The Communist Bloc Accessed
Hillary Clinton's Unencrypted Emails
September 4. 2015

Hillary Clinton
I received a very credible tip that "someone in the communist
bloc accessed the server" containing the unencrypted emails of
former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. She is
currently under investigation by the FBI, who have retrieved
emails and server records from Clinton's time as Secretary of
State. The current mushrooming scandal has many political
pundits and legal analysts questioning Clinton's candidacy,
regarding the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Though the FBI has labeled the investigation into Clinton one
concerning "espionage" as far as the Judiciary Report knows, she
did not sell U.S. national secrets to foreign entities. Clinton
was just negligent and careless in protecting them. As much as I
would love to see Clinton get her butt kicked by the feds, due
to her conduct with now disgraced and imprisoned private
investigator, Anthony Pellicano, the Judiciary Report prides
itself on being truthful (I hope a female FBI agent puts you in
a headlock LOL). Clinton was not acting against America. She was
just being careless.
World governments of large nations always spy on each other,
including America. This is the way it has always been and will
be for the foreseeable future. However, Clinton unintentionally
left the front door open and it gave America's rivals access to
national secrets.
Hillary Clinton Admits She Lied About Emails In FBI
Investigation As Agents Find Examples Of Her Breaking The Law
Hillary Clinton Under Investigation By The FBI As Her Deleted Emails
Are Being Retrieved From Her Personal Server
Government Investigators Raise The Tally Of Unprotected Hillary
Clinton Classified Emails From 2 To 150
The Hacked Emails Of Former U.S. Secretary Of State Hillary
Clinton Up For Sale On The Black Market