FBI Agent Arrested For Stealing $800,000 From A
Woman And Using It To Buy A House, Mercedes And Take
Lavish Trips
June 3. 2021

William Roy Stone
As previously stated on the site,
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are dirty,
racist, slavetrading,
bribe taking thieves (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
A retired FBI agent in Texas has
been arrested for crimes he committed against a
mother of four. William Roy Stone Jr., who is now
62-years of age, began stealing money from a woman
several years ago. It gives the impression he was
with the FBI when the scam started. In total Stone
stole $800,000 in money and assets from the woman.
Stone lied to the woman, informing
her she is on "secret probation." As such he kept
demanding money from her in exchange for not
throwing her in prison. Stone used the funds he
extorted from the victim to finance lavish trips,
buy a house and a Mercedes.
Stone used his dirty FBI training on
the victim by trying to isolate her from her family,
in turning her against them and vice versa (he
convinced her they were after money she inherited
from her grandmother and she should "distance
herself from them"). In reality, the greedy, cruel
agent was trying to isolate her from her family to
steal all her money.
The FBI often uses this slimeball
tactic on innocent people, such as law abiding
activists and businesspeople they seek to target and
rob of their property. I've written about this
practice on the site for over a decade. It's a
common and sick practice at the FBI, used to
psychologically harm and destroy their victims,
indicating the agency is severely mentally ill,
sadistic, sinister, perverse and treacherous.
As it turns out, Stone made the
whole thing up about the victim being in trouble
with the law. He tried to make it look real by
giving her documents signed by a "Judge Anderson."
However, Stone had falsified the documents in
criminal violation of the law. There was no "Judge
Anderson" or "secret probation." Stone even proposed
to the victim.
Stone is now potentially facing up
to "178-years in federal prison" on "seven counts of
wire fraud and one count each of wire fraud
conspiracy, false impersonation of a federal
officer, engaging in monetary transactions in
property derived from unlawful activity and false
statements to law enforcement" according to MSNBC.
Another dirty FBI tactic Stone used
on the victim is threatening to arrest her (for a
crime she did not commit) and stating he would have
her kids taken from her via the government's child
welfare services taking custody.
In a number of cases the FBI has
threatened to take people's kids if they do not
cooperate and break the law in questionable
investigations that are without merit, but rather
politically and financially motivated.
There are FBI agents who secretly
threatened people that they would destroy their
children's lives and futures if they did not fully
cooperate in doing unethical, unconstitutional and
highly illegal things for the so-called law
enforcement agency.
There are incidents of FBI agents
trespassing on school grounds in America and
Britain, among other places, and threatening the
underage children of people who refused to cooperate
in unethical FBI cases rooted in political and
financial gain.
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
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Gets A Slap On The Wrist In Avoiding Prison Time
Three Movies Released Denouncing The Federal Bureau
Of Investigation As Criminals Abusing And Killing
Black People (FBI)
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
The FBI Slammed For Lying About UK
Prosecutor To Get Him Fired Leading To Him Winning Employment Case Over
Wrongful Termination
The FBI Exposed In The Mainstream
Press Over The Sexual Assault And Harassment Of Women At The Corrupt Law
Enforcement Agency
FBI Boss Exposed As A Predator
Sexually Assaulting And Harassing Women
Letter From Police Officer Reveals
The FBI Killed Malcolm X (Videos)
FBI Agent Arrested For Raping And
Sodomizing An 11-Year-Old Girl
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases
50 Instances Of FBI Agents Accepting Bribes