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The FBI Makes Appearance In Homeland Security's Criminal Case Against Diddy To Corrupt It

April 1. 2024

FBI Director Christopher Wray wants some publicity too

Homeland Security raided the mansions of rap mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs last week, which sent shockwaves through Hollywood. The raids were triggered by music producer Lil Rod who sued Diddy for sex trafficking, sexual assault, and theft of music royalties and pay. Some in the industry were happy at the news of the raids, as Diddy has abused and defrauded so many people. Diddy has also been accused of commissioning murders. However, those in Diddy's sex trafficking circle became worried.

Then out of nowhere, the FBI makes an appearance in Homeland Security's case against Diddy. People all over social networking, even famous individuals, are stating it is to seize and destroy evidence against high profile figures. Diddy is heavily involved with Democrat politicians. Lil Rod's lawsuit accuses Diddy of secretly recording high profile politicians, athletes, entertainers and Hollywood executives having sex with prostitutes, and in some instances with minors at his parties, then using it to blackmail them.

Diddy (right) and child sex trafficker Madonna (left), who runs the Kabbalah cult in Hollywood

Diddy and Hollywood cult leader, Madonna, were also in the same pedophile ring as the late Jeffrey Epstein, who would illegally and secretly record high profile politicians, athletes, entertainers and Hollywood executives having sex with sex trafficked minors, then use it to blackmail them. Convicted rapist and Hollywood movie producer, Harvey Weinstein, is also in that pedophile ring. Weinstein had even opened a modeling agency for access to young women and underage girls, some of whom accused him of rape.

Previously on the site, I wrote about the 2007 incident regarding FBI in Miami taking over the case of pedophile Epstein in Palm Beach (Florida), ordering local police to stand down, then corrupting the proceedings. The sex trafficked girls publicly complained the FBI took over then pigeonholed the criminal case against Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein (left) and former U.S. President Bill Clinton (right)

Then U.S. Attorney, Alexander Acosta, proverbially threw up his hands to the Miami Herald, and stated he was told he had to release Epstein as he is "U.S. intelligence" (Congresswoman Jackie Speier Asks The FBI If Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was One Of Their Informants But He Was Actually In The CIA and Jeffrey Epstein Was An FBI And CIA Employee For 20-Years And They Looked The Other Way To His Sick Sex Crimes Against Children). The FBI and CIA were using Epstein to blackmail high profile people for over 20-years at the expense of thousands of underage girls they knew were being sex trafficked ("Surviving Jeffrey Epstein").

The FBI seized and has been hiding evidence of high profile figures having sex with minors at Epstein's mansions (The FBI Sued By Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein Over The Law Enforcement Agency's 20-Year Cover Up Of Their Informant's Pedophilic Crimes Against Underage Girls While Using Him To Blackmail The Rich And Famous). Among the high profile figures is former U.S. President Bill Clinton, as identified by victims.

Michelle Obama and Barack Obama

One of the sex trafficked women from the Epstein criminal case, who was a minor when the abuse began, also came forward in recent times and stated Epstein secretly recorded former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama having sex with a minor (Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Victim Sarah Ransome Who Stated There Is A Secretly Recorded Tape Of Former President Barack Obama And His Wife Michelle Obama Having Sex With An Underage Girl Is Receiving Threats). She began receiving death threats after going public with the news. Diddy is also friends with the Obamas and have invited them to his events, and vice versa. Now the FBI has jumped into the Diddy case. The FBI is there to corrupt the case to protect high profile criminals, such as the Clintons.


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