Another FBI Official Slammed For Sexual Assault And
Sexual Harassment
June 7. 2021

FBI Director Christopher Wray
A Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request has unmasked another sexual deviant
at the FBI. The agency is a cesspit of inappropriate
sexual behavior, including sexual assault and rape.
The New York Post revealed an
unnamed “high-ranking FBI agent” sexually assaulted
three female subordinates. The Freedom of
Information Act released files also reveal the high-
ranking FBI agent is also a raging alcoholic.
The New York Post reported, “In
one of the incidents, the assistant special agent in
charge allegedly fondled another FBI employee while
they were standing with two other colleagues at an
unidentified watering hole. One woman alleged that
the agent grabbed her butt at an after-hours work
event at a bar. ‘Do you think I should try to sleep
with her?’ he allegedly asked one of his
The newspaper further stated the
FBI agent, “’Rubbed her vagina and buttocks over her
clothing with his hand on multiple occasions for a
few seconds each time,’ the documents state. A
friend who witnessed the groping texted the victim
later that night to check on her.”
The agent also targeted her after
work at a bar where “he grabbed her butt after
saying to her, “tell me that you want me.” The
newspaper also revealed “After the alleged groping,
he once berated the victim in front of other FBI
employees, becoming so enraged that he inadvertently
spat on her while screaming at the top of his
He even asked others regarding one
of his victims, “do you think she does anal?” about
one of his female colleagues.” Stay classy, FBI.
Stay classy (sarcasm).
This type of despicable sexual
assault has been committed by other FBI employees in
and outside the office (FBI Boss Exposed As A Predator
Sexually Assaulting And Harassing Women).
As repeatedly stated on the site,
the FBI behaves as though they are above the law and
can commit any crime they wish. And believe me, they
do on a daily basis. The agency is no good. They
commit more crimes than the criminals.
The FBI is very sinister,
treacherous, dishonest and evil. Stay far away from
them. They cannot be trusted and constantly lie.
They’ve cost innocent many people their lives (FBI
article index and
‘Slimy’ FBI bigwig sexually harassed his
juniors, drank on the job
May 31, 2021 | 1:52pm | Updated -
A “slimy” and “creepy” high-ranking FBI agent groped
three of his female subordinates, made inappropriate
sexual comments in the workplace and regularly drank
on the job, according to documents obtained by The
The unidentified G-man, who worked
as a supervisory assistant special agent in charge,
was investigated by the Department of Justice
Inspector General’s Office, which substantiated
three allegations of unwanted sexual touching and
the illegal boozing, according to the documents,
which were obtained through a Freedom of Information
Act request.
Details about when and where the
conduct took place were redacted, but the records
show the allegations were investigated by the New
York Field Office and the probe was completed on
Dec. 7, 2020...
FBI Employee Arrested For Child Porn
Concerning A 14-Year-Old Girl In An Agency Full Of People Committing Sex
FBI Boss Exposed As A Predator
Sexually Assaulting And Harassing Women
FBI Agent Arrested For Raping And
Sodomizing An 11-Year-Old Girl