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The FBI Visiting Medical Providers Telling Them To Harm Patients For Political Reasons In Criminal Violation Of The Law (Patients Have Been Maimed And Died) - Part 2 July 30. 2018 Former FBI Director and current special prosecutor Robert S. Mueller This is a follow up to the article "The FBI Visiting Medical Providers Telling Them To Harm Patients For Political Reasons In Criminal Violation Of The Law (Patients Have Been Maimed And Died)." The FBI has been engaging in highly criminal misconduct at select hospitals and medical centers. Congress did not give the FBI the authority to do any of these unlawful things, but that has not stopped them from breaking the law across the board domestically and internationally. The FBI had people declared mentally ill, who were not in any measure, all to advance their investigations and court cases, in bids at discrediting innocent people they've targeted for political and financial gain. The FBI also went to hospitals, doctor's offices and medical centers, and obtained DNA materials of select people, to improperly use in fraudulent investigative settings, in conduct detrimental to those targeted by the lawbreaking federal agency. Congress has failed to enact stiff criminal penalties for the illegal collection and misuse of DNA materials. The FBI has used DNA unlawfully obtained from medical offices to plant evidence against innocent people. The FBI's lab was also caught red-handed sending innocent people to prison via falsifying DNA evidence in cases (New Evidence Reveals The FBI Sent People To Death Row Who Were Innocent Of Crimes They Were Convicted Of and Man Wrongfully Imprisoned For 28-Years Due To FBI and Journalist: FBI Blamed Ivins For CIA Anthrax). The FBI has also criminally waltzed into medical facilities improperly and illegally demanding DNA materials of accomplished people (blood, sperm, embryos) and have been experimenting with people's DNA without the authorization of the person the DNA belongs to, in what constitutes very sick and depraved human rights violations. They are perversely violating people in this manner via this criminal misconduct. Who is the FBI to be playing with people's DNA in labs and without permission. That's not what Congress gives them taxpayer money to do. They are supposed to prevent and prosecute crime. Is there any wonder so many crimes have happened that the FBI had it in their control to prevent, but as they are so preoccupied spying on people they aren't supposed to be spying on and engaging in criminal misconduct in labs like mad scientists, crime after crime they have been notified of in advance, keeps getting through and costing innocent people their lives (ie FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page and The FBI Ignored Second Credible Tip That Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was Going To Kill Innocent People). These things keep happening to the public's detriment, because of illegal policies and practices instituted under former FBI director Robert S. Mueller, who unlawfully turned the FBI into a spy agency (which is the NSA's legal mandate and not that of the FBI) and a thieving law enforcement outfit who have been behaving like a bunch of dirty slavetraders. PREVIOUS SITE EXCLUSIVES I'VE BROKEN ON THE FBI AND ROBERT MUELLER THAT LATER PROVED TRUE VIA CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS AND PRESS STORIES: The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying Confirming What This Site Previously Stated Confirmed: The FBI Spying On Journalists Emails Just As The Website Previously Stated
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