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The FBI Criminally Meddled In Miami Dade College Stealing Funding And Illegally Changing Answers To Tests In Acts Of Academic Sabotage

August 29. 2024

FBI Director Christopher Wray is an outright criminal and human rights abuser of the worst order

NOTE (9-2-24): I forgot to add I made the honor roll three times and scored in the highest percentile on a State of Florida, MDC administered aptitude test for critical thinking and English. I'd also like to clarify I was never on academic probation, as the incident that occurred with the Computer class, as mentioned below, was not my fault, as the software was not working correctly due to bad instructions from the professor and crashing over a dozen times a day at every turn.  However, Financial Aid still froze my funding for a year, but MDC comped/waived my tuition for five semesters during that time, after I complained in writing about what transpired.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been criminally meddling in my education at Miami Dade College (MDC) for years and in a matter that has shattered my belief and trust in the U.S. education system (as the FBI's criminal actions made me physically ill in creating life threatening cardiac damage, among other things, which I had to receive medical treatment for).

There has been a pattern of chronic, criminal hacking and interference by the FBI at Miami Dade College, plaguing my coursework at the school, and its third party software vendors such as Pearson, Cengage, McGraw Hill and WW Norton, among others. The FBI criminally took over Miami Dade College in Florida in violation of U.S. law, to engage in human rights abuses that violate the Civil Rights Act and U.S. Constitution.

The FBI insanely descended on the 64-year-old college and has been engaging in unspeakably wicked crimes that violates Florida Statues, the U.S. Code and the Constitution. The FBI has been coercing members of faculty into doing their criminal bidding, menacingly telling them "you must comply" regarding the unlawful requests that violate the Civil Rights Act and Florida Statutes, among other laws.

You would expect this type of psychopathic criminal conduct in a third world nation ruled by an obsessive, deranged dictator, not the United States of America. However, the deranged FBI consistently drags America to new lows in violation of the laws of the land.

That's why many Americans on social networking are calling for the closure of the corrupt, murderous law enforcement agency, who in tandem with the CIA killed notable Americans such as John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and Medgar Evers, among others. The FBI is a national disgrace that has been a blight on humanity for years. The FBI's objective is about gaining so-called power (each FBI Director thinks they are the President and acts like it behind closed doors at the agency and in the White house) and extracting and misappropriating billions in taxpayer money. FBI Director, Christopher Wray, among others, have been embezzling taxpayer money.

In the summer of 2020 when I decided to go to university during the pandemic, as there were lockdowns all over America, my application I submitted online to MDC, with scans of my identification issued in Miami, and other items showing proof education and residency in the State of Florida, were repeatedly deleted from the school's computer system. This occurred even after I received written confirmation via the Miami Dade College computer system that my documents and I were accepted.

It was the FBI fighting against me going to university, as they saw that as progress. The FBI have been using banned COINTELPRO tactics on me and others, though they swore under oath in Congress (public hearings) they had stopped the sick program decades ago of targeting, exploiting and destroying innocent people.

It's the same COINTELPRO program they used to sabotage, defraud, harass and murder people like Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and Medgar Evers, among others, in violation of U.S. and international law. The FBI are proven liars anyway and can't be trusted, as their word means nothing (CBS News Confirms That FBI Director Lied To Congress About Carrier IQ Spying and Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Slammed In Court Case As A Liar Who Falsified Statements In The Failed Russian Collusion Case).

The FBI has been targeting me over my copyrighted catalog of works that contains thousands of original items I wrote and registered with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)). It has become a sick obsession for the FBI, as they are psychotics.

The FBI are still racist scumbags, as in the days of J. Edgar Hoover, and threw a massive hissy fit that me, a black woman and immigrant, wrote and own all these copyrights, which they sought to and have been criminally infringing and exploiting in federal violation of the law. An FBI official was heard stating of me and my copyrights, "A nigger can't have all that" (I will reveal who in future items). They in tandem with Hollywood have stolen and devalued my valuable copyrights they are too stupid to properly understand. They've done all sorts of madness with my copyrights, including adding profanity, debauchery, extreme violence, gross out themes, satanism, the occult and other mentally ill items. They are trash to have done this.

They FBI are crazy, covetous, sinister, treacherous and arrogant. The FBI has even followed me into other nations with aggressive stalking, harassment and threats (Jamaica and England). They behaved like I was a runaway slave in 2012 and 2015, when I was abroad. They even terrorized my elder aunt (in London, England) who was a retired school teacher of 30-years, suffering from Parkinsons. They harassed and terrified her over me staying at her home for months. They criminally violated British and UN laws with this sick conduct. Even though they have stolen many PREEXISTING copyrights from me they are still demanding more.

As I began focusing on my education and forthcoming medical and science patents, and not registering copyrights anymore as they keep getting infringed, the FBI and Hollywood became enraged, because they deem me a slave (and have called me as such) and are incensed I'm not doing what they want. They are the most arrogant pieces of trash on the planet.

Anyway, back to Miami Dade College. I had to go into the college in October 2020 to get registered/enrolled, after 4-months of submitting the necessary paperwork over and over again, but it kept getting criminally deleted from the school's computer system via hacking. When I went into the college campus in October 2020, a nice Haitian-American woman accepted my documents and application, after I explained to her what was occurring online for 4-months of me trying to register at the college. Then, she sent me to the advisement department to choose my classes. I chose Biology and Art History for my first semester under what would be a Psychology degree.

I've since taken many science and medical classes, which was my goal. I took classes such as Psychology, Child Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Social Psychology, medical psychology known as Human Growth and Development, Sexual Psychology, and the Psychology of Personal Effectiveness). I also took Biology (as mentioned above, which included Chemistry and Genetics), Environmental Science, Earth Science (which included Meteorology, Geology, Astronomy, Climatology and Oceanography), and Anthropology (which included Archaeology). The Art History class I took included architecture and environmentalism.

For years during the Psychology degree I also took several business classes. I earned two business certifications (in business management, and business operations). I love business (regarding creating products). I started and registered my first company in my mid-teens. Under the Psychology degree I also took Finance, Economics, Sociology, Sociology II, and Sociology III (as I want to work in government in the future to help people). I also took Communications, Speech, two semesters of French, Computers and Tech Apps, Marketing, Philosophy, Critical Thinking, and Humanities.

From the beginning, the outside criminal interference surfaced during my degree, via vile and illegal "academic sabotage" as universities call it in America, in the forms of intellectual property theft of my original college papers, hacking to delete grades, hacking to sabotage live tests, and robbing me of my financial funding at the school, in conduct by the FBI and separately Madonna's sick Kabbalah cult hackers.

Original science and political papers I wrote, among others (and emailed to myself in what is known as a "pooman's copyright" to establish the date and time of authorship, before I submitted them to the college as coursework/assignments via their online software (Canvas, Blackboard) were LATER illegally and publicly used by the FBI, the Biden Administration (who have a habit of doing this and directly from the Copyright Office in Washington as well) and Madonna's Kabbalah cult, but illegally attributed to themselves.

The FBI went into Miami Dade College making illegal demands of faculty. I wrote to Congress about this matter in May 2024. The FBI terrorized Miami Dade College staff in acts of harassment, as the so-called law enforcement agency tried to criminally derail my degree, stop my funding and steal intellectual property I authored as college assignments. This type of FBI trespassing is not unprecedented, as FBI agents have been arrested on college grounds in America, while committing crimes (such as FBI Agent Arrested For Masturbating In The Women's Toilets At College).


An email to me from college software maker W.W. Norton after I could not access many quizzes in the Art History class, which could have resulted in me failing the course and being kicked out of university for a year. Only to find out the professor had segregated me in an online class by myself, due to the FBI's criminal conduct, and him not wanting it to destroy the other students academics. Email redacted by me and key item highlighted in red.

Segregation was outlawed in America in 1954 (Brown v. Board of Education) yet the FBI is practicing it in modern times. It is sick and despicable. In the Art History class I was enrolled in for the winter 2020 semester, I was segregated by myself in an online class, which is a crime in America and most of the world. I was in one online class by myself and the rest of the class was in another, as seen above in the email from W.W. Norton, who makes interesting software I enjoyed.

I later found out through a credible source the professor did not want to subject the entire class to what the FBI criminally demanded in targeting me. The professor deemed the class would fail and he would get fired (as a professor, if too many or all of your students fail a course you can get fired). The FBI didn't care if the professor was fired and the entire class failed. As long as they targeted and got at me in some sick and abusive way, that's all that mattered to them, as they are sociopaths and psychotics. I've repeatedly warned, the FBI is psychopathic (it's engrained in them at the Quantico training facility) and will burn the whole country to the ground to get at one person, whether it be Trump or anyone else they become obsessed with. They're insane.

The Art History professor, among others, decided the best option was to segregate me in an online class by myself. Meanwhile, the rest of the students, about two dozen people, were in another online class. I realized something was wrong when the professor would post assignments for the class on Blackboard but the assignments were not in my e-textbook subscription with W.W. Norton, which the whole class was instructed to buy. Blackboard is a learning software colleges use to assign coursework, administers tests, contact students, ect. Colleges also use the software Canvas to do the same.

Blackboard also has a type of message board/forum (as does Canvas) where under Florida rules governing colleges, students are required to interact with each other online each semester. I would notice the other students in the class were typing/interacting about assignments not in my W.W. Norton E-textbook and quiz subscription (the class had dozens of quizzes). I also couldn't locate about a dozen quizzes the professor assigned to the whole class on Blackboard. I contacted W.W. Norton about the problem, they looked into it and discovered the professor had segregated me in a class by myself (as seen in the email above).

I later found out through a highly credible source that the FBI demanded I be overloaded with work in an attempt at getting me to flunk out of college. I was given more and harder work than the rest of the class, which is illegal and discriminatory. Some quizzes were also not available to me, as mentioned above, which damaged my grade. As such the best grade I could hope for under the "academic sabotage" was a low C or D. To remain in college you must get an A, B or C on each class you take or you're kicked out of school for at least 1-year on "academic probation." You also lose all your funding.

I complained to the professor in writing twice about all the assignments not being available to me and he responded to me in writing that I was to let it go (yes, really). However, the last day of class, in a surprise move, I decided to do all the extra credit assignments he'd posted in the Blackboard software (I had full access to Blackboard, not W.W. Norton's software).

I'd done quite well on all the other assignments throughout the semester, but the missing assignments not made available to me because I was segregated in a class by myself that did not grant me access to all the assignments required for the course, meant I had a C grade (and I'm not a C student). After doing all the extra credit on the last day of class, about a dozen long form assignments, I passed the course with an A.

During the Civil Rights era in America, African-Americans and non-racist white people fought against segregation. Once again, segregation was made illegal in 1954. Yet, here is the scumbag FBI bringing it back in modern times (truthfully, the FBI ever stopped engaging in racism, discrimination and segregation).

Not to mention, in repeatedly trying to deny me access to an education (in Summer 2020 the FBI kept deleting my application from the Miami Dade College computer system, as stated above), the FBI engaged in dirty slavetrader practices. During slavery in America from the 1600 to 1800, black people were not allowed to have an education. Slaves were tortured if they tried to learn how to read. A slave would be killed for trying to go to school (by the way, I received death threats from the FBI about going further with my education after the Bachelors degree, as mentioned further in this article).

My math professor's Canvas message/email to me about my account at Pearson software being destroyed. I've redacted it for privacy reasons. However, it shows once again I was criminally targeted by a third party, the FBI, in acts of "academic sabotage." Email redacted by me for privacy reasons. Key item highlighted in red.

In April of 2023 during a math class, someone hacked into the computer system of college software maker, Pearson, and destroyed my account from day one of the semester. I couldn't do any coursework in the accelerated 6-week college math class that was focused on algebra and statistics, among other things. The professor, who was very nice, wrote to me and stated I'm the only one this has happened to, as the other students are doing their homework in Pearson's My Math Lab. The professor stated in the email posted above, "Something is wrong on your account; other students are working on their hw (homework)."

Pearson emails to my school assigned email address regarding my account being destroyed, which blocked me from doing my coursework. As a result, I could have failed the class, been kicked out of school for a year on academic probation, and lost all my funding. This email is in reference to the first math class I took using Pearson software. Emails redacted by me for privacy reasons.

The professor kept contacting Pearson requesting they quickly fix the problem. I kept contacting Pearson about the matter as well. Pearson answered my email and stated the problem has to be escalated to another department, to a computer engineer in their company. It took them 3-weeks to fix my account, as it was damaged that badly by a hacker. I had 3-weeks to finish a 6-week class, which was already accelerated in compacting 4-months coursework into 6-weeks. I ended up getting a B. I almost made an A grade, but there was not enough time to finish everything in the course, as I had lost 3-weeks due to a hacker attacking my account at Pearson.

Then more problems struck with Pearson. I had to take two more math classes to graduate and they required me to use Pearson's My Math Lab software again. I took Math for Liberal Arts 1 and Math for Liberal Arts 2, in another accelerated 6-week semester (compacting 4-months work into 6-weeks per class). I close the two classes under the advisement of an advisor in the Advisement department at Miami Dade College, who thought it would work well with a Psychology degree.

That same advisor also robotically and bizarrely kept telling me to go "work for the State Department" when I was only in her office to enroll in new classes that semester. I thought her behavior was odd and forced. I have no desire to work for the Feds. It's not gonna happen. I'm telling you once and for all, as the Art History professor told me, let it go. I will never work for you, as you're corrupt criminals damaging America and the world for your own financial and social advancement.

The two math classes went spectacularly wrong due to criminal interference from the FBI. I got sick because of it and ended up in my doctor's office with my health deteriorated over that sick stunt, pardon the pun. These two math courses were not easy (I began to wonder if I was segregated in classes by myself and given harder work than everyone else again...and I was).

The courses contained items regarding advanced algebra, advanced geometry, set theory, logic, graph theory, number theory, linear systems, probability theory, voting and apportionment, measurement, inequalities, number representation and calculation, and calculating Babylonian and Mayan math, among other things.

I kept thinking to myself, when am I going to use Babylonian or Mayan math (no disrespect intended to either culture). There was even a segment of the course on tabulating the results of elections regarding millions of people. Again, I thought to myself, if in the future one works for a government, this could come in handy, but the average person will not need this in life.

The Pearson My Math Lab software kept stating the answers I tabulated and input in the program are incorrect. Not only was I overloaded with coursework specifically assigned to me in a questionable and excessive manner (a highly unreasonable amount of work one could not finish in 6-weeks, and by far the worst of any class I'd ever taken) I began to wonder if I was the subject of academic sabotage once again, because things simply were not making sense in the two math courses.

I later found out from Pearson the Miami Dade College professors assign the amount of work, not Pearson. Math for Liberal Arts I had an enormous amount of work one could not reasonably finish in 6-weeks. Math for Liberal Arts II had a reasonable amount of work. However, this was all in addition to many Canvas quizzes and exams, plus midterms and finals (exams) in each class.

Near the end of the course, my instincts were strongly leading me to think and believe the software was wrong and tampered with in a brazen manner. Yes, as bad and implausible as it seems, because how could math software be wrong, I thought that. However, it turns out I was correct in that the software was wrong. As it is math, 1 + 1 must = 2. Now, there are some equations where one is asked to round the answer to the nearest tenth or  hundredth ect. Still, you can have only one answer. However, the answers the computer software was generating as correct, while marking my answers incorrect, were way off base and wrong, which was later confirmed.

I started using multiple outside, online calculators by Microsoft, Google and other companies to test my answers against. And sure enough, Microsoft, Google and other companies' calculators stated my answers I tabulated are correct and the Pearson software is wrong. So, I made screencaps of the evidence. I telephoned Pearson on a speaker call with my mom present and asked for an email address to send the proof that something is wrong within their software.

Screencaps I emailed to Pearson showing the answers entered into their system by Miami Dade College are wrong. The screencaps show the Pearson program on the right. On the left are the third party calculators I used to show the discrepancies. Screencaps redacted by me for privacy

I sent the screencaps to Pearson's tech support via the email address he provided. The Pearson tech support rep placed me on hold to check his email. After a few minutes he returned on the phone. Once again, I had him on speaker phone so my mom could hear the call. The Pearson tech support rep stated "The computer is incorrect. Your answers are correct."

Emails from Pearson to me confirming the answers in their system were wrong and mine were correct. Emails redacted by me for privacy. Key items are highlighted in red.

During a flurry of emails between me and Pearson and Miami Dade College, the truth came out. Pearson emailed me twice asking that I look over the course questions and send them the correct answers. I didn't, as I'm really busy and the whole experience has damaged my health. Miami Dade College was against it as well.

Then, a Miami Dade College employee let slip that Pearson was not the one who put the wrong answers into the software. Miami Dade College, under criminal harassment from the FBI, placed the wrong answers in the software of my account, so no matter what I calculated it would state my answer is incorrect. The person also let slip in an email to me that I'm the only person in the college of over 100,000 students that this happened to, which again exposes the FBI's criminal conduct. Miami Dade College also has over 2,000,000 graduates, many prominent in the city of Miami. Again, I was the victim of academic sabotage and fraud, and it was done by the deranged FBI.

Meanwhile, Madonna's hackers would hack live tests I took, open new Windows and even shutdown the computer while I was testing. It was a disgusting mix of criminal fraud, academic sabotage, discrimination and outright insanity. This is how the FBI has been wasting American taxpayer money, while claiming they are working. Targeting and abusing an innocent black immigrant they've robbed of billions of dollars in copyrights.

I've spoken to other Miami Dade College students, even one I know personally, regarding their experience at the college, and none of them went through what I did at the university. It all happened due to me being criminally targeted by the FBI (who were on the campus illegally) and Madonna's cult (who even followed me to the campus illegally on days I went to take exams and made all sorts of threats about stopping me from getting a degree; there was even an incident where two of Madonna's cult members tried to sexually assault me near the school, after one exposed himself to me in front of City of Miami workers and pedestrians on the street in Downtown Miami).

A very credible source told me regarding the FBI that they became enraged I enrolled at college as, "You were not supposed to survive all the abuses they committed against you." For more on the sick abuses the FBI has been committing against me please read: The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents) and The FBI Has Been Criminally Going Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents, Photos).

For a long time the Pearson My Math Lab program had me frustrated and stressed out because it repeatedly marked my answers incorrect, when I knew they were correct. At times the software would glitch as well (freeze the computer screen). Due to that occurring, and me sitting up day and night for weeks in a chair trying to get the excessive amount of assigned coursework completed, I developed arrhythmia (heart) and sciatica (back).

I went to my doctor's office in Broward County (near Miami) and told her "Something has gone wrong with my heart. I can feel it." I asked her to do an EKG. When she did the EKG and came back with the results her smile turned to a look of panic and alarm. I stated "it's arrhythmia, isn't it" and she stated "yes" and "you need to go to a cardiologist as soon as possible."

Arrhythmia is dangerous. It can be caused by stress. It is the heart beating out of sync without notice and it can trigger a fatal heart attack without notice. My degree was riding on the two mat classes mentioned above. Between the stress of college and most of all being criminally harassed and abused on a regular basis by the deranged FBI and the sick Hollywood cult (Kabbalah) of child sex trafficker, Madonna, my health was negatively impacted. They damaged my health.

I should have been finished with the Associate in Arts degree in Psychology a year ago, but due to that incident in Summer 2023 regarding Math for Liberal Arts 1 and Math for Liberal Arts 2, my degree was stuck. So in the meantime, since Summer 2023, I began taking other courses at college that would count towards a Bachelors in Psychology. Miami Dade College does not offer a Bachelor's in Psychology, only an Associates. Therefore, you have to transfer to another state university.

This month I graduated from Miami Dade College with 108 credits, after over 1-year of criminal delays and years of academic sabotage by the FBI and company. I've finally received my Associates in Arts in Psychology. I'm transferring to another university (in New York) and have roughly 4-months of coursework left to complete my Bachelors in Psychology at said school. The new semester begins in October 2024. As I have 108 credits, I only need 12 more to meet the 120 required for the Bachelors in Psychology. I've done all the medical, science, math, English and psychology courses. What's left is civics courses and capstone work regarding community outreach in my chosen profession of psychology.

I was inquiring about going to medical school after I finish the 4-months of coursework at the university I'm in the process of transferring to, but a problem already popped up. The FBI sent one of their "cooperating informants" to make death threats about me being viciously murdered (stabbed and shot to death) if I try to go to medical school.

Other strange and corrupt things happened when I was at Miami Dade College due to the FBI's criminal interference and acts of academic sabotage:

Someone hacked into the Miami Dade College computer system and deleted my main exam in the difficult Environmental Science class (70% of the class had dropped out by week one, as the coursework was too much and the tests were difficult). I studied hard and was so proud of myself for doing well on the proctored Environmental Science exam that comprised a significant portion of one's final grade. Again, the FBI was trying to get me to flunk out of school. They had my exam test score hacked and deleted. I had to complain in writing to the Dean of the school who had someone search the system and put my exam results back.

I took Critical Thinking and separately Philosophy months apart. Both classes fall under the same Department at Miami Dade College. I did very well in those classes, as I'm a writer and the two courses require a significant amount of writing, analysis and critical thinking.

Here's where the academic sabotage occurred. The professors in Critical Thinking and separately Philosophy refused to grade all my papers. One professor even turned in an F as my final grade (Critical Thinking). When I complained to the Dean in writing, he contacted the professor, who mysteriously found all my papers he failed to grade. Months later the Philosophy teacher did the same. He refused to grade all my papers. They fought to fail me when I'd earned an A in both classes. It was so bizarre. Professors are paid to grade papers. Those two kept refusing.

It should be noted I saved copies of all my original papers. I also saved the receipt/confirmation page each time I uploaded an assignment. My grades had to be corrected, as I had proof. I also felt there was some discrimination by the two professors due to the fact I'm a Christian. In Critical Thinking and Philosophy class, one is often asked in assignments about one's religious beliefs. While I never wrote anything hateful or inappropriate in my assignments, I felt I was being graded harshly by two very liberal, faithless professors, that's when they even bothered to grade my papers at all.

In the general education psychology class I took, I read the whole textbook, yet strange things kept occurring. I studied hard. Yet the questions on the exams were consistently different and not covered in the textbook. I deliberately made notes after exams of what was on the tests, then went back to the textbook immediately after, and did searches of the material, which consistently confirmed I was repeatedly being quizzed on items not in the textbook. Once again, "academic sabotage."

The Computer and Tech Apps class caused a catastrophe in spring 2021. The class was done in the Simnet software, which each student had to pay for and it wasn't cheap. The professor gave instructions on Blackboard to log into Simnet using the Firefox browser. However, due to an exploit, Firefox wasn't working with Simnet. The professor didn't put his email on the site, which is a violation of the college's rules. The college's tech support department couldn't find him either.

Simnet couldn't fix it (I contacted their tech support). It wasn't until the end of the 8-week semester the professor surfaced. He acknowledged the problem and stated to use Google Chrome instead, because Firefox was crashing on the Simnet site and in their software. 

However, it was too late. I wasn't able to do ALL the work in time. Once Simnet finally started working at the end of the semester there was no time left to do all that work. I'd informed the college of the problem from week one of the eight week class, but nothing was done until the end of the semester. As such, the professor recorded an F final grade.

I had to contact the Dean about the matter. She went to the head of the Computer department and had the course reopened for me to finish the work, as the professor was at fault for dispensing the wrong instructions on Blackboard, regarding what browser to use. Not to mention, he was absent for semester until the very end, when it was too late to do his job.

Due to the professor not doing his job the entire semester, the F he turned in as my final grade, caused my funding to be suspended for 1-year. I was also placed on academic suspension, over something that was not even my fault. When the Dean final got the online coursework reopened for me to finish, the professor sent me a capstone with my name and student number on it, to do work in the course but it was corrupted. I saved a copy of the capstone as evidence.

I tested the capstone against the work of a highly ranked professor in another U.S. state and it revealed the capstone I was given, which had my name and student number on the software, meaning it was unique to me, was corrupted, and the highest grade it would produce no matter what is a C. This was more "academic sabotage."

Due to these acts, as I was outrageously placed on academic probation over something that was not even my fault, and occurred due to corruption and a professor engaging in a dereliction of duty, I lost over $17,000 in funding from April 2021 to April 2022. This is what the FBI wanted. They have been engaging in all sorts of economic crimes against me, which included the theft of my $750,000, which I've mentioned on the site before.

They stole my $750,000 home in Miami via fraud. It's a strange parallel because during the 1600 to 1800s while slavery was still legal in America, slaves were not allowed to own property. The Law Firm of Marshall C. Watson committed fraud and stole my home, in a conspiracy waged by the FBI. Years after it occurred, the Law Firm of Marshall C. Watson  were indicted in South Florida for inducing judges to illegally "robo-sign" fraudulent foreclosures, including properties that were not supposed to be foreclosed upon (mine was one of them). However, after the conviction they only received a slap on the wrist, while stealing millions in property.

No one went to prison, restored the homes illegally taken or any of the equity stolen from the properties. What a sham. Anyway, I contacted Congress about it in May 2024 (including the fact I'd sent the matter to Miami prosecutor Katherine Fernandez-Rundle, who declined to prosecute the offenders with criminal charges). 2-months after the letter to Congress, it was announced on the local news in Miami that Fernandez Rundle and her prosecutors are now under criminal investigation for corruption.

Weeks ago, I contacted the office of Miami Dade College President, Madeline Pumariega, via email about the mess that had occurred with the two math classes (Math for Liberal Arts I and Math for Liberal Arts II) that was holding up my degree for the past year. I also outlined other serious issues that occurred at my expense.

After a significant amount of back and forth in emails for weeks between Ms. Pumariega's staff and me from mid-July to early August, we were able to sort out the mess regarding the two math classes, using my suggestions. However, there are other issues that are unresolved, such as the $17,000 in funding I was deprived of through no fault of my own, and the brazen "academic sabotage" that kept happening since 2020. The college has apologized, but some items are still unresolved. I tried to work it out without having to hire an attorney. However, it looks like I will have to hire an attorney and separately file a complaint with the Department of Education, as thing entire thing went too far and some of it is still unresolved.

They put me through a horrific ordeal, due to the malicious FBI and their menacing illegal presence at the college, which made me quite ill with arrhythmia and sciatica. Someone has got to answer for that. As my dad in Jamaica stated regarding what transpired at the college, "Where is the accountability?" He is flabbergasted that the online textbook and course answers were tampered with and wrong. 

I also wrote about the aforementioned matters in a letter to Congress in May 2024, as the behavior of the FBI and Madonna in a number of matters has reached horrific heights. The human rights abuses are very severe. Last week I sent an update to Congress, as they have a committee on education, regarding what was exposed in the two math classes having been sabotaged with the wrong answers, as seen in screencaps above. The FBI has dragged U.S. education to a terrible low. This madness the FBI did cannot be allowed to stand.

Not to mention, they damaged the name of the college, and its software vendors mentioned above, all to get at one person. I think that's very sick. How is the FBI this insane and irrational. Anyone or group of people who go that far are a danger to humanity.

It also went beyond Miami Dade College. In 2023, I was accepted into four schools in London, England. This ticked the FBI off no end. When I went to inquire about the Study Abroad program the federal government's website outlined (which I also called them about), unprovoked a woman in the Financial Aid office at Miami Dade College began berating me that there is no such program. It was bizarre how angry she became and out of nowhere. When I answered her back, her co-worker cut her off while she was yelling and stated, "I'm printing the information." Then her co-worker handed me the information on the Study Abroad program. Then the FBI began making threats over me trying to go to college in London. Once again, the FBI began acting like I'm a runaway slave.

These horrific human rights abuses by the FBI, Madonna and Hollywood are all about stealing copyrights from me. They stole so much but want more. They think they have a slave with no rights, who is the property of the government and Hollywood. They are still the same evil and wicked slavetraders they always were. They are still the same slavetraders who waged slavery between the 1600s to 1800s. That mentality never left them. Take a look at the sick parallels to slavery in my case, as outlined above, and it becomes undeniable. That anyone would go to such lengths to enslave, abuse, terrorize, exploit and rob others is appalling and abhorrent.

The same nasty, evil and demonic thinking that created and conducted slavery against black people in America in the1600s to the 1800s is still alive and well, and present in the vile mindset of the FBI, DOJ and Hollywood, among others. They haven't changed one bit.


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