The Real Motives Behind The FBI's Audacious And
Thieving Criminal Conduct In The Beverly Hills
Safety Deposit Case
September 7. 2024

FBI Director Christopher Wray
The FBI caused an embarrassing
scandal when they stole over $78,000,000 in gold,
cash and jewelry from the U.S. Private Vaults in
Beverly Hills, in criminal violation of a court
order (FBI Agents Steal
Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant).
The FBI got so greedy they even stole the
lifesavings of working class people (The FBI Steals $40,200 From Black
Couple In Ongoing Fraud Scheme Reminiscent Of Hitler's Nazi Police).
The judge slammed their behavior (Judge Issues Restraining Order
Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally
Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business).
It was done as an easy means of stealing money from the public, to
further enable the FBI to live lavishly off taxpayer money (click
here). However, I learned this week from a highly credible
source responsible for some of my site exclusives, it was also for
another reason.
The FBI has insanely been violating the Fourth Amendment
at every turn. The Fourth Amendment is in reference to, "The right of
the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures." I've exposed the FBI many
times in articles on this site for this criminal misconduct (especially
violations of the Fourth Amendment), then weeks and months later, it
hits the mainstream press, the courts and Congress, proving me correct:
The FBI Caught Engaging In Warrantless And
Unconstitutional Surveillance Again That Criminally Violated The Privacy Of 3.4
Million People In America Which Confirms Previous Site Claims
Elon Musk And Missouri Attorney
General Eric Schmitt Expose FBI Corruption Regarding The Law Enforcement
Agency Meddling In And Controlling Twitter Which Confirms Previous Site
FBI Slammed In The
Mainstream Press And Congress For Secretly Accessing The Public's
Computers Using Backdoors In Operating Systems Such As Windows
Confirming Previous Site Claims
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents
Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via
Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating
The FBI Slammed By Federal Judge For
Secretly Spying On Americans By Using The NSA In Criminal Violation Of
Court Order Confirming Previous Site Claims
FBI Text Messages Expose The Fact Barack Obama Meddled In The
2016 Presidential Election In Illegally Spying On Donald Trump
For His Political Party
Nunes Memo Confirms The Obama Administration FBI Illegally Spied
On Trump During The Presidential Election Confirming Previous
Site Article
New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring
Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims
FBI And NSA Outed Again In New Court
Ruling For Illegally Spying On People In America Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Tells FBI To Buzz Off Denying Request To Hack Into Person's Computer And Spy On
Them Using Their Webcam
The FBI Illegally Spied On And
Tried To Destroy Aretha Franklin Confirming Previous Site Claims
The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying
Confirming What This Site Previously Stated
The FBI Spying On Journalists Emails Just As This Website Previously
Has Been Spying On Black Lives Matter As I Previously Stated
The FBI Caught Spying On Congress
Confirming Previous Site Claims
FBI's Secret Spying Is Unnerving The Public
FBI's Secret File Room
The other reason for the brazen FBI heist in stealing
the property of the American people is the want to bully and coerce
Americans into solely using banks to hold their money. That way the FBI
can see the money you have at all times (digitally) and easily seize it
for whatever reason they feel like. Safety deposit boxes often do not
provide real time data on their contents, especially cash, where people
can move in and out and take what they want from their funds at any time
without restrictions. Banks have restrictions.
They also want to use it as leverage to criminally bully
you into doing their bidding or they'll unlawfully take your money.
America is no longer a nation of laws, but lawless government agencies
like the FBI and DOJ who seek to supplant the president and control
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