Completely Healthy Miami Doctor Dies From Stroke After
Getting Coronavirus Vaccine And Blamed It For The Destruction Of His
Health Confirming Previous Site ClaimsWent To Hospital 3-Days After The Vaccine Caused Red Spots To
Appear On His Body And Died Of A Hemorrhagic Stroke
January 7. 2021

Dr. Gregory Michael
56-year-old Miami doctor, Gregory Michael, blamed
the Pfizer/Biotech coronavirus vaccine for the stroke he experienced
that ultimately killed him within a short space of time. Michael
died from a hemorrhagic stroke 3-weeks after being administered the
coronavirus vaccine.
The Daily Mail reported, "Heidi Neckelmann says
obstetrician Gregory Michael, 56 - her ‘best friend’ and partner of
28 years – was active, healthy and had no pre-existing conditions
before getting the jab on December 18. However he died from a
and death" which has been happening 5-months after I stated so (Thousands Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks And Strokes Confirming
Previous Site Claims):

Death of Florida doctor after receiving COVID-19 vaccine under
Wed, January 6, 2021, 10:34 PM EST - A Florida
doctor has died several weeks after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine,
although it's not yet clear whether his death Monday was related to
the shot he received on Dec. 18. Dr. Gregory Michael, 56, an OB-GYN
at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, died after suffering a
hemorrhagic stroke apparently resulting from a lack of platelets.
Miami medical examiners are investigating his death,
the Florida Department of Health said in a statement. "The CDC and
FDA are responsible for reviewing COVID-19 vaccine safety data and
presenting that information for federal recommendations on vaccine
administration," communications director Jason Mahon said in an
email. "The state will continue to provide all available information
to the CDC as they lead this investigation."
In a Facebook post, Michael's wife, Heidi Neckelmann,
said he sought emergency care three days after the shot because he
had dots on his skin that indicated internal bleeding. The condition
she said led to his stroke, called thrombocytopenia, results from a
lower-than-normal number of platelets, which help the blood clot...
Miami medical examiners are investigating his death, the
Florida Department of Health said in a statement.
"The CDC and FDA are responsible for reviewing
COVID-19 vaccine safety data and presenting that information for
federal recommendations on vaccine administration," communications
director Jason Mahon said in an email. "The state will continue to
provide all available information to the CDC as they lead this
In a Facebook post, Michael's wife, Heidi Neckelmann,
said he sought emergency care three days after the shot because he
had dots on his skin that indicated internal bleeding. The condition
she said led to his stroke, called thrombocytopenia, results from a
lower-than-normal number of platelets, which help the blood clot...
EXCLUSIVE: Wife of 'perfectly healthy' Miami doctor, 56, who
died of a blood disorder 16 days after getting Pfizer Covid-19
vaccine is certain it was triggered by the jab, as drug giant
investigates first death with a suspected link to shot
PUBLISHED: 18:54 EST, 6 January 2021 | UPDATED:
19:29 EST, 6 January 2021 - The grieving wife of a leading Florida
doctor has told how her ‘perfect’ husband died from a
mystery blood disorder - just days after getting the Pfizer Covid-19
Heidi Neckelmann says obstetrician Gregory Michael,
56 - her ‘best friend’ and partner of 28 years – was active, healthy
and had no pre-existing conditions before getting the jab on
December 18. However he died from a stroke Sunday morning after
suddenly developing a rare autoimmune illness that causes the body
to destroy its own platelets, the tiny fragments that help blood to
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Thousands Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks And Strokes Confirming
Previous Site Claims
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Previously Stated On The Site