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FBI Director Christopher Wray Is The Subject Of Pedophilia Allegations

August 23. 2024

Former FBI Robert S. Mueller descends from literal Nazis. This man is a literal devil. Mueller is the one who started Epstein off at the FBI. Mueller also used a pedophile as a witness in his failed Russian collusion case (The FBI Slammed In Inspector General's Report For Spending $42,000,000 Per Year In Taxpayer Money Paying Informants Including A Pedophile ).

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has a pedophilia problem. Previously on the site I wrote about the third party mainstream press item slamming the FBI as the top child porn distributor in the world (Human Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered They've Become The World's Top Distributor Of Child Porn).

There are many cases of FBI employees getting arrested for pedophilia A few of them are: (FBI Employee Arrested For Child Porn Concerning A 14-Year-Old Girl In An Agency Full Of People Committing Sex Crimes and Another FBI Agent Arrested For Being A Pedophile Sexually Abusing Children and FBI Agent Arrested For Raping And Sodomizing An 11-Year-Old Girl).

Then there's the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, where it was discovered the FBI looked the other way to the disgusting pedophile sex trafficking thousands of girls for over 20-years, because he was on their payroll as an informant (Jeffrey Epstein Was An FBI And CIA Employee For 20-Years And They Looked The Other Way To His Sick Sex Crimes Against Children).

Many of the girls alleged Epstein secretly filmed them as minors having sex with rich and famous people, especially world leaders and royalty, then in tandem with the Feds, used it to blackmail peoplee into doing their bidding. The FBI knew underage girls, some as young as 11-years-old were being raped on a regular basis, and did nothing to stop it, putting so-called power and greed in controlling influential people, above the welfare and safety of children.

The FBI was recently sued by the victims of pedophile Epstein, stating the agency facilitated his sex crimes against children (The FBI Sued By Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein Over The Law Enforcement Agency's 20-Year Cover Up Of Their Informant's Pedophilic Crimes Against Underage Girls While Using Him To Blackmail The Rich And Famous).

The cover up has been big as many people are involved (Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Victim Sarah Ransome Who Stated There Is A Secretly Recorded Tape Of Former President Barack Obama And His Wife Michelle Obama Having Sex With An Underage Girl Is Receiving Threats and Select Names Are Being Published From The Epstein Pedophile List Placing Former President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, The Obamas, Bill Gates And Oprah Winfrey On The Hot Seat).

Former FBI Directors James Comey (left) and Robert Mueller (center), as well as Former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe (right), all turned a blind eye to the pedophilia occurring at the law enforcement agency. Meanwhile, they egregiously waste taxpayer money on things such as a $70,000 desk which is more expensive than the one used by the President of the United States.

Then there's the USA Gymnastics scandal, regarding team doctor, Larry Nassar, molesting hundreds of underage girls, some as young as age eight. One of his victims is famous Olympic gymnast, Simone Biles. The FBI knew of Nassar's sick crimes against underage girls, but looked the other way to it and treated the victims badly when they complained (The FBI's Deliberate Criminal Negligence And Obstruction Of Justice In The USA Gymnastics Case That Allowed Underage Gymnasts To Be Raped And Sexually Assaulted Exhibits A Pattern Of Criminal Behavior Present In Other Sex Crime Cases Such As Those Concerning Madonna And Hollywood).

Rather than save the underage gymnasts, the FBI covered it up out of self-interest (FBI Official Covered Up Sexual Abuse Of Underage Girls On The U.S. Olympic Team Because He Wanted To Become Head Of U.S. Gymnastics). The girls and their families had to go public with the story to the press, to force enough public attention to get the sick, sex abuses stopped.

FBI Director Christopher Wray, who is a voyeur that likes spying on people in perverse ways, has been in the job since August 2017 and has completely failed at every turn. Wray is also the FBI Director in office when infamous pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, mysteriously died in a suicide, his family's coroner stated was murder. Former FBI Director James Comey's daughter, Maurene Comey, has been publicly accused of losing the footage of Epstein's last hours in jail before he was killed. She stated in a legal report that the footage "no longer exists."

A highly credible official in the international community recently alleged of current FBI Director, Christopher Wray, "He is one of the highest ranking pedophiles in the U.S. government." The official also privately stated of Wray, "His wife and children do not know." Congress needs to take a good look into this man.


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