Joe Biden Is A Power Hungry Criminal
From The Obama Administration Following A Movie Script
The Idea To Run For President And Associated Campaign
Items Came From An Illegally Accessed Copyrighted Script
That Is 20-Years Old
Obama Is Looking For His Third Term In Office
Through Joe Biden
I forgot to mention the character in the 2000
copyrighted script "Presidential Dreams" who becomes the
first black vice president and first woman vice
president under a white male president is from
California, just like Kamala Harris 20-years later.
November 9. 2020

President elect Joe Biden
This is a follow up to the article "The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)." It is in
reference to sick human rights abuses being committed
against me by Madonna and her cohorts in Hollywood, with
the assistance of the corrupt FBI.
The FBI had called me in for two
interviews in Miami during the first week of November
2005, regarding vile, washed up,
pop singer, Madonna, her fellow criminal
associates in Hollywood, and her private investigator,
Anthony Pellicano, who is in the Italian-American mafia
(the Colombo family).
The FBI used interviews of me and
others, such as journalist Anita Busch, as well as
documentation they asked me for, to arrest and convict
Pellicano of illegal wiretapping, witness tampering,
identity theft, conspiracy and racketeering (criminal
violations of the RICO Act).
Hillary Clinton is the individual who
first hired Anthony Pellicano, who then with her
knowledge illegally wiretapped, burglarized, threatened,
harassed, stalked and abused the mistresses of her
husband, former U.S. president Bill Clinton. Bill's
mistresses had begun speaking to the press and ruining
their political careers. Hillary then introduced
Pellicano to their friends in Hollywood, such as Harvey
Weinstein and Madonna, among others, who employed him to
illegally spy on terrorize others.
Pellicano is known as the Hollywood
Fixer. He would illegal wiretap, burglarize, stalk,
harass, threaten, assault and and commit criminal
identity theft against innocent people psychotic,
perverted degenerates like Madonna paid him $100,000 per
person to criminally target in extremely sick and
abusive ways. He's a psychopath and so is Madonna.
The FBI interviews in 2005 were about
Madonna criminally stealing preexisting copyrights I had
authored and registered with the Library of Congress in
Washington. I was a child prodigy who began writing
literary items at age 5 and started copyrighting at age
The FBI interviews of me in 2005 were
also about the daily, commissioned computer hacking
Madonna has been paying hackers to do regarding me and
others for years. These hackers work through her
Hollywood cult's Kabbalah Center, which is nothing but a
criminal enterprise (large scale drug dealing for which
there was an arrest, hacking, wiretapping, voyeurism,
gang stalking, commissioned attempted murder and
Madonna has on staff 3 hackers who work
8-hour shifts, just like Pellicano had done, which the
FBI discovered when they arrested him in 2006.
Pellicano's hackers were arrested as well, in addition
to other people illegally in his employ. The FBI even
found illegal explosives, weapons and ammunition in
Pellicano's office like he was preparing for a war or a
siege. The guy is a complete psychopath.
Madonna's hackers illegally hack into my
computers and that of others in the entertainment
industry (and other business sectors), then steal any
information they find therein for undue financial gain.
They do these hacks using a backdoor in the Windows
operating system software that is reserved for the FBI,
NSA and CIA.
Madonna's hackers also watch and record
all internet activity in the computers they hack and
forward it to her. Then the brainless idiot Madonna
publicly uses it like a degenerate old fool who can't
think for herself. She has also used this illegal
hacking to blackmail high profile figures in Hollywood,
as well as in Britain and Europe, such as famous
footballers, actors, actresses and singers, among
others. She is an evil, devious and disgusting human
being. She really is low class trash, who was clearly
brought into this world by other low class degenerate
trash, to be behaving this way.

Madonna and Barack Obama
The FBI continues to hide the Freedom of
Information Act eligible files concerning me and what
transpired regarding Madonna (and what continues to
happen, as she is sick and obsessed). The FBI released
4-pages from the file, which has THOUSANDS of pages (see
scan of the pages below).
In January 2019, I contacted Congress
about Madonna's ever escalating criminal behavior
towards me and the FBI hiding files, among other things.
Congress sent the case to U.S. Senator, Marco Rubio of
Florida, which is the state I live in. Senator Rubio
tried to get the FBI files released. He sent me a waiver
to sign and return to him by mail, to act on my behalf
to get the files. I did what he instructed, but the FBI
played games and refused to release the files to Rubio.
I have three letters and two emails from Rubio regarding
the matter.
As seen in the 4 pages of the Freedom of
Information Act eligible files released by the FBI,
which I was able to get prior to going to Congress, it
shows the FBI interviewed me and asked me to bring in a
copy of my copyrights. Two business days later I brought
in to the FBI copies of my copyrights, as well as the
Library of Congress certificates regarding their

In 2017 The FBI released pages from the file that
has thousands of pages
The initial FBI interview was on
Thursday, November 3, 2005. The FBI interviewed me again
at their request, on Monday, November 7, 2005, when I
had only expected to drop off a copy of my copyrights
and the certificates, as was requested by the first FBI
agent Christopher.
During the second interview with the
FBI, conducted by Special Agent, Catherine Koontz, I
gave her a copy of all my Library of Congress
certificates and copyrights (I've written more since).
The interview was about Madonna, her crimes in Hollywood
and Anthony Pellicano. By the agent's words the FBI
clearly knew about what Pellicano and Madonna, among
others in that Hollywood circle, have been illegally
Special Agent Koontz stated the FBI
would send me a report on their investigation regarding
my copyrights and the criminal invasion of privacy by
Madonna and Pellicano, which is customary in such cases,
as seen via Sophia Stewart vs. Warner Bros over stealing
her copyrights to make "The Matrix" and "Terminator"
films. Sophia Stewart is an African-American law clerk
and Christian, who also wrote and copyrighted original
The FBI discovered and placed in their
official report that Warner Bros (where Madonna has been
signed since the 1980s) did in fact illegally infringe
Stewart's copyrights to make the "Matrix" and
"Terminator" films without her permission. Hollywood,
who claims to be liberal, tolerant and non-racist is
anything but, as they are in the business of criminally
exploiting and grotesquely abusing black women and men
in terrible ways, for undue financial enrichment and
sexual gratification. Hollywood is full of racist, lazy
gutter trash, who believe black people are slaves to be
Due to corruption by Madonna in
reference to former FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, who
is a known racist and human rights abuser, as attested
by many lawsuits (some of which were filed by FBI agents
against him and the agency) the case was corrupted.
descends from a Nazi in Hitler's army and holds
and practices those beliefs, as seen in his racist, evil
behavior towards minorities. Under Mueller, the FBI
began specializing in "Spying
to Steal" also known as economic espionage,
which is a crime.

Robert S. Mueller is a scammer and con
artist, just like I stated from day one (here and
here). Mueller has also lied under oath in Congress (here).
I was informed by a very credible source
responsible for some of my
site exclusives that later proved 100% true and
correct that Mueller took a bribe from Madonna to
corrupt the case ($1,000,000).
Bribery is a big problem at the FBI, as
attested by U.S. Inspector General reports (50 instances of FBI agents accepting bribes
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating).
The FBI are not an agency with integrity
and virtue. FBI employees have proven themselves to be
lawless, thieving and very corrupt (FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Pleads
Guilty To Lying To Judge And Falsifying Evidence To Spy On Political
Adviser Carter Page In Acts Further Proving The FBI Is Completely
Corrupt and
The FBI Criminally Covered The Fact From Congress That Disgraced Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe Spent $70,000 In Taxpayer Money On A Table For
The problem is that time and time again
the FBI and CIA have horrendously shown they think they
run the country, instead of the White House and Congress
I predict the FBI and CIA, who are Congress'
Frankenstein, are going to maul Congress very badly in
the not too distant future, in criminal acts that will
leave the world shocked and appalled. But I digress.
Back to the FBI case and files they have
been criminally hiding in violation of the Freedom of
Information Act. All the FBI sent was 4-pages of the
file that is THOUSANDS of pages in volume, and mailed me
a letter stating I am "a victim of crime."
The FBI has been hiding the files on the
case ever since, like their lives depend on it, as it
contains criminal behavior by Madonna and the FBI, among
others. They're hiding the files, as what's in them is
horrific and very felonious. However, it doesn't matter,
as I already know what's in the files. I know all of
what they did and have documentation to support it,
which I will make public in a future item.
The FBI has illegally classified the
whole file to hide it from public view, which is a
criminal abuse of the classification system. I have
absolutely nothing to hide. I have been 100%% honest,
forthright and candid about everything that has
transpired. The FBI, the Obama administration, Madonna
and her cohorts in Hollywood have not.
Mueller criminally authorized Madonna
and Hollywood to continue stealing my copyrights, which
I gave Special Agent Koontz a copy of at the agency's
request. The FBI also began using my copyrights without
permission, via going into Congress talking about cases
they are working on that they need billions more in
taxpayer funding for, but a chunk of it was fictitious
and came from my preexisting, copyrighted movie scripts
such as cop dramas and anti-terrorism films (and
Congress gave them your tax dollars to the tune of
billions, some of which is now unaccounted for at the
The FBI also began spreading my
copyrights around wherever they felt like in criminal
violation of the law. I’ve seen items from my
PREEXISTING copyrights the FBI spread around end up at
the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense,
NASA and Space X, among other places.
I've seen items Madonna spread around
the industry end up at many places such as CNN & TMZ
(owned by Warner Bros where Madonna has been signed
since the 80s in music and did film deals with them in
recent years for items she stole).
My copyrights have also been illegally
spread to the BBC, which for years has been under a deal
with Warner Bros (where Madonna is signed), to
distribute all the BBC's DVDs and other items around the
Madonna and the FBI did some very sick
things at the BBC in criminal violation of British law (Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist
Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)).
It's not the United States of Britain.
It's the United Kingdom. The FBI has no legal
jurisdiction there and to have commandeered the national
television network in Britain, and proceed to commit
such sick crimes there, is a massive and egregious
violation of domestic and international law. The British
taxpayers pay for the BBC. The FBI and Madonna's conduct
has violated all sorts of laws regarding what they are
doing at the BBC.
They also spread my preexisting
copyrights to Sony Music and Simon Cowell in Britain,
who has a deal with them (Madonna, Warner Bros and Sony
all have the same lawyer). The whole "American Idol" and
"Pop Idol" franchise was built on criminally stealing my
preexisting copyrights. Madonna was even on "American
Idol." Cowell is an absolute fraud and slavetrader to be
criminally robbing a black woman. He is vile.

Simon Cowell is a complete and utter fraud and
thief. Nothing he has done has been legit. Cowell has
become wealthy from stealing my preexisting copyrights.
He's even stole original items from articles on this
website and used them on his shows. He's completely
pathetic and an utter parasite.
But back to the FBI files. As I stated
previously in this article, I gave the FBI, via Special
Agent Catherine Koontz, copies of my preexisting Library
of Congress copyrights that were registered in
Washington years before Madonna started stealing from my
copyrights, via paid hacks into my computers to
illegally copy them, then break-ins to my home while I
was out (which the FBI acknowledged during the
Among my copyrights is a fictitious
script I authored over 20-YEARS AGO with sequels called
"Presidential Dreams." It's about a white candidate with
a black running mate running for and becoming president
and vice president of the United States. The scripts
contain storylines about a white male president and
black female vice president, as well as items about a
black president and white vice president. It's for a set
of films under the "Presidential Dreams" franchise.

One of my many receipts for the domain name that is attached to my script of
the same name copyrighted 20-years ago. This is a
receipt from the
renewal of the Presidential Dreams domain name, years
before Barack Obama and Joe Biden ever went to the White
House in 2008.
I wrote the "Presidential Dreams" script
and sequels in 1998, copyrighted it in 2000, and first
bought the domain name then as well. I later transferred
the domain to Go Daddy in 2004 (a horrible company I do
not recommend). Then they tried to steal the domain name
as well, under the influence of the aforementioned
people who have been criminally infringing the
"Presidential Dreams" script and sequels.

Madonna and Harvey Weinstein
The FBI, Madonna and her business
partners in Hollywood, such as Harvey Weinstein, whom I
warned in 2009 is an evil sexual degenerate (he's since
been arrested and thrown in prison this year) illegally
began using items from my preexisting copyrighted script
and sequels "Presidential Dreams."
Weinstein also stole other copyrights
from my Library of Congress registered copyrighted
catalog and infringed them at his companies in Hollywood
to make infringing films such as "Spy Kids", among other

Barack Obama and Harvey Weinstein before the
former became President of the United States
9-years after I authored and copyrighted
"Presidential Dreams" about the first black president
and his white running mate, who becomes vice president,
then the first female black vice president on the ticket
of a white male president, then gave a copy of it and
all my copyrights at the time to the FBI in 2005, upon
their request (the same copyrights Madonna criminally
hacked at that time via hackers she paid and continues
to pay to break into people's computers), Weinstein
decided to use it in criminal violation of the law.
In 2007, Weinstein approached a then
Senator Barack Obama with my preexisting, Library of
Congress copyrighted "Presidential Dreams" script and
sequels, and began raising millions of dollars to get
him elected. They began using copyrighted phrases and
items from my preexisting "Presidential Dreams" script
during Obama and Joe Biden's 2008 campaign, such as the
catch phrase "yes, we can" and "yes, you can" among
other things.
Obama had been elected to Congress in
2005, the same year the FBI interviewed me about
Madonna, her private investigator, Anthony Pellicano and
the sick financial and privacy crimes they have been
Weinstein became Obama's top bundler as
they call it in politics, raising millions of dollars
for him. Obama repeatedly referred to Weinstein as his
top advisor and had him in the White House often, which
is suspect, as Weinstein has always been a sick,
degenerate movie producer raping off women and underage
girls in Hollywood since the 1980s. Yet, the U.S. Secret
Service gave Weinstein full clearance to be in the White
House, because Obama waived that maniac rapist through.
Obama gave Weinstein legitimacy and use
of the U.S. Secret Service, which made it difficult for
victims of his sick sexual crimes to come forward and
get justice. There were public complaints Weinstein used
the U.S. Secret Service to threaten victims as well as
his perceived enemies.
In 2007, Weinstein came to Obama with
the idea of the presidency and helped him raise the
millions needed to get in office. Obama then let
Weinstein get away with murder for years and illegally
access government items and resources.
As stated above, they followed the items
in my scripts and sequels for "Presidential Dreams" to
the tee. They used it in great detail to get Obama in
and now to help Biden who is as of this past weekend
president-elect of the United States.
Even when I warned about Weinstein in
2009, I was the first person to do so, thereby breaking
the story on his crimes against women, as well as his
egregious financial fraud. At the time I broke the
story, he was at the height of his fame. He was rubbing
shoulders with the Queen of England, who had given him a
CBE honor, which was just rescinded a few months ago (Harvey Weinstein Stripped Of British
Honor By The Queen).
In 2017, Weinstein was accused of sexually harassing, sexually assault
and raping over 100 famous and non-famous women, in a story I broke
first on this site years prior (here
here and
here and
here). In 2017 he was
also accused of financial fraud, which I had stated he
was doing from 2009, after watching him steal my
valuable copyrights with Madonna, and others.
In 2019,
Weinstein was arrested for rape. This year Weinstein was
convicted of rape and
sentenced to 23-years in prison in New York. Weinstein is currently
serving said sentence in upstate New York. He is also on trial again for rape, but this
time in California, where he could face 30-years in prison. God's
wrath punished him for his sins against me and others.
God never fails and the aforementioned people involved
in these crimes should be very, very afraid of that, as
He is watching them and will punish them too for what
they have done.

Harvey Weinstein, Michelle Obama and Whoopi
Goldberg at the White House
Items from my preexisting copyrights I gave the FBI a
copy of were infringed and began appearing in Michelle
Obama's speeches. Items from a fashion line I
copyrighted also began being unlawfully used to style
Mrs. Obama, who was being mercilessly bashed online for
her appearance (she is repeatedly called ugly by people
online and TV, as illustrated in tweets below). In a
weird twist, Mrs. Obama even showed up to give a speech
at a doctor's office I would go to in Miami for medical
check ups:
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights

Tweets about Michelle Obama continue to slam her
They even tried to steal the
"Presidential Dreams" domain after I registered it over
16 years ago, then transferred it to Go Daddy. There was
a big issue with it the other day regarding them trying
to steal it. Because they’ve been obsessively stealing
from and repeatedly referring to the "Presidential
Dreams" scripts for unlawful public use, even using
copyrighted lines from it, they have been trying to
steal everything associated with it (including the
I have proof of authorship in over 100
ways including Library of Congress copyrights, time
stamped emails, "poor man’s" copyrights, and other
items. I'd even made reference to "Presidential Dreams"
in a 2005 lawsuit in Miami against Madonna (that's
3-years before Obama and company began infringing
"Presidential Dreams").
They also got Go Daddy to illegally
delete one of my main email boxes, wiping out over
18-years of emails that incriminate the FBI, Madonna,
Weinstein and others in the Obama administration.
However, I had already saved and burned 1.6 gigabytes of
my emails showing their crimes, and I also regularly cc
(send carbon copies) of my time stamped emails to a
secondary email box.

Harvey Weinstein and Queen Elizabeth II in London, England. I was
attacked on the grounds of Buckingham Palace in England after a paid
tour in an incident Madonna's cult had arranged (Racist Madonna Flies Out To Jamaica
After Bragging About Having Coronavirus And Engaging In Criminal
Misconduct Against Jamaicans).
Where I come from (Jamaica) it's not
uncommon to have an elected black head of state. It's
actually the norm. My award winning, famous family has
known successive Prime Ministers of Jamaica for over
My dad even went to the United Nations
with former Jamaican Prime Minister, the late Michael
Manley, to accept an award for his work regarding the
late South African Prime Minister, Nelson Mandela, in
fighting against apartheid. Manley fought for Mandela
and against apartheid from the start, even when it
wasn't popular to do so (there was much global
After Mandela's release from prison,
where he was unjustly incarcerated for 27-years due to
the CIA having admittedly set him up, Mandela was
invited to Jamaica. It was one of the first places he
went to and my family was there with Prime Minister
Manley to greet him. My aunt, Jamaica's award winning
poet laureate, even wrote a poem for Mandela's wife

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Growing up in America from age 9, I saw
a lot of smart African-Americans, but wondered why none
were president or vice president of the United States.
That is why I wrote "Presidential Dreams" over 20-years
ago and copyrighted it with the Library of Congress.
Fast-forward to 2019, and they start
using the "Presidential Dreams" script and sequels
again. This time for Joe Biden, a white man, and Kamala
Harris, a black woman, to be president and vice
president, just like in my copyrighted fictitious script
and sequel from 20-YEARS AGO.
Here's where it gets even weirder. In my
script "Presidential Dreams" I am designated to play the
black female vice president of the United States (I also
wrote and copyrighted the soundtrack 20-years ago). As
stated above, I am Jamaican and moved to America (Miami)
at age 9. My name is Aisha
Harris' dad is Jamaican just like mine. She and I are
mixed race black women and have similar ancestries.
We're both black with Indian and Irish blood (I'm also
part English). Kamala's white Irish great-great-great
grandfather started a town in Jamaica in the 1800s
called Brown Town (after his last name Brown). My white
English great-great grandfather, William Harvey, who
married a black woman of African ancestry in Jamaica,
started and built a city in Jamaica called Harvey River
(and named it after his last name Harvey).
My aunt, an award winning poet and
professor, wrote a book about our family ancestry,
released in 2007, which includes these facts about our
English ancestor William Harvey, whose line descends
from that of the family of English physician, William Harvey, who
discovered the circulatory system in the 1600s. There's
a school and hospital named after him in England. My
aunt's book on our ancestry won all sorts of awards
around the world. In 2007 the Washington Post book club
called the book on our family history, "Book of the
There are similarities between me and
William Harvey. I had an aneurysm from stress in 2008
due to Madonna and the FBI's criminal conduct. William
Harvey died of an aneurysm in the 1600s. He had a
problem with pain in his toes. I've had that same
problem for years, confirmed by x-rays a doctor did and
illustrated it is due to the formation of the bones in
the toes. My toes look normal on the outside, but the
x-rays show an issue with the bones, which appears to be
genetic. Harvey studied science. I study science. I
write science patents (for pharmaceutical drugs). He was
also deeply religious, as am I. In the 1600s someone
broke into Harvey's home and stole his science papers
he'd authored. He authored more science papers after
that. Among the items in his newer science papers,
illustrated he had discovered the circulatory system,
which is what he is known for to this day.
Madonna repeatedly commissioned
break-ins to my home to steal copyrighted DVD-ROMs
containing copyrighted scripts, music and other literary
items, when I stopped authoring copyrights on my
computer that was connected to the internet, as she had
begun paying hackers to hack into my computer and copy
the contents, which she later illegally used. I have
police reports from Miami regarding this.
The FBI and Madonna have been harassing
me over my science work, regarding working on cures to
deadly disease, the main one cancer, for which I have
made great progress. If they thought it was a lie or
hoax regarding my science patent work, they wouldn't
have said anything, ignored me and laughed it off.
However, during a medical check-up in the summer of
2016, the Obama administration had me threatened out of
nowhere in the medical office of Dr. Eva Goyette in
Miami. She has since left Miami and is now with Kaiser
Permanente in Atlanta, Georgia.
During the check-up at rude Dr.
Goyette's office in Miami in the summer of 2016, a
so-called medical professional she had waiting in the
wings to threaten me, out of nowhere and unprovoked got
aggressive with me and said, "Sickness is a
multi-billion dollar industry in America and they don't
want anything cured. We don't want anything cured." I
wasn't even talking about my science patent work
regarding cancer. Never brought it up. I was just there
for a check up in the medical office and out of nowhere
she brought this vile man to threaten me over my science
patent work, in what was prearranged. He spoke with such
unprovoked hate, anger and contempt. I was in shock. I
remained calm and barely said anything, just wanting to
get the unprofessional and disgusting check-up over
with, as they criminally violated my rights with their
I've written articles on cancer and
HIV/AIDS that later proved true and correct. Among them
are (Man Contracts HIV While On PrEP Drug Truvada Confirming
Site's Previous Claims
The U.S. Food And Drug Administration Confirms Breast
Implants Can Cause Breast Cancer As Stated Previously On This Site
Flu Reboot Being Attributed To Human Error
Is Advancing).
Even recently during the coronavirus
(Covid-19) pandemic, I used my research work and
authored then published to this site time stamped
articles on the disease, that months later proved true
and correct:
China And New York Hospitals Using
Vitamin C To Aid In Treating Coronavirus Patients (Confirming Previous
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site
Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe As Previously Stated On The Site (Covid-19)
New Scientific Study Confirms Coronavirus
Sufferers Having Difficulty Expelling CO2 As Previously Stated On The
Coronavirus Infection Rate Skyrockets Among American Kids
With The Reopening Of Schools As Previously Predicted On The Site
Britain Death Toll From Coronavirus
Becomes The Highest In Europe Due To Prime Minister Boris Johnson's
Failed Herd Immunity Strategy
Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Man In Hong Kong Contracts
Coronavirus For A Second Time Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)
The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Sent The U.S. Economy
To Historically High Unemployment Levels (Video)
Coronavirus Vaccine
Makes Patient Seriously Ill With Transverse Myelitis Confirming Previous
Site Claims About Safety Issues
Coronavirus Vaccines In Trouble As Participant In
Research Trial Becomes Seriously Ill Confirming Previous Site Claims
Official Medical Studies State
Coronavirus Damages The Heart Confirming Previous Site Claims
Medical Associations And Researchers
Confirm Conjunctivitis Is A Symptom Of Coronavirus Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Overweight Teachers Have Been Dying
From Coronavirus Since School Reopening In America Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Boris Johnson And
Theresa May Failures In British Government Resulted In 25% Of Medical
Staff Contracting Coronavirus And Many Dying
New York Coronavirus Cases Came From
Johnson & Johnson Are The Second Pharma Giant To
Pause Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Due To A Participant Developing
Unexplained Illnesses Confirming Previous Site Claims
Another Person Contracts Coronavirus For The
Second Time And Worse Than Before Confirming Previous Site Claims
Pharmaceutical Giant Eli Lilly
Pauses Coronavirus Antibody Drug Due To Dangerous Side Effects
Confirming Previous Site Claims
President Trump Was Suffering From
Chest Pains When He Contracted Coronavirus Confirming Previous Claims
AstraZeneca Coronavirus Vaccine
Trial Participant Dies Confirming Previous Claims
The New York Times Interviews
Sufferers Of Covid-19 Brain Fog Who Are Exhibiting The Signs Of Dementia
Confirming Previous Site Claims
During the sick criminal abuses of the
Obama administration, where Joe Biden was vice
president, I got sick and could have died due to stress
(aneurysm and then a heart problem occurred from stress
as a direct result of the human rights abuses against
I was being harassed during the 2008
election and after they got in office. Steal a script
and try to destroy its author became the order of the
day at the Obama administration over "Presidential
Dreams." They are a misogynistic, worthless, nasty set
of people. I never did anything to them. I was living my
life and minding my business, but they began criminally
exploiting and terrorizing me in such sick ways (News Report:
Obama IRS Targeted Christians As Previously Stated On
The Site).
The abuses under the Obama
administration were horrific. I got sick as mentioned
above, and several of my friends were fired from their
jobs when they would not commit the crimes against me
the FBI and Madonna demanded. They harassed my family in
London, England, which is outside American jurisdiction
and constitutes a massive set of crimes to have done so.
The FBI and Madonna's cult stalked,
approached, terrorized and harassed me in London when I
peacefully lived there in 2012 and 2015. The FBI and
Madonna acted like I was some runaway slave they were
there to retrieve. They also stalked and harassed me in
Jamaica in 2006 and 2012. They also illegally wiretapped
me in Jamaica in criminal violation of the law.
All this because these greedy, thieving,
power hungry degenerates want to steal to make ill
gotten wealth and for job titles, accolades and awards
that are unearned. Their conduct in stealing my
copyrights is also criminally robbing Jamaica of
billions in tax money and hundreds of awards as well. It
is stealing from a smaller nation, which is considered
very bad form all over the international community, and
known as ill will.
The abuses include showing up outside my
home in Miami on various occasions then trying to gain
illegal entry, criminally trespassing, and engaging in
aggravated harassment and stalking. Madonna and the FBI,
among others engaging in the aforementioned crimes, are
absolute gutter trash.
They stole my copyrights, my $500,000
house through fraud and my money (again through fraud)
in bids at destroying my ability to do my copyright and
patent work. They've gone around illegally trying to
destroy my relationships with family and friends, who
they've unlawfully harassed. They've threatened men who
show a romantic interest in me. They've threatened me
that I'm not allowed to reproduce.
They've tried to kill me via
attempted vehicular homicide. It is the FBI's
COINTELPRO styled abuses, plus Madonna waging her vile
mafia styled crap via people like Pellicano. You know,
for all Congress' claims of America being a free and
fair country, the FBI, Madonna and Hollywood have put
that to shame, proving it is not true at all, by
committing these heinous human rights abuses, which have
not desisted.
They are going to bring America down
with this madness they are doing. They are stealing
elections, criminally and surreptitiously
spying on people in their homes like nasty dirty
perverted trash, and stealing large financial assets
from others. They are power hungry lunatics
transgressing all bounds of human decency, in attempting
to greedily control the world and all its resources.
And they have the nerve to be quoting
the Bible while doing this (Obama did so and now Biden
is doing the same on social networking). Furthermore, in
reference to anyone who is saying Obama or Biden are of
God that person has been corrupted and is committing
God has no part in evil. People like
Obama and Biden love abusing Christianity and the name
of God for publicity to appear good to a nation that is
overwhelmingly Christian (75%). However, Obama, Biden
and company, are rotten and evil to the core. God has
nothing to do with them or their despicable behavior.
They are what you call, "A wolf in sheep's clothing."
Some people keep using the word "coup"
regarding President Trump's time in office. But do you
even know what a coup is or what the word means. It is
defined as "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of
power from a government." Trump won the 2016 election
(it was not a coup) and the 2020 election is being
stolen from him (Evidence Uncovered Of Election Fraud
As Voting Machines Stole Donald Trump Votes And Gave Them To Joe Biden In The
Presidential Election). Stealing an election is a "coup."
There are things Trump has done that I
do not agree with, as previously stated on this site (his
stance on Mexicans as I'm pro-Mexico, his immigration
policies, things he has said about vets and the
disabled, things he's said about Mexicans, and enacting
the Muslim ban). However, he won the election and it's
being stolen from him by crazy Biden, who is following
and infringing a copyrighted script.
Not to mention, in 2016 there was no way
I was going to back Hillary Clinton for president on
this site (as some were arrogantly demanding) after her
involvement in the Anthony Pellicano case, as stated
above, having hired Pellicano to do the unthinkable to
defenseless women. I know more about that case that I
have publicly stated. In a future item I will divulge
more regarding things the Clintons did in tandem with
Pellicano. Then it all spilled over into the Obama
administration, who committed horrific human rights
These people are going to have a massive
and unprecedented global fall. God doesn't like ugly and
He will address their vile conduct that is harming
humanity via stealing other people's assets for undue
enrichment, and fighting to thwart pharmaceutical
patents regarding diseases such as cancer, in order to
cover up their crimes. They're not getting away with
anything. God will punish their crimes against humanity.
God has never failed and He's not gonna start now. God
will bring justice.
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
News Report:
Obama IRS Targeted Christians As Previously Stated On
The Site