally involved in organized crime in Hollywood:
click here).

Sam Cooke crime scene reveals his nose was
broken, among other injuries such as broken arms and
fingers, and gunshot wounds to the lungs and heart
Sam was shot under his armpit in a
known mafia execution tactic that causes the bullet
to perforate both lungs and the heart, as seen in
the documentary. Additionally, both of Sam's arms
and his fingers were broken (indicating torture in
attempts at trying to get him to sign over his
record and music publishing company, but he refused,
as he was the first black man to have ownership in
the industry and was determined to stand up for our
race). Sam also had a busted kneecap from the
torture. His head was also bashed in.
The hotel manager, Bertha Franklin,
claimed she fired three shots at Sam, even one to
the chest, but he got back up like Superman after
all those bullets, and attacked her again (which is
so illogical and implausible, only an idiot would
believe that). A mild mannered, slender singer, got
shot through the chest, collapsing his lungs and
cutting through his heart, but he got back up and
started fighting her again. What a lie.
Here's where the lie gets even more
ridiculous. Next Bertha Franklin stated she beat Sam
with a broom, which is which his body was so busted
up with broken arms and fingers, a bashed in skull,
busted kneecap and bruises all over his body. Brooms
don't break two arms, 10 fingers, a kneecap and bash
in a skull. Bertha Franklin was paid to lie as a
part of the cover-up into Sam's murder.

Etta James stated Sam's corpse was in very bad
condition and did not match the story being told by
the assailants
The Radio Facts website stated that
the late, legendary singer, Etta James, "Went to
view Cooke's corpse and immediately knew the whole
story was not being told. She stated Sam was so
badly beaten he was almost DECAPITATED, and both
hands were bruised and completely crushed as if he
had been fighting for his life. In addition she said
his nose was mangled."
The coroner did not record the
broken bones in his report, though they were clearly
visible. The case was rushed to trial and quickly
thrown out in a disgusting and disgraceful cover up
that is an embarrassment to the U.S. government. It
is clear bribes were taken.
Allen Klein and his associates in
Hollywood were lecherous, parasitic, no-talent scum.
Sam Cooke had a rare singing voice that stunned
people. He also had the ability to write poignant
and beautiful songs. It made him an instant star,
with hit after hit on the music charts. When you
have talent, there is always some vile loser in
Hollywood who will do their level best to latch on
to and criminally exploit you in every way possible.
Hollywood is garbage. It is barely
regulated (which is Congress' fault) and requires no
certification, training or licenses. Any idiot or
criminal can walk in off the street and do whatever
they want to, as long as they are evil enough to
push the wickedness through to fruition, via illegal
strong-arm tactics.
The U.S. government, namely
Congress, owes it to black people to bring justice
regarding the murder of Sam Cooke (you already
failed regarding Emmett Till, Medgar Evers,
Martin Luther King Jr
Malcolm X, so what's one more
nigger, huh *sarcastically rolls eyes*).
corruption Congress and the FBI keep displaying
towards innocent people being brutalized by
Hollywood is going to result in world
governments taking action against them in the
future, in what is going to be their most
embarrassing day in existence. The FBI and Congress
know Hollywood is doing unspeakably wicked things to
people in America and have spread the vicious, evil,
illegal conduct abroad, violating scores of
international laws, yet keep looking the other way
to it due to bribery and campaign donations.
Hollywood is abusing people internationally in what
I predict will result in horrific financial and
social consequences in international courts of law
and houses of legislature.
I tried to get justice for Sam and
others, regarding a 2009 letter I sent to the White
House, to former U.S. President, Barack Obama.
However, as he was and is
owned by the FBI, and did
nothing for our race when he was in office, nothing
came of it. Obama did nothing for black people while
he was in office. This is exactly why terrorist
group al-Qaida called Obama a "house ni**ger." I
don't agree with terrorism, but it looks pretty bad
on Obama that even they saw this in him.
Even controversial Donald Trump, a
white man, did more for black people as President of
the United States, than Obama did when he was in
office. Trump gave billions of dollars in taxpayer
money to Historically Black Universities and
separately achieved the highest employment rate for
black people in America. There are things Trump has
done that I do not agree with, but I can safely
state he did more for black people than Obama, which
is a shame on the latter.
I later found out through a very
credible source responsible for some of my
site exclusives
which late proved 100% true, that Obama was and
still is controlled by the FBI. In fact, a former
FBI Director bragged at the law enforcement agency
in front of employees about owning and controlling
Obama (ugly quotes will be forthcoming in another
item regarding what the former FBI Director stated
regarding owning Obama).

Allen Klein was plagued with suffering in life
after stealing the entire copyrighted catalog of the
late, great Sam Cooke.
Sam Cooke, one of the greatest male
singers America ever produced, was tortured and
murdered, and his family robbed of a copyrighted
catalog worth over $125,000,000, yet Obama and
Congress did nothing to rectify it.
Meanwhile, Allen Klein's heirs
(Robin Klein, Jody Klein and Beth Klein and their
descendants) have been illegally living in luxury on
royalties brutally stolen from the singer he had
tortured and murdered in cold blood. That's blood
money (and will bring them all bad and sorrows in
What an injustice, this disgusting,
racist and illegal transferal of wealth. They just
couldn't stand to see a black person have anything.
This is the standard in greedy, evil and despicable
Hollywood. Congress turns a blind eye to the crimes
in exchange for campaign donations (much like they
did regarding Harvey Weinstein for over 20-years, as
a top Democrat bundler bringing in millions of
dollars in donations to Congress).
Right after Sam was murdered,
unlicensed Hollywood accountant Allen Klein,
transferred all ownership of Sam's copyrighted songs
(both published and unpublished) into his name (it's
in the documentary posted at the top of this
article) and took illegal ownership of Sam's label
Tracey LTD (named after the singer's little
Klein removed Sam Cooke's name and
that of his mother and father from the company
Tracey LTD, and renamed it ABKCO (short for Allen &
Betty Klein Company). Klein added his wife's name to
the company of Sam's music like two foul
slavetraders. They even exploited the rights to his
name. The whole thing is dirty and disgusting. It
was the outright criminal theft of assets worth
millions. They should have been locked up for life
for stealing something so valuable.

Sam Cooke and Zelda Sands
Allen Klein even called Sam's
secretary, Zelda Sands, and told her, "I know you
think I killed Sam" (as seen in the documentary
posted above). Zelda stated she was shocked that he
even stated that. However, Zelda does believe, as do
others in the industry, that Klein and other racists
in the industry had Sam murdered, for being a black
man that started his own label and music publishing,
which began generating huge sums of money, in Jewish
owned Hollywood.

Morris Levy
This is a common practice in
Hollywood, regarding stealing the copyrights of
black people. Morris Levy stole tens of millions of
dollars worth of copyrights written by blacks, by
erasing the names of black songwriters/singers from
the music publishing files and copyright
certificates, then placing his name on them (click
It was all exposed via Levy stealing
the money of black teen singer, Frankie Lymon, who
died penniless after Levy stole $4,000,000 in his
royalties, by erasing the child star's name as
writer of the huge hit, "Why Do Fools Fall In Love."
The subject is covered in the hit movie of the same
name, starring Halle Berry.

Frankie Lymon
The FBI and DOJ later investigated
and charged Levy with organized crime/racketeering
in the music industry. They even used hidden cameras
in offices, among other places, to catch Levy
committing awful crimes in the entertainment
industry, where he tried to control everything, even
attempting to steal record stores. However, many of
the black recording artists and songwriters Levy
stole from were never given their money back,
regarding royalty sums that total well over
Levy's heirs have been living
lavishly off the stolen goods/copyrights, which is
disgusting. However, Hollywood is full of vile
slavetraders like Levy, even though they falsely
claim to be liberal and tolerant. True liberals
don't behave in that manner.

Michael Jackson was killed for his
Black people are being killed over
copyrights, as they are worth millions and sometimes
billions of dollars. Prince and Michael Jackson were
killed over copyrights.
Michael Jackson's family stated he was killed
over his 50% of ownership of the Sony Music catalog.
For years Sony kept demanding
Michael sell them his half, and at cut rate prices,
but he refused. So, they had his doctor overdose
him (and the mafia has overdose people in
entertainment and sports before:
Report: The Italian Mafia Murdered Boxer Sonny
Liston Because He Refused To Throw A Fight).
Any medical professional that reads the long
list of pharmaceutical drugs, such as the illegally
obtained and administered Propofol, that Dr. Conrad
Murray gave Michael Jackson at the singer's home one
night, will come to the inevitable conclusion that
he DELIBERATELY overdosed him. Murray went to prison
for 4-years for the crime, which was insufficient in
my opinion, as it was conspiracy and premeditated
murder (RICO violations under U.S. statutes
regarding conspiracy to commit murder and defraud).
After Michael died, Sony
questionably bought out his half of the copyrighted
for far less than it was truly worth. Sony
bought it for $750,000,000 when 50% of the catalog
was worth $2 billion (and even more today). Black
music legends denounced Sony for this greed.
Sony got what they wanted but I
predict they are going to collapse under public
disfavor in coming times. If there's one thing
Hollywood is good at it corruptly winning the
battle, but then losing the war, as time will show
Many others in the industry have
treated black people like slaves, stealing a fortune
in royalties from us, then destroying and absorbing
our businesses into their own, in conduct that
constitutes felonies. However, the routinely bribe
the FBI, DOJ and members of Congress to get away
with these crimes.
Hollywood deems black people slaves.
Some of you thought Prince was kidding when he wrote
the word "slave" on his face, but he meant it, as
that's how he was treated. Just like Sam Cooke,
months after gaining full control of his copyrighted
music, Prince was killed.
Police found someone had secretly
switched out Prince's Hydrocodone pain medication
with the very potent Fentanyl (Mislabeled Fentanyl Pills Found At Prince’s House After His
Death From Overdose Indicates He Did Not Know What He Was Taking).
The pain pills had Hydrocone written
on them, but it was actually the highly potent
Fentanyl. That was murder. Prince was killed because
he had 2,000 unpublished songs in a vault at his
Paisley Park recording studios. The industry has run
out of material, as it is being run by cultists with
no talent. Because Prince wouldn't sell them the
2,000 unpublished songs and at cut rate prices, they
killed him.

Prince was killed for his 2,000 unreleased
copyrighted songs and hundreds of released tracks (Prince Ex-Girlfriend Confirms Madonna Had Feud
With The Deceased Star Confirming Previous Site Claims).
If Obama had done something about
the problem when I wrote to him in 2009, Prince,
among others, would be alive today.
Sam Cooke had just left RCA with the rights to his
copyrights and within months he was murdered.
Prince had just gotten back all the
rights to his songs (master recordings), via lawyer
L. Londell McMillan, and within months someone
switched Prince's medication with Fentanyl, and it
killed him. Michael Jackson had consolidated his
portion of the Sony Music catalog, after Jackson had
bought the rights to the Beatles music years prior,
then added many other tunes to the catalog, but he
refused to sell his share to Sony and they had him
killed. That's a pattern of criminal behavior.
As a songwriter, I experienced it
myself. They
stole my copyrights worth billions,
issued death threats via email and in person after
stalking me, and tried to kill me (they
tried to burn me out of my house, there were
also attempted vehicular homicide incidents done
through Madonna's private investigator, Anthony
Pellicano, whom the FBI interviewed me twice about
and used the information and documents to convict
him, in misconduct that continues to this day, with
the most recent murder attempt being
an acid attack).
For instance, one day after I left
the bookstore in Aventura (a suburb of Miami)
Madonna, who has clear cut ties to the Italian
mafia, sent a thug to stalk and threaten me that in
the mafia when an order to kill someone is issued,
the order comes down from the top, then works its
way down, and then the person is killed. Madonna is
such trash and human garbage.

Ugly foul old Madonna is a thief, racist and
I'm a black immigrant (legally came
to America at age 9), did my best to assimilate and
support the country. I've lived a quiet, ethical
life. I spend my time authoring medical and science
patents to help sick people (and they are showing
great promise and progress), and authoring
copyrights to entertain and uplift people, because
I've always loved God and entertainment. And what
did I get for that...I've been confronted and
severely abused by America's worst: Hollywood and
the mafia.
It's not a good look on Hollywood or
the government that this has happened and continues
to transpire. Hollywood are the sickest, most
depraved people on earth, who are commissioning
murders, assaults, thefts, sick invasion of privacy,
and are engaging in the rape of men, women and
children on a daily basis in the entertainment
industry. Hollywood is raping kids everyday.
An international lawyer warned my
dad that Hollywood sees my independent company as
"taking bread off their table" and the individuals
that have been attacking me (ie Madonna) are in "a
cabal." The lawyer's description of them is
accurate, as "cabal" is the root word of Madonna's
cult "Kabbalah" which she states is "Jewish
mysticism." However, Jewish people outside of
Hollywood warn against Kabbalah, stating its
adherents are psychotics.

Simon Cowell built stole an
entire empire by robbing black people (click
Many Jewish people in Hollywood
treat black people appallingly bad. We are deemed
slaves and cattle. Morris Levy, Allen Klein, Harvey
Weinstein, Clive Davis, Simon Cowell, Edgar
Bronfman Jr and Terry Heller, among others, have financially
exploited and abused black people in terrible ways.

The twice convicted Harvey Weinstein is currently in prison for
rape. Weinstein also stole from charity and black people.
In some cases, it even extends to
sexual exploitation and sex abuse. Harvey Weinstein
tried to rape black actress Lupita N'Yongo.
Hollywood agent, Adam Venet, arrogantly grabbed
actor Terry Crews by his genitals in front of his
wife at an industry gathering, like the black actor
was a buck at a slave auction being inspected before
being sold during slavery.

Howard Stern repeatedly wore blackface and
constantly used the word "nigger" on his radio show.
Yet condemned Kanye West for anti-Semitism, when
what he, Stern, did regarding black people is far
Other famous Jews in Hollywood are
repeatedly slurring black people. Radio and
television personality, Howard Stern, repeatedly
made appearances in blackface and constantly used
the word "nigger" on his radio show. People kept
asking him to stop but he refused.
If people repeatedly slurred Stern
for being Jewish, he would publicly condemn it and
demand they be destroyed (like he's doing regarding
Kanye West), but his attitude is it is
okay to repeatedly racially abuse and slur black
people. What a racist and hypocrite!

Sarah Silverman in blackface
Hollywood actress, Sarah Silverman,
kept appearing in blackface and smirking about the
racial nastiness like she did something good.
Silverman is also a vile pervert who has illegally
spied on innocent black people in very sick ways, as
a part of Kabbalah. If someone made comments
Silverman deemed anti-Semitic she would denounce
that person, demand they be cancelled and call them
the worst names (like she's doing to
Kanye West) but when she slurs and
racially abuses black people, she deems it okay.
What a racist and hypocrite!
For the record, I don't agree with
Kanye West's anti-Semitic statements, but I'm
writing about it to bring up the Hollywood double
standard where it is deemed okay to racially
abuse black people. It's alarming how some expect
black people to accept abuse they never would
against their race.

Al Jolson is referred to as "the king of
blackface performers"
The first person to use blackface is
Jewish comedian and actor, Al Jolson (real name
Eizer Yoelson), in the 1927 film "The Jazz Singer."
He started this despicable trend that continues to
this day. Once again, Jewish people in Hollywood
showing contempt and hatred for black people.

Al Jolson exploited, mocked, derided and
racially slurred black people for money
Hollywood cults have been targeting
and exploiting black children in Haiti and Africa.
Black children are being abused by Hollywood
(sexually and medically, as they falsely believe the
blood of black children will make them young again,
when they still look older than dirt).
Hollywood hates black ownership.
They want Hollywood to remain Jewish owned (as
Secretary of State records in America show). It's
not a stereotype. It's in U.S. state records in
major U.S. states that involve the entertainment
industry and the media. To claim anything else in
response to these facts is false persecution.
As stated on the site previously, I
don't care who has ownership of what in the
industry, as long as people are being treated fairly
and equitably. However, that's the problem people
are not being treated fairly and equitably. Black
people are being robbed of copyrights and
trademarks, and associated royalties, and MURDERED.

Bob Johnson
In the 1980s African-American
businessman Bob Johnson built the BET network from
the ground up. It became so popular in America and
around the world, via satellite, it began rivaling
MTV and VH-1. Hollywood did not rest until they
hounded Johnson to sell them BET (for less than it
was worth) and leave the industry. Once again,
Hollywood hates black ownership.
Since Jewish owned Viacom has taken
over BET, their portrayals of black people have sunk
to new industry lows. Hollywood has notoriously
portrayed Black, Hispanics and Asians in very
negative ways they never would portray their ethnic
group. This is a major complaint by minorities
online. Look it up.

Byron Allen
Currently, African-American
businessman, Byron Allen, is being give a terrible
time in Hollywood. He started his business small in
comedy, then used the money to start television
channels. In recent years he bought America's
well-known Weather Channel, which angered racists in
Hollywood, because clearly they think a black man
shouldn't have all that (hey, they've slurred me as
a black woman with many valuable copyrights, and
stated, "a nigger shouldn't have all that").
Now Hollywood is giving Byron Allen
hell. They have tried to destroy his business, as he
won't sell it to them. He even had to file suit, all
the way up to the Supreme Court, as he's being
discriminated against by cable companies in America,
a part of the Hollywood cabal that despises black
It is a concerted effort by the
Hollywood cabal to squeeze Allen out of the
industry, in an attempt to collapse his business
then buy up his channels for very little money. This
is criminal misconduct
Rupert Murdoch, who is Jewish, has
repeatedly engaged in (Senator
Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking
Rival And Stealing The Contents Of Their Business
Computers). This is how Murdoch's media
empire has grown to such a massive company - through
criminal theft and fraud.
Once again, Hollywood hates black
ownership. They vigorously and illegally fight
against it. Bob Johnson left for a reason. Byron
Allen needs to be careful, because they will kill
him to get their way regarding his assets. This is
Hollywood, ladies and gentlemen. A den of thieves,
liars and murderers.
Sam Cooke died tragically on December 11, 1964,
at 33
Cooke rescued himself from what he considered
financial insolvency by leaving the Gospel industry, an industry
that even in 2018 is still reputed to be outrageously frugal, for
the more generous and profitable secular music industry. He admitted to Dick Clark when posed with the
question, “Why did you leave Gospel?” responding, “For financial
reasons,” Cooke also had greater plans and wanted to be a music
industry executive.
Singer Etta James went to view Cooke’s corpse and
immediately knew the whole story was not being told. She stated Sam
was so badly beaten he was almost decapitated, and both hands were
bruised and completely crushed as if he had been in a fight for his
In addition, she said his nose was mangled. Some
have speculated Sam was set up and robbed by Boyer and Franklin. In
addition, Cooke was placed in a coffin with a glass top preventing
people from touching him or examining why he had on heavy makeup.
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