U.S. Economy Suffers Massive Job Losses Due To
CoronavirusApril 3. 2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Vice President Mike Pence,
President Donald Trump and Senator Chuck Schumer at the White House
A record 10,000,000 American have filed for
unemployment in the past 2-weeks, due to being out of work because
of the coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19). The unemployment rate is
skyrocketing, after the government had brought it down to a low 2%.
The U.S. stock market is wildly fluctuating as a result of job
losses and revenue declines that cropped up overnight due to the
New York is America's main financial hub and they've
suffered the most deaths in the nation due to the coronavirus. New
York accounts for 40% of America's 6,059 coronavirus deaths (1,941).
Morgues in hospitals are running out of space.
The U.S. government stated it expects anywhere
between 100,000 to 250,000 coronavirus deaths in America. That is a
lot of people. This is very serious. The public must do its part in
staying at home and sanitizing your property in an effort to slow
the outbreak. The goal must be to prevent as many deaths as
The Coronavirus Is Posing A Massive
Threat To The American Economy